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Derek is just really cute. And now he's got a new outfit! We showed a screenshot earlier where Derek invited the MC over for a sleepover and now here it is in action. A man of his word. 




lol i like dogs

Kaitlin Anderson

He's 👏 So 👏 Stinkin' 👏 Cute 👏


Random question, but are those shorts or pants?

Anna Bia

He's such a cutie, but i'm kinda worried? He is so insecure, poor baby

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

My heart I can't this is too adorable I love him so much. Seeing him so insecure literally made me "snap", I just want to put my hand on his cheeks, squish them and make him look at me while I tell him that I'm having fun. Then I would definitely hug him until he feel better XD I love Cove, that will never change, however after seeing more of Derek I feel like we are more similiar than I thought, I really liked him before and now when I slowly see more of him I feel like I can relate to him more than I could with Cove, I feel kinda bad saying this even if in the end they are both fictional and I love all the characters regardless XD Still, I feel like I can really relate to Derek and we are more similiar than I thought.


He is so precious! I love seeing his insecure and shy side! I remember seeing him blush during the School Work moment but it's so cute to see how much he cares and it almost seems like he's pushing himself to connect with you. This is giving me flash backs to when I was a teenager, but now I can have confidence to enjoy the company of the people who really care about me! AHH I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DLC!!!


little guy, he's so cute...


Cutie patootie!!

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

As personal opinion I would say pants, mostly because I feel like he would use those and because I don't think that they used shorts for characters pajamas at least in this game but of course this doesn't mean that it's impossible they are shorts, however I feel like personally those are full pants otherwise there should be a way to know that those are shorts unless it's not visual be written.


I always like a guy in black

Jeremiah Mack

is it just me or did the image quality really go up? I just noticed there were shadows, diffuse lighting, glare and reflections (like on the flat counter top) This looks rendered and rendered well!


but like, this whole moment is just so sweet and nice. derek's so nice.


The Derek relationship really and truly feels different than Cove. With Cove, you take care of him for the most part. However, Derek is constantly trying to take care of you... and everyone else. It's really sweet. And both are great in their own ways.