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November is already over! Geeze, there's just not enough time in a month. I honestly almost didn't post this today but I was entirely convinced November wasn't ending yet. Well, we tried and did get plenty finished these past weeks, even if it's always hard not to wish you did more. Let's get into the break down of it all-

Monthly Content Summary:

Between work on OL1 and OL2 34,000 words were drafted/scripted and 40,000 words
were programmed, and there was even more script work done in terms of editing/proofreading and looser brainstorming. Not bad at all. Those words/programming went right into the Wedding DLC Beta build that was released this month and the Our Life: Now & Forever demo beta that wasn't release this month.

Speaking of the OL2 demo, it is very close to being ready. We almost made it. But, for various reasons, adding all the many details for the scenes makes programming OL2 even more time consuming than OL1. This was the first month we began implementing events and I had underestimated how long it'd take, aha. I've got a better idea now and the beta for the demo will come out in December! 

We also were able to post here on Patreon nearly everyday!

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This ends our posts for November. We'll be back again next month, the final one of the year. Oh boy. We'll do our best with the little time left in 2021.




Super excited to see what December has in store! Even if nothing is released to be played, I just get really excited to see the sprites and background progress for OL2 and the Wedding DLC! Everything is so super cute <3 It's been said before but definitely make sure yall take time for yourselves, especially around the holidays. You're doing great work and you absolutely deserve it!


As always thank you for all your hard work! We appreciate the level of care you put into these games!