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So, hello to all the new people visiting our Patreon, ahah. And, of course, good greetings to everyone who was already here. We've had a huge increase in activity since that Patreon Bonus Moment released. I'm amazed and very appreciative of everybody who's taken the time to play it. I wasn't sure it'd be what people wanted, but it's great to see so many fans enjoying how the relationship progressed in that scene.

We've gotten a few messages/comments wondering if there will ever be more content like that. Originally, that was going to be the one special bonus Moment we ever did. But because we've gotten so much extra funding already and players have felt what was there did work with their overall OL experience, we can actually consider doing a second 18+ Patreon Moment! It'd be set in Step 4 when Cove and the MC are older/more experienced, and likely when they're already married. So we'll have to release Step 4 and the Wedding DLC before we begin work on another bonus Moment, but it is at least something that's in the cards. We'll see how taxed the team is with the Derek and Baxter DLCs once we've wrapped up the last of the major Cove expansions and how players are feeling about everything a few months after the original Patreon Moment has been out.

Also, Patreon has some news about taxes. They sent creators a post they can use to inform their supporters, so I'm just gonna copy/paste that exact thing here, haha.
I wanted to give you a heads up about a small change to required tax on pledges. Patreon already adds sales tax/VAT/GST to pledges from patrons in most US states and several other countries—anywhere that’s required by law. They’re now required to start adding tax in a few new places: Canada (other than Quebec where Patreon already charges QST), Thailand, Florida, and Kansas.  If you live in one of those places, you should see a small amount of tax added to your pledge starting July 15th for per post, and August 1st for monthly.

If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here. If you still have questions, the best place to get an answer is from Patreon’s customer support team, here.


Patreon sent another email about taxes, we're including the extra info now:

On July 6th we sent an email with updates about required sales tax on Patreon. We’ve since received additional guidance from Canadian tax authorities and need to make a correction.

Our email said that the GST rate we’ll charge is 5% across Canada, other than Quebec where the QST rate is 9.975%. We wanted to clarify that the 5% federal GST rate applies in addition to any local/provincial taxes. So for example, patrons in Quebec may be charged up to 14.975% tax (federal GST of 5% plus Quebec QST of 9.975%). In some provinces, the combined federal and local tax is called HST, or Harmonized Sales Tax.

To see a list of provinces in Canada and their local tax rates, click
here. For more on sales tax on Patreon, click here. If you have additional questions, send us a note here.

Thanks for your patience as we navigate changing tax laws.

Thanks again everyone! We'll keep doing our best with all the upcoming OL1 and OL2 content ♡



The bonus moment was so nice, a second one would be amazing! Take care of your team, we love Cove and can wait a bit longer for more lovely times with him so you won't be overworked. You're all doing fantastic, and we appreciate you and your work so much! 💚


Am I hearing a honeymoon Bonus Moment 😩 But in all seriousness, take care of yourselves!! Take plenty of breaks. We'll be here for the content whenever it's ready


I really enjoyed the bonus moment and would love to have another one done in the future.


Your game is the best game I’ve ever played in my 27 years of living. I’m not even joking. I love this game so much. I happened upon it when I saw a TikTok video. Thank you all for your hard work and TALENT!! I loved the bonus moment a lot and would love more in the future! I can’t wait for everything that’s to come! Behind you always!


I love this game so much, no joking. It was so well written that it feels like I actually befriended Cove and Liz is my actual sister.

Petty Yang

Your game is amazing and has to be one of if not the best I've played in my life. I even decided to financially support it just to show my love for it! Q_Q That's big for me because I'm a pretty frugal person, but I will always be glad to open my wallet to openly show my support! <3


The bonus moment was amazing and well written! It was filled with so much love and fun that it made me blush and sequel a lot. Love how considerate the team continues to be by giving players control over how explicit they want the moment to be! I would absolutely love to pay for another bonus moment like this one! Especially one where Cove and MC are older and more experienced!


I mean, Cove has always been cute, but Step 4 Cove is hot. Bonus Moment Honeymoon? It's all the awkwardness of Cove in an intimate situation, but more! We already have all the basics, aquarium (daytime fun), hotel (location), and Patreon Moment 1 (Foreplay & maybe build on what you told Cove you liked).

Flavia Helena

We need bonus moment honeymoon edition!!! xDDD like, for real.


I AM SO EXCITED THIS IS A REAL POSSIBILITY!!!!! I immediately started searching for any possible hints of a step 4 bonus moment as soon as I finished the patreon bonus moment. THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY AHHHHHHHH THANK YOU! I want them to share even more intimacy together... going "all the way" like Cove mentioned? Building on what Cove said he liked? Any and all opportunities to see more blushing and speechless Cove will be SO APPRECIATED


Their romance and interactions are just so positive and loving... I love them so much!!!!! I'm so happy I found this game~


I'm so excited! Take care. we'll be super patient <3

Anna Bia

I am just... please take my money!!! u guys are amazing and i really want more Cove S2