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Since we're getting into showing content for the different time periods of Our Life: Now & Forever, I figured it was about time to reveal exactly what the timespan of the story is. This is it-

Step 1: 2010, LIs are 10

Step 2: 2014, LIs are 14

Step 3: 2018, LIs are 18

Step 4: 2022, LIs are 22

I think this is a pretty nice range. It makes the LIs older in the first two Steps so you can experience different types of kid/teen moments, still allows us to set Step 3 right at the precipice of adulthood for a climatic end, makes it so they're not so old in the Step 4 epilogue that we can't manage how many ways their lives could've gone, and keeps the year date modern to about when the game will likely release.

For comparison, that makes Cove two years older than these new love interests! Which again is fitting, since his game will likely have come out about two years earlier than theirs. 

What do you guys think of the new ages/years we're going with for the second game?





I didn't realize Baxter was 3 years older than Qiu, since he's 19 in 2016 according to OL1 Step 3. That's kind of an interesting turn-around since Qiu is the 'leader' of their group.


I like this age range ^^ Starting from double digits instead of at 8 like the original. Be interested to see the little differences there are with the age difference :D


I think this is a good range! This means the MC and the LI's are a year older than me which is also pretty nice! :)


As someone who's within that age range (1999-2000), I like that thought. To have a fall-themed game is perfect. It's a bit of a reminder of my teen years and the music I'm into. In the end, I probably will have a good enjoyment out of it all. If the writing might be twice as better as the first, it might hit me harder. Can't wait to see the developments.


I'm a year older than Cove (I thought he was born in '97, but I guess it was '98?) and these characters are the same age as my younger brother :)


I'm really glad you went for a higher age range this time. My favorite Step in the first game was definitely Step 2 because teenage hormones and emotions are a perfect combination for dramatic events.


i know its only a 2 year age gap, and its not really a big deal... but being able to be a "millennium baby" in OL2 and having the LIs share that with me is so special for some reason T~T i feel so personally attached to this game already <3


So does this mean Baxter is 13 in step 1 since he's 1 year older thatn Cove and the MC from OL 1? I ask because in the boys club picture he doesn't look 3 years older than Qui maybe 1 year at most.


I adored those cutesy moments we had w/ 8 yr old MC but I just know 10yr old MC will be a harbinger of chaos- I mean fun for sure!


Made me realize I’m the same age as Cove in real life!


omg the current characters are gunna be my exact age this time around! this makes me extremely excited for the game even more and feel even more like i am growing up with them!