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Well, the poll to pick which Moment gets programmed next isn't over, but it's looking pretty likely that the event being added to the beta build after Magic will be Slumber Party! So, since people are that interested in it, here's a preview for that Moment. I hope you're ready for some childhood crimes. What else are sleepovers for?

Pure Text:

tam “Let’s play dare or double-dare.” 

“Qiu gave a sharp chuckle while placing his pillow at the head of the bed where it belonged.”

qiu “Isn’t it truth or dare?” 

tam “No. I don’t care about answering questions.” 

“She also didn’t care much about her own dare or double-dare idea, ‘cause it was an excuse for her true plan.”

“Tamarack cupped her hands at the sides of her mouth to keep the words between her, you, and Qiu alone. Her low voice was intense and, well, daring.”

tam “I dare us to break into my Opa’s office.”


if rule breaker: 

if not silent:

mc “What?”

if silent:



“Was there something in there? Did her grandpa have some kinda deep dark secret? Qiu was intrigued by this possibility.”



if rule follower: 

if not silent:

mc “What?”

if silent:



“Breaking in to her grandfather’s private office? Tamarack suggested a huge misdeed like it was nothing. Qiu was intrigued.”



qiu “Why?”

“Slowly, carefully, as if something was gonna jump out at her the second she did it, Tamarack turned towards the huge hole in the wall that opened into the hall.”

tam “I’m not allowed to go there, “It’s not a place for kids to play”, and I’ve never gotten to sneak in.” 

tam “Opa spends a lot of time in his office, but if he’s not there Omi is always downstairs and could catch me.”

tam “At bedtime when we’re all upstairs, it’s too hard to go down. The house is creaky and dark.”

“She glanced towards her sleepover guests again. Tamarack grinned with all her teeth.”

tam “But now we’re already downstairs and Omi and Opa are upstairs! They can’t stop us.”

“Qiu’s eyes thinned. He was good at making grownups believe he was a good boy, but the leader of this town’s boy’s club wasn’t going to run from a dare that easy.”

qiu “I’m in. I’m not a chicken.”

tam “Yes.” 

“Tamarack hopped in the air from a sitting position and smacked her butt into the mattress. It sent a wave through the saggy mattress that wobbled [you/Qiu].” #if mc sitting on bed



Anime Yay

See, I know I didn't like tammarack for a reason, she just reminds me of this friend I used to have and it's making me hate every interaction cause it's so...fitting. like? Eww( but in a good way)

Konoi Kurozora

Nooo this is my MC's nightmare in Step 1. He's SO not doing this heh. He'd be totally up for it in Step 2, but Tam wouldn't, soo...