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1. Get into setting

2. Look for the word "more" on the right side, click on it

3. Choose "connected apps"

4. Choose "Discord"

If it doesn't work, try to unlink your discord on Patreon and relink it again.

(DM me on this discord if you have any issues, I barely check messages on Patreon)



what is the key please tell me


but or are you discord please or give me key in pv


About the key, you can create a discord account and follow the instructions to get the key


I'm only on mobile am I still able to gain access or no


I’m on mobile too though, could you share an invite for the discord server?


I can't access to the server, i tried on pc but it doesn't work

John Hill

Hi, I was added into the server but there are no channels? I may not have permissions, could you please fix?


I've seen your discord name pop up in the channel, you can try to unlink and relink your discord account on Patreon and try again


I was part of the server but my subscriptions expired because of some money issues and me having to wait to get the funds so I got booted from the server, but now when I try to get back in the link says the server either doesn't exist or there's no channels?


I didn’t see your name in the channel. You can unlink and relink your discord to patreon and try again