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Jim Sullivan - U.F.O

GFR- I'm Your Captain/Closer to my Home



Glad im not the only one who quotes Ralphie May every time I say Cuba diving and norcklin


i worked in a country club kitchen for 2 years and the outro song was alwats played when he would be mopping up at the end of the night, such a great tune. also read some "breakdown" of it as an analogy for getting some fucked up old person dieses and your just trying to get your ship back but realizing you can not and then accepting your getting closer to your home, Heaven of course. cool shit. lemme stop being gay


Oh and tumeric can cross the blood-brain barrier and it may help remove mercury and shit from your brain. I throw a bit of it in my tea


I'm sorry but the spud mode Reddit has almost zero patrons & they complain about BS

African Rose

nancy mace is a snack.


Dear Spud, I wrote you but you still ain't calling, I left a rumble, bitchute, and zerohedge article at the bottom, I sent two recipe tips back in autumn, you must not've got 'em,




From past casts, sounded like Spud or Billy, or both think Anthony Bourdain was part of the Epstein circle. Someone let me know why they think that or post a link to evidence if you can, thanks. Was just listening to a red-pilled finance podcast from legit econ/finance guys who talk about how the Fed fucks the markets, one of the guys - good guy, red-pilled but pain in the ass to listen to said he's reading The Franklin Scandal, these guys are in the 50s and 60s but good to know that they're getting red-pilled. Oh yeah, update on Obama chef, now they say the guy was learning to swim and "making progress" by showing him swimming in a pool on insta (see daily mail uk) - bad vid, could be some other black guy, but could be real too. Lot of other questions still remain.


Fellas, we need to get Billy and Spud to listen to the latest Duncan Trussell Family Hour. You all should listen. It's blowing my mind. UFOs, etc. Please listen.


N spud aka Andrew fuck her and make little spuds

African Rose

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF1OOLsAwo8 biden lets the weak potato brain theatrics slip when hit with a real question...I dont believe for a fucking second his mental faculties are fucked.


If spade isn’t doing face pulls at the gym every time he goes to fix his shoulder, Billy should be fired as his coach. Plus 10 mins on the stair machine to end each session will fix the extra weight issue

Howling Man

brice taylor talking about sly stallone making dophin beastiality porn in exotic coastal locations...wrote it in her book, never was sued by sly for such a bold faced accusation...

Howling Man

brice also mentions the best rabbit hole you'll find; bob hope the mind controller. bob hope was a demon.

Ashlynne Lee

A perfect way to spend two hours this weekend for the Dawgs. Tfh just had wooz on. https://youtu.be/QQ0BFy5x-ZE

David Concepcion

Outro song forever lives in my head cuz it was one of the records I found myself at garage sales as a wee lad


75cents is for Andrew


more on the Ballard / Operation Underground Railroad grift: disclaimer: yes, it's good that human trafficking info is getting out in the mainstream, yes it's good that such a film has done well. but like other deep state or grift operations, a cause can be hijacked by the deep state or those connected to the deep state/regime. It's kind of like what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse. His events went down, but almost immediately a handler came in to steer and direct Kyle and his mother's navigation through all of the press, court proceedings and time in incarceration. Rittenhouse's handler was a supposed Navy Seal, but also had ties to stuff in Haiti. Guy's name is David Hancock, and it was supposedly he who then brought in Lin Wood (bat shit crazy and a grifter) and John Pierce (bat shit crazy and a drunk) and who orchestrated things like having Kyle meet up with the Proud Boys. Look it up. But it illustrates the same type of operation related to Ballard and O.U.R. Ballard left O.U.R. right around release of film Sound of Freedom; Court docs prove Tim Ballard is lying; Some investigations suggest that O.U.R. or Ballard work like an NGO that comes in to a place that might have human trafficking, and then the organization takes over; The talk around the film claims that human trafficking is a giant problem in the USA, yet all or most of the efforts of O.U.R. are in other nations, why wouldn't they focus on the US and within the U.S. instead of farther out? For example, patrol the US border for human trafficking instead of going to Columbia, Thailand or Haiti for problems in those areas? https://redpilledamerica.com/episodes/rpas-culture-club-159-the-thread-part-two/

African Rose

MSSP/WARMODE discord https://discord.gg/Gd2cbjy6


Where’s the video!?! I pay $5 a month. You should have $20,000 cameras to see those beautiful mugs. Hahah jk jk. But iPhones would work boys. Get that video up!! 💪💪 love y’all thanks for all you do


Is Spud on SARMS yet?

African Rose


Howling Man

Avoid THEY CLONED TYRONE movie. Director/crew flat out admit they use Morse code/subliminal audio in the film's audio mix "for fun" and have pointed to a few of those messages they implanted in the sound in a interview. Of course Netflix would be doing that. Disclosing this like it's a cool edgy feature for their conspiracy theory tech movie. Voice 2 Skull tech now in the living rooms.



African Rose



Jewish Historical Pageant Worlds Fair^^


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7zmTSSZwb0 Matt McCusker // The Speed of Light // Full Comedy Special

African Rose

Go watch matts special

Ashlynne Lee

And for more laughs watch this after (skip to 50min mark) https://youtu.be/QQ0BFy5x-ZE


What’s with the store I’m trying to get a bucket hat

Gay Nazi Jew Demon

Is this trump shit a psy op? I’m confused

Howling Man

Devon Archer is a modified Biden clone, perhaps the same litter as Hunter.


These two are the laziest fuckin losers ever


Your brother risked his life showing the future of black America the dangers of body surfing and you 2 can’t drum up enough energy to express your Asperger’s for $5k an hour


These two definitely sucked at their jobs before podcasting. I wouldn’t hire these lazy fucks. Billy probably drives like a blind Asian lady. I wouldn’t hire spud to make me a finger painting


Drop a new cast Billstein and Spudberg


Spud and bill are cool


Step 1: unsub. Step 2. Return back in 6 months and listen the 2 episodes you missed. Step 3: Unsub Step 4 : Enjoy the $30 you saved. Step 5 : Repeat Steps 2-4.

Howling Man

Lot's of great Coast to Coast AM Art Bell Open Lines episodes on youtube. Ghost to Ghost with Art Bell are easy listening if you're bored while working rn.


Clade X was 666 days prior to the who declaring c19 pandemic mar 11 2020 (right around purim).



Jordon white

I got to listen to the whole main episode before it was deleted. Good episode but they didn't say anything out of the ordinary for warmode


No they fucking didnt


What the hell happened


This is what happens when you're over the target, congrats boys. heh, just kidding, didn't get to listen on spotifag. Upload it here - maybe you get a few new patrons. That said, patreon isn't so safe for free speech either, subscribstar is better; I only sub'd to one account on subscribestar, like for a month and the platform kinda sucks, haven't been back in over a year but maybe it's better now.


While I'm glad the boys got the free ep back up, I'm imaging Billy and/or Spud calling up Spotify and asking what the fuck happened. Billy trolling and asking to speak to a "white person, please" or Spud sperging out like when he tried to do that telephone ponzi scheme and he just used the Catholic school phone book LOL


Yo Spud, Niger stuff is complicated. The MIC/corporate narrative is that it's religious extremism, when a lot is more to do with very old tribal differences and divisions due to colonialists having created the maps, think of it as European empires like France or Britain redlining, for their own interests, whole nations - that made no sense in light of the longer standing tribal territories. That and Russia, Putin (maybe China too) have interests and Africans are sick of getting fucked by the west, so they look to Russia and Wagner for backing. This dude has a good breakdown >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hmXnUKxiC0&t=1081s


Rhodes, Millner and Rothschilds fucked South Africa with Boer Wars >> https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/wwi:b?src=embed&t=759.859326


Rooster layne sings about the epigenetic memory of his dad getting pogromed by the likes of ((kissenger)) while layne himself is getting pogromed by the curse of the white powder. Fuck man. Lifting mix when.

Coinberg Goldenstein



If you guys want good old school wrestling stories watch “dark side of the ring” haven’t watched wrestling since I was a lad in the late 90’s but I’ll watch all these


Spud, I love ya brother. Billiam not sure how I feel about a gay man but please stop trying to brain wash the precious child


Post Malone on JRE talking about NASA photoshopping and none of their photos being real :-o ONE OF US ONE OF US

Hank Chill

IDK if anyone has done this yet but I made a Spotify playlist of all the songs from patreon - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/74dxEV956xK8DvaHSS84Lb?si=19a53f31291549f1

Coinberg Goldenstein

For the patriots who couldn't listen to the last free ep because of some spotify faggotry, RadioDawgz reuploaded it on youtube very recently.


The schizos on r/conspiracy make us look like all stars


Hit us with a paytch bros


Harry Plotkin


mfw scrolling deeeeeeepppp through paytch drops from other 'creators' to find the last wm ep. lame.


Billy and spud act like blue collar hard workers and they’re really just lazy crooks. They worked harder at this when they had actual jobs. McCusker family should be embarrassed of these losers

David Eric Ricketts

I need , I need; I want, I want. Give daddy his fix, boys!


Looks like we're down to 2 episodes a month


anyone know what Steve Austin doc they are talking about?

Mason Smith

I have a hungry heart for more war mode…🖤


1mo with no episod, without notice, is wild considering the monthly revenue y’all do. Give us a pod & help us, help you. Por favor amigos We love y’all. Come on boys. Turn the mics on, drink some beers, shoot the shit, then press upload. We appreciate it!


discussion on how fucked China is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPXK7jogP2g Mises is the Libertarian group, like a think tank from which Dave Smith is affiliated, that is they influenced Dave not the other way around.