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Beatles- Golden Slumbers

George Harrsion- Wah-Wah



Yo, around 16 mins in - Venetians and black nobility are precursors to our modern deep state/elite controllers, but contrary to what Spud/the French says, types of banking were expanded and revolutionized by the Knights Templar. Templars became the first international bankers due to how they handled accounts with paper (that is, you didn't have to keep the gold on your body if you traveled to the Holy Land if you worked with the Knights Templar) and the many branches or outposts they set up - so banking went back to 1150 or so. Knights Templar fucked with the Assasins and some Jewish mystics, maybe that's how they learned some "tricks" for killing or banking LOL. Decent discussion of it here >> https://odysee.com/@MusicMaxPlus:4/03-the-knights-templar:4?lid=e9704f95-8ad3-4ccd-81ed-4f585bbbb41f


I feel like I missed some trump shit. What’s he talking about anything besides warp speed?


Who the fuck is the french?


All the founding fathers had man buns and F150’s

African Rose

yo where can i buy one of those SDI hoodies


American presidents were a bunch of rich dudes until the first real true blood American became prez, Mr Andrew Jackson

African Rose

Incorrect they were british oathbreakers they swore feilty to the crown and rebelled no matter how you swing it they bent the knee first and owned slaves before they got annoyed paying their fair share of taxes...taxes the british needed to fight the fucking french. but we fucked the french and we fucked you by extending you credit for a national debt.


I can’t tell if Bill is a soft helmet retard or a wizard of knowledge. Shits damn funny tho


Hey billy throw Helter Skelter by the Beatles on the intro to the next paytch you vaxxed pussy


George Washington's mother's lineage was a Huguenot. These were FRENCH anti-Catholic protestants that were exiled and massacred in France and moved all over Europe including America after. Huguenots were a continental masonic society, just one of the many ultimately under the tree of the big boy grand oriental lodge. Many presidents and industrialists, such as JOE BIDEN (via his grandmother), Alexander Hamilton, Roosevelts, and the DuPonts, come from this group too


Bill, where's the frigging cast? Did you succumb to your lack of immunity?


Golden Slumbers is one of my absolute favorite Beatles songs. Abbey Road is my favorite album of theirs too.


Scott Adams is a total faggot for believing in fact checkers. Fuck him!




Hey Bill not sure if you turned off notifications yet. But just wanted to say that even though I didn't like the last episode you and Spud are fucking GOAT and I love this fucking podcast... keep being you my dude stay up


I've had nipple length hair 3 times since freshman year and I spent the last two bald. I'm at one year of growing it back for the fourth time and you just have to accept that you're going to look stupid as hell for a couple years.


This was interesting, thank you.