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Comment section, I want a clean fight no below the belts. REMEMBER we are all family.


Adam Skorupskas

This podcast has become the main thing I look forward to in my pathetic life.


I think Gaza is like 25 miles by 7 miles. 80% of the water is not safe for human consumption...50+ % of population is under 18. Listen, I’m far from anti-Semitic, but, I can think of worse things than Israel being wiped off the face of the earth🤷‍♂️


Live cast was great guys.


I miss yall


Just subscribed listened to the temptation of spud on YouTube. What a fitting opening to my first war mode paytch.

John R

Is there any consistency to podcast entries? Shit takes a lifetime to release.

John R

I'm good. I fucking love this show. Just wanna know when I can look forward to it.


Can’t wait for the monthly cast drop, you guys rock


Hey everybody just want to give you an update, Billy checked into an AA rehab this weds after he danced with the devil named seltzer this past weekend, and spud had a break through and got rid of all his electronic devices including the computer, phone, tv, toaster, and apple smart watch. They hope to be back in the winter 2022. Please pray for the skis to find clarity


Tedeschi trucks is beast

Booker T

Suck my dick and eat my shit


Is that Suzanne santo