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Where have I been?



This feels much more genuine, but if I find out it's another troll.... well you deserve an oscar.

Scientific scotsman

the misdiagnosed bipolar + moodstablisers to autism diagnosis pipeline goes hard these days but that's all the uneducated armchair autistic doctoring I'll do who fucking cares right? regardless the important thing is happiness because we will never have anything else, glad to see it appears you're on a path to happiness now

Bryan Daly

I enjoy your content. And nothing else. Please be yourself because you crack me up. I am BiPolar. Do you like Fiona Apple? I keep being put on n more meds and I am 51!

Timothy Kim

Glad you’re feeling better. I’ve been through the system myself, it’s hard to find someone who’s knowledgeable and compassionate. I can see how misdiagnosis could have occurred. It’s like how can someone know you after speaking to dozens of patients all day, all they’re doing is using their knowledge of the mind and a cursory knowledge of what you went through, and you kind of have to engage/journal/reflect on your own past to try to put the pieces of the puzzle together to fully understand your own situation and dig yourself out. I’m rootin for ya pal. Looking forward to seeing your funny shit this year lol. Hope you Sammy and will doing alright. Cya -Tim

Harry Behemoth

I bought your music on Amazon. Did you collect from them?