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I know this is well overdue and I apologise for that. But I've thought long and hard about what might be interesting to add to the poll and I've consulted with the patrons on discord to come up with a definitive list of what you, the readers, really want to see.

I haven't done a poll every hundred patrons, so don't mind that I've rolled two into one here (please). I trust that the options will be worth your while. 

If you don't know the drill, pick the option of the short side arc you would most like to see! Whoo! This arc will take place whilst Anthony is evolving, so it's not far away! 

(I usually end up writing the top two, so keep that in mind when voting).


Nathan Emerson

Yes, the torpor police. It can done like a police case.

Aidan Mcarthur

I’d say adding a new character would be fun. And we could use him to make Anthony suspicious of all reincarnated folk, since the betrayal, and then use this guy to get him to understand some are good and some are bad, and grow mentally to take precautions for this


There are too many amazing options I cant decide!!!!😫


wish we could do a rank choice voting system lol


Is it weird that I was writing a fan fiction about one of these 😳


I want themssss allssss *invidas voice*


The secret police and the human system are the most interesting to the story bc of what it means too anthony and the Humans we have encountered. GREAT OPTIONS ❤️


Quotes to consider when doing the Torpor Police chapter: 1) "I'm getting too old for this shit" 2) "Yippee-ki-yay Never-sleeper!" The possibilities are endless!


So hard to choose...


Jim's betrayal is already offset by Sarah's loyalty... So gimme some teatime instead, chapters with the Queen are always golden.


The real challenge is making ant puns related to sleep 🙃


All of those choices are amazing! I also want to see Sarah and granin povs too. Like how is Sarah dealing with Jim’s betrayal (a Jim pov would be neat too) and granin giving advice to the council or queen would be cool. Is the queen tier 5? If so she would probably be evolving soon too.


easy first choice :)


Oh hell no to the isekai demon. Not when there are this many deliciously fabulous options.

Anthony Romanov

Sleep Ninjas YES PLZ I need to know what sorta tools do they carry to do their job? Like what kinda blankets they equip, and what kinda Elder's plushies do they hand in to offenders


Just want to enjoy the evolution choices


I honestly think that Invidia should be given a chapter of his own regardless of the poll. It’s been about 200 chapters since he was introduced and we still have almost no characterization on him at all.

Jac Onue

Ninjants are the best ants


Looking forward to this story, whatever it might be. I want to know more about the new ant seeker class of the humans.


And how does ist work really, can humans only have one class? So the guy that is a "priest" lost all of his priest class or how does it exactly work?


Can’t say the idea itself interests me besides the meme, interested how you will make it interesting however.


Come on people tea time!


In the words of a dude I forgot the name of and probably in a whole nother language cause damn am I finding nothing but totally unrelated stuff on google: You speak truth.


Sadly not everyone is as civilised as us, dear Aertheron. Drinking tea and enjoying biscuits is objectively the best thing to write about. And yet people want to know about some reincarnated man; I mean, what is a man?; right after being betrayed by the last one. This calls for extreme measures. Give the people coffee, for they will understand their mistake!


But honestly. Of all the things that are offered to us here, the whole isekai demon thing is the least important. Invidia is as lacking a character as can get. He has the motivation of being envious of everything so that’s why he does stuff? Eh. Yeah. Learning about the System. That hasn’t happened in like 500 chapters. Torpor police: Cool we learn about the colony and one of its new institutions. A talk between Enid and the Queen... Well first of all there is tea, then a queen and third an Enid. Don’t ask me what an Enid is, Ladies and gentlemen but the first two are the most positive things there are. Also: we get some more characterisation for both Enid and the Queen, and let me catch you up: We have a lot to talk about after the war. And finally the damn isekai dude. We have a thousand things to worry about. None of them should be another crazy betraying paycho monster. We honestly have too many departments and characters lacking right now for someone new to just take the stage. Our only perspectives since a hell of a lot of chapters were either colony, Legion, some folky furry, and a mad bear. Do you know why webnovels with an exceedingly large amount of chapters and pages can exist at all? Because of many, MANY factors. In the last few years though, the Lightnovel community has shown a trend. It seems that worldbuilding is a core aspect of why people enjoy sometimes bad stories, sometimes great. A fleshed out world is important. And right now we are lacking in that department. Torrina, Granin, Nvidia, Jim, Sarah, Enid, The queen, several council members, Titus, Morrelia, her Mom, a random legion member, some people of both casts in the Empire of stone. The perspective of the other nests, the people in the town upstairs, the legions librarian or whatever he is and on and on and on and on. Like. Are we supposed to care about any of these if all they get is 5 lines every 300 chapters? Because I sure don’t. But I would like to. So why would you ever, EVER want another dude (except if he gets killed with extreme prejudice) in a story that is already full of actively acting characters? I do not understand that. Aight. Rambling over.


You've put into words my thoughts exactly. Nvidia could use some more love, and us preferable over the demon, but I chose Queen plus Enid plus Tea because it's characterization of two interesting characters instead of one, plus I'm thinking nvidia will get his time in the 3rd strata. And totally agree the demon reïncarnator is not such a good choice story wise, so I hope Legion will use his super vote to outvote it in favor of tea time!


I honestly want all of the above at some point or another. Sleep ninjas for the win, Invidia next, followed by tea time (I want more queen and Enid but I'm guessing this would take place before the war since even when the war ended it was too hectic with the waves and Sarah to have tea time). Next would be the reincarnated human, followed lastly by the new empire. I wanted to put the empire second last but the thing is, that introduction would be better suited as a new arc as opposed to a new chapter because it would be too easily forgotten among all the other going ons


They can only have 1 class at a time. You work on apprentice swordsman for a few levels and eventually unlock the swordsman(or what ever) class and change over to continue to master class. The higher classes give more attributes per level. This is my understanding.


RinoZ stated on discord if current tie holds he'll do three sidestories. Not that I am suggesting anything there, you guys need to vote according to your genuine preferences, totally not minding that insignificant piece of information.


oh hell, how do you pick.... i'm withdrawing my funding, this is torcher..... unless i can pick them all? :D i dont really care for the new empire.... the queen sarah and enid? we all need to read this :) torpor police? yes! invidias mind? Oh Hellssss yesssss!