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After some serious shenanigans yesterday the word has finally come through that my application to reduce my hours at work has been approved! 


What this means is that I'll have a full two days per week to devote just to writing. No longer slapping away at a keyboard in the dark after dinner for me! 

Seriously though, it hasn't always been easy to keep writing whilst working a full time job and looking after my family. I have two kids who both deserve a lot of my time (not to mention my wife) and they've had to deal with their dad typing a lot more than they should. I actually took Monday off posting just to play rocket league with my eldest and it was a blast. He's getting toward the end of highschool now and I'm keenly aware I don't have that much more time before he leaves home to go to  university.

Other than time, finance has been a big concern in this move. With two kids to support, one likely to leave home to study over the next few years, reducing my hours was not something I was prepared to entertain unless it was clear I could afford to, which is where you incredible people came in.

The support from you all has been incredible and far, far more than I ever expected to receive. I don't mean to gush but you literally have helped make someone's dream come true. Writing is something I've always enjoyed but only gained the courage to seriously attempt when I found the webnovel community and to now be able to devote my time towards it is such an incredible thing.

What does this mean for Chrysalis? I've spoken of my aims before, but now it's all a reality I can state them again proudly! Daily chapters of Chrysalis is the big one. Seven uploads a week. Better quality control! I'm usually writing at night when I'm fairly wrecked and my editing is lackluster to say the least. That'll change! 30 Advance chapters on Patreon! A month of advance chapters feel fair to me and that's the goal I'm going to aim for. More side fiction publication! I want to wait and see how much time and energy I have for the side fictions, but I'm hopeful of being able to regularly release side fiction chapters.

Now, to temper expectations, the change in work hours won't kick in until next year, but I'm super excited for it and had to share here.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe! :D


Ben Waschuk

You sound happy. Im excited for more chapters! :)

Jason Gariando

More power!!! Ant power!!! 🐜 🐜 🐜

Burning Tendon

Awesome! I'm glad things are moving in this direction. Both because I'm glad things are working out for you, but also because more Ant, yes!!


that's great news :) I for one am also looking forward to see new chapters on the side fictions!

Tomer Yud

Nice!! we are cheering for your future and chrysalis! May the path of the system illuminate your way, and have the blessing of the eldest!


We are so happy for you, and we are also so excited to have more of your content. Also next year is not that far away unless you mean next year as in a year from now.

Edgar maya

Damn sounds like my work load cept I have 6 kids, but congratulations on your work and a kid hitting 18!!!!!! A forever fan here



Moises Meza

HELL YEAH!! I am a newer sponsor but I love your work and being able to support it and help this grow is awesome. Looking forward to the future!


Definitely take care of yourself as well! It is a huge step and I am glad to see it is paying off so far!


Congratulations on your happiness!


We're happy for you here your novel has given myself and I'm sure others many hours of thrills and laughs and I'm happy to support it!




You going to use MY money to play silly games with your kids?! Darn gon it! fine investment right there! Best thing i bought all year!


Conglaturation! Im very happy for you (and for myself hehe). then i cant help but wondering whether the Colony would ever understand the concept of applying for work less hours. They must be like 'This can't be right who would want that? Oh, I see the problem now. He already rests a whole day every week! Too many rests always mess their heads up. Let's give him more time to work and problem solved!"


like a previous post; for the colony

Anthony Romanov

Congratulations! Looking forwant to more chanters. Write harder 🐜 ✍ 📖 ! Love the story and thank you very much for writing it.

Paul S.

Congratulations! Love your story! It's worth a few bucks every month.

Daniel P. Kim

Im glad you found the webnovel community too. Much love and congratulations!




Happy for you!!


Nice! Just dont overdo it with the chapters a week.


AWESOME!!! :) always good to have more rinoZ (also if you need time to destress that’s completely fine as well)


As far as I’m concerned the r man could burn it and I’d be fine with that as long as it helps support him


Take it easy RinoZ, or the Torpor Police will drag your ass away~


As much as I love this story, real life and family come first. Stay safe please.

