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We have two clear standouts with nary a vote between them, so I shall write both! The ant Queen will receive a POV chapter to see what she's been up to, and we will follow the story of a new hatchling emerging within the colony and undergoing training!

Thanks to everyone who voted!

I never really intended to do something like this, but then again I never expected to reach two hundred patrons (nearly three hundred now O_O).

Get the POV chapter of your choice! Vote below!



The votes started so fast!


I'll stop f5'ing this poll and go write... I'm sorry


I'm on the tiny train

ᆞ ᆞ

Queen is history.


New hatchling >> rest. Gotta see the colony working. Would love to see what the Legion is up to these days, though.


A new POV chapter! I shall have it!


I would like Morrelia, but looking at the votes it's not happening

ᆞ ᆞ

I demand new blood!


It would be cool to see how invidia percieves the world


All of them! Gimme gimme!

Tomer Yud

lol who cares about the queen, she's old news. New hatchling it is!

Tomer Yud

can some1 who voted queen, please explain to me what they chose her?

Orion Dye

The queen is Anthony’s mom, I’d like to get her perspective on the whole kidnapping thing, also she’s stated she wants to be more active on the frontline, so I wanted to see if that was a one time thing or if she’s actively fighting now that she’s a war queen.

Epic Landing

We haven't heard from Titus or Morelia in a long time! I'm surprised more people don't want to know what's going on over there.


I want tiny only cause I want him to be like the playable psycho from bored land just very intellectually inner monologues but just speak absolute insanity


Can I vote for just more of the current story? :D


Queen! Queen! Queen! Queen!

Synthia Mayhem

One of the Stone people during invasion


Shockingly few votes for the big lug tiny, surprised nobody wants his inner thoughts, see how he ticks

Tomer Yud

I think the Ant Queen perspective / new hatchling, is much more interesting


to be honest you can finish the main line and do like ten chapters of perspective but yes i really like the queen personally, but the hatchling seems like an ANTERESTING chapter


Omg the best kind of outcome


Yeah, don't you ever wonder what the brood tender teach the hatchlings in the school? About how the great sapient ant empire was come into being from the thought of the Eldest? Maybe their reverence is on par to that crazy priest Beyn lol


Occasional pov votes would be a nice patreon reward.


I'll consider doing more then. Any suggestions other than POV choices?


wow thank you so much Rinoz i/we look forward to the chapters