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Hi folks. 

I wanted to apologise for the lack up updates over the last few days. Covid-19 safety measures have gone into effect where I live, school and shop closures being the most significant and needless to say it's been massively disruptive and stressful, not leaving me a whole lot of time or energy for writing.

However, I WILL catch up and post extra chapters over the next few days to make up for lost time. I need to get some sleep right now, but I'll finish and post the next chapter tomorrow morning, followed by at least one more during the day.

Thanks so much for your patience. My family and I are all well but adjusting to changing work and home conditions is tough (as I'm sure many of you know.) Stay safe out there and keep your hands clean!



I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy! No worries about delays. This situation taxes everyone.


Thank you for the update! I hope you're safe!


Thank you for the update. Delays happen. Just keep us updated if further delays are expected so we know what to expect.

Cole Honeck

Taking care of your family is more important than writing novel.


Take care of yourself! I hope you adjust to the new routine, these things happen.


Don't Mind Bro! Take Care!

Orion Dye

NO problem, make sure to keep your nose clean 😁

Anthony Romanov

Stay healthy and may you have lots of toilet paper.🙃🐜🤪


Wash yo hands

Miroslav Danko

.... My "subscription" is ending this month and you decide to post one chapter in 3-4 days. Fk my luck and money....