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Just wanted to make a quick post to explain the erratic releases lately. Running into Christmas work has been hectic as hell and I'm hoping to clear my plate this week and get back to regulation releases.

Also I recently wrote the chapter in which Crinis evolves and maxed her mutations at 15. This is correct. I had to eventually own up to the embarrassing error of miscounting Anthony's evolutions. How did I do it? I don't know. But I did it. For ages. I had to face up to it at some point. So I will! Upcoming will be a chapter were I update Athony's mutations to +20 and I'll go back and edit so that he had the correct level of mutations (20) at his last evolution.

I sincerely apologise for the error.


Nathan C

Damn, I thought you'd just retcon his earlier mutations to not be considered maxed out at there +15 value, wouldn't that have been easier?


Thank you for the heads up. If possible, I'd really appreciate either an explanation of all the edits you're making about the mutations, or a list of chapters that you're editing for this, so that we can stay up to date with the information on that. I really love learning about the system you've created, but I'd rather not have to go looking back through all the chapters to try and find it.


It would be, but I don't want to make strange changes to the system because I'm being lazy