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Hello there folks!

First off I wanted to say thanks so much to each and every one of you. Being able to earn money through writing, directly from the readers is just amazing and I'm super grateful to all of you.

When we started I think I had $50 the first month and I was blown away. That this patreon has grown to this point is something I didn't expect. I have to admit that I indulged myself a little over the last few months, bought a game or two (The Division 2 has been fun!) and kickstarted a boardgame (the temptation was too strong!) but for the most part I've been commissioning little bits and pieces, such as the emojis for the discord channel , experimented with hiring an editor to go through old chapters and fix my formatting, and saving up to hire some super pro artists to do some detailed artwork.

But now that things have settled and I've had a few months to  see how things are going, I think it's time to make a few adjustments to the tiers. The good news is that people are only going to get more stuff at their current tier and I'm going to eliminate the top two tiers and bring those rewards down to the other tiers. When I created the page I really didn't know what I was doing and now I'm happy to do a little redesign.

The second thing is that when I created this page I'd fully intended on writing weekly chapters of a second story to post here as a fun diversion and nice reward to my patrons. I sincerely, honestly wanted to do that. But it hasn't worked out. I've barely been able to keep my Chrysalis writing schedule, let alone put aside time for other writing and it's been a source of deep shame for me all year. I have reasons, work is busy, family taking up time, but I don't want to make excuses. I said I would do a thing, and I didn't do it. Sorry  :(

So I can't guarantee chapters of a side story. If I do manage to put something together I'll post it here, as I have been, but I want to focus on Chrysalis and make sure that I'm as close as possible to my one chapter a day minimum that I set myself when I started.

I'm also going to try and increase the amount of advance chapters available to patrons. This will take some time for me to accomplish so please me patient but I'm hoping to double the number of advance chapters at the $5 and $15 dollar tiers, as well as the $10 dollar tier I'll be adding.

Once I've done rearranging things I hope people will be able to find a tier that will will suite them before the next month is out. 

Thanks again to all of you! You're the best! ^^



Ooh, possible artwork! I'm pretty interested to see how Tiny looks like. I never truly grasped what "bat faced" would look like. Anyways, keep up the good work!


Thanks for everything you do! Just keep a pace you can handle, I'm very satisfied with the current release schedule. Consistency is enjoyable.

Random Information

I speak only for myself (so this may be a minority view) but I dislike stories with large numbers of advance chapters and different levels. It breaks up the community that forms around these stories because everyone is at a different stage. I even back stories (like Mother of Learning) that don't have any advance chapters. Anyway that's just my opinion, as you think about changing things.


thanks for your opinion. I was looking at a few other novelist patreons and I realised that by word count, they offer a heck of a lot more than I do and I started to worry i was short changing people. But I do take your point