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PonyXL seems to be kinda overwhelming.

In the last weeks, I spent most of my time going through all models of character, art-styles, and utility,... if you go to civitai.com you can find nearly 100,000 Ai-models for PonyXL... well I cannot test them all but!


Checkpoints (main model):

3x3mixXLtypeB - https://civitai.com/models/431350/3x3mixxltypeb?modelVersionId=480549

  • + Very fast (for rescaling as well)

  • + half realistic

  • + very good NSFW

  • + characters look naturally older

  • - VAE will break it (don't use vae)

  • - maybe too realistic

  • - not every character model responds well

Ceii Mix [PDXL] v1.0 - https://civitai.com/models/482488?modelVersionId=536595

  • + perfect balance anime-realism

  • + perfect NSFW

  • - not the best responses for non-nude poses (very stationary)

SakuraSushi XL - https://civitai.com/models/488884/sakurasushi-xl?modelVersionId=543611

  • + anime style

  • + Every tested character looked well

  • + very good nsfw

  • - very slow

  • - crashes when 2x+ rescaling!

  • - not realistic

  • - hard to change art-style (utility/tool model doesn't work much)

  • - faded colors (VAE will fix it) if not -> time for Photoshop

Mala Anime Mix NSFW PonyXL - https://civitai.com/models/442163/mala-anime-mix-nsfw-ponyxl?modelVersionId=550933

+ anime style

+ very good nsfw

+ art-style changer based on model (for me it's good, for someone may not be)

- characters look younger

- not realistic

The standard resolution that gives me the best results:

  • 616 x 616

  • 536 x 688

  • 560 x 656

Rescaling settings:

  • Upscaler --- R-ESRGAN 4x+

  • Upscale by --- 2.3x

  • Hires steps --- 12 (less than 12 = bad hands!)

  • Denoising strength --- 0.35 - 0.5 (the further character is bigger denoise you need)

Nvidia RTX 4070 / 4070ti / 3090 series: speed of generation

  • version of SD ---- 616 x 616 image ---- 2.3x-rescale

  • in SD1.5 ---- 3s ---- 10s

  • PonySL ---- 7s ---- 15-90s (depends on the checkpoint, somehow)

You probably know this page about speed of GPUs: https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html

IT IS NOT ACCURATE! The numbers are for real-time calculation (for playing games,...) for AI-generating and 3D rendering it's completely different.

Look here: https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/stable-diffusion-benchmarks

or here https://opendata.blender.org/benchmarks/query/?group_by=device_name&blender_version=4.0.0

Simply bigger RAM faster gen.



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