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Here is the January's 5, 6, and 7 workouts:

These are little circuits, I generally give myself 4-6 rounds of something.. because what I do to myself is, I do four and then I'm like well let's do one more for five.. I then do five and then think to myself, well I just did one more so I can do another one. 

I challenge you to challenge your thinking a lot and go after a challenge. 

This comes natural to me but you must practice it. 

I practice my behaviors and study them. 

Know what makes you, you and work to make it even more.

WOD 5:


400m run w/kettlebell

heavy sled run 50m

heavy kettlebell farmers carry 50m

20 box jump burpees 

20 kettlebell swings 

WOD 6:


20 overhead walking lunges w/kettlebells

8 pullups 

20 slam balls 

200m sprint 

40 battle ropes (10 various ways)

WOD 7:


20 banded jump squats w/front load (kettlebell, med ball, sandbag, or dumbbell)

40 walking lunges w/weight 

20 wide stance goblin squats w/weight

30cal row machine 



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