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I am here because of art. 
I am also here because of my fan base. 
My people. 
When I needed people the most, the ones I ran to left me but then there was all these people from all across the world who kept on cheering for the cheetah/leopard girl.. 
Majority of them I had never met but I felt connected to everyone who reached out to me. 
So I didn't stop. I kept trying for them. 
And well now, look at me.
Here I am. 
Rising up.. 
Thank you for what you have all done for me and continue to do.. 
I am so grateful for everyone who has supported me and given me love. 
I hope to give back to you what you have given me and will continue to rise up. 

Each piece of artwork I create is a version of myself and with each piece I create I heal. 
So thank you, from my big mushy heart to yours, thank you for allowing me to heal myself while hopefully help you feel more in life too.  
Love love
Added: 2024-01