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I've been thinking about this really hard for past few weeks actually, and i realized i haven't made any progress on the 24 pages doujin i'm creating, and on the webcomic about Erika, at all. For the whole year.

So i thought if i'd better take a break from making a monthly mini-doujin for the poll winners and make their animation and illustration sets instead, for some time. So i can be focusing on making the full doujin and webcomic too.

Since Elon pretty much kill my reach on twitter (or X, whatever), i barely even reach half of my followers, or i'm just stuck on the wall in front of me right now. I do feel like stuck right now though, haha. So the plan is that i could make the doujin and webcomic and spread them even further through dlsite and gumroad for the doujin, and mangaplus/pixiv/webtoon for the webcomic. I won't let my dead reach on social media kills my drive for creating stuffs.

But what do you guys think how we should move forward? I would like to discuss it with you all as well, my dear friends and beloved patrons! So lemme hear of what you think! ^^

Additional note: Initially i wanted to make Lancer Artoria doujin, but i'm also thirsting over Barghest, lol. Such an indecisive person i am




That sounds great to me switching over to an illustration or animation. I totally get the feeling of needing to change things up. It helps creativity flourish and is can be good for a person's mental health. I look forward to whatever you want to create next. 😊


Yeah the mini doujin while cool on paper i think would serve you better as a product over on a market like DLsite and maybe make them cheap since your conversion rate is normally in your favor take a bit to refocus on things that drive you and then maybe you can entertain the idea of selling more of the minis over time through DL might even gett a following over there if you can find ways to translate it


Surprisingly japanese conversion rate is more or less give the same result like here tbh. But yeah, i prolly gonna try comms some translation stuffs for the minis, i plan to make them to be a compilation work with extras before selling them tho