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Jumping on the ZZZ hype. Don't know much about Nicole other than she's hot and she kinda got nerfed as time went on. Either way, the zzz girls are probably the most stacked Mihoyo has ever created, that one maid in particular is crazy.

Set: https://files.catbox.moe/0ex13w.zip

Couple of announcements. First, survey is still up, will run this for a couple more weeks since more people have joined. I'd appreciate if you took some time to fill it, as it helps me better know what people want to see. https://forms.gle/yJmUq4izrrhybSgv8

Second. Poll #9 is ending earlier. I won't have much time to work on a set this weekend so might as well get it out of the way. If you haven't voted please do so, as I'll end the poll later today. That means that Poll #10 will run for a bit longer and will go live earlier tonight.



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