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First Im going to announce it here for you lovelies! I contacted a local store and we are so excited to work on this project! If you want one let me know!

Since outside of patreon these are going to be at $27,5 with the shipping ☺️

Place your order now! :3

Disponible sizes:

Small, Medium, Large and XLarge




I'd love one but sadly they don't go up to my size u _ u


Yeah I was very sad about that shop :( Im only commissioning them because they are local and I've purchased a couple of designs from them but Im looking for another place where I can make the 2XL and 3XL

Sherrie Mora

XL plz!! Though if u can find a store to make larger then yes plz! Better yet, i wanna order 2!!


On monday they are going to tell Me if they can find a provider for 2XL and 3XL size! :D I’ll keep you informed!