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Lovelies I dont know if all of you follows me on Twitter... but my tablet suffered this accident which I thought It wouldn’t be so much trouble but apparently it is... all the screen doesnt work and Im basically stucked until I fix this... aaaaahhhhhhhhh 😢 Im sorry for being inactive for this weekend but I think I’ll be looking arround for someone who can fix my tablet

Send help! T____T



Sherrie Mora

oh damn sorry hun! I wish I knew someone in Mex for u :( but good luck though!


Welp I am kinda luck, my tablet will arrive on sunday 😅but still a week will be lost argh

Sherrie Mora

damn! maybe that's why I prefer good ole pencil and paper as my medium ^^; then again i'm not nearly as talented as u r ^^


Auuuuu that hurts.. i hope you will repair it