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Kingdom Ep 7 Pt 2.mp4



Yeosang killed me with his crop top: ')


I swear those runs was Yunho, but I don't know if we'll get any confirmation :') maaaaaybe Hongjoong could let us know some details since he probably was involved with EDENARY in the remix/production of the track.


After watching him in the leave the door open cover, I would NOT be surprised. 👏🏻👏🏻


For the dance results, I think the younger artists/idols would most likely go for Mayfly because the "dark" and "badass" concept is something very modern nowadays. Whereas the older idols such as Super Junior [literally the only one i can remember] would lean more towards Its One because it's more contemporary and "traditional" so to say [WHICH ISNT BAD. It's the only way I could think of to phrase it]. Lia Kim I think would lean more towards Mayfly because she cheorographs alot of hard hitting dance routines. The producers would most likely pay attention to how their performance track was created; creativity, transitions and whatnot [im not too familiar with the terms] which i think Its One would have slightly bit of an advantage. Some things I love about Its One's performance is their storyline and creativity. While Mayfly's concept is more generic [as in there's no fixed storyline], Its One has a distinct concept which could give them an edge in their performance. They also really made full use of their props in very significant ways; the swords, the shot glasses, etc. Not only that, they really did ALOT with just 3 members. Of course there's the backup dancers but they put the limited number of dancers to full use. Similarly, Mayfly has alot of pros in their performance. One thing is they do alot of stunts [ not sure if thats the right word to use]. Wooyoung rock climbing, Felix jumping, etc. Their facial expressions💯💯 They used a very well-known song and made it into something really fresh, like a completely new song to our ears which is something that experts in the previous round really look for. That's just my opinions though🥰


Thanks for sharing! And I totally agree. I think it could go either way, to be honest. I loved both performances and thought both took great risks and were beautiful in their own ways.