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Vanessa Squintu

I love these scavenger hunt episodes. It shows their evil side a bit more...Yoongi and Jimin are actually scary 😂. I went to Lotte Tower when I was in Seoul...I never felt so out of place as in there. So many fancy shops and so many more fancy ppl. We left after 30 min bc we felt we are being watched 😂😂😂.


watching this episode makes me realize how much money they actually have because those stores are expensive & they're running around having a scavenger hunt 😂😂 Also none of them can be trusted its crazy how good at lying they are.. but poor jimin he just kept losing he has the worst luck with games 😂😂😂


Hi guys ! Liked your reaction as Always ! For the 007Bang game, The first player has to point at himself saying '0' then point either at himself again or someone else while saying the 2nd '0'. If he point someone else they have to either point to someone else, making them the '7' , the two peoples at both side of '7' have to put their arms up, whoever do it last lose ("die") and its keep on going until only 2 peoples are left ! I dont really know if im clear in my way of explaining it ...


Oh thank GOODNESS I loved this episode so much. It's very Running Man-esque. These highly produced games are some of my favorites.


Also the dramatic irony? Flavourful. BTS surrounded by L U X E goods, that they can afford about as easily as I can get groceries, yet also supposedly thrilled over winning $1,400 USD. We stan.


i like when they show yoongi just to let us know he's alive. Like he never speaks but they know we want to see him. his poor cameraman probably feels lonely lol. Or maybe the members have compatible cameramans. Like yoongi's cameraman prefers the silence. I also laughed so hard when tae got so excited over his card. Hobi used to be a horrible liar but since the christmas pig episode, i think he's turned evil on us lol. I also didn't get the 007 bang game but i was laughing so hard at how random it was.


I'm really bad trying to explain anything but I'll try to. In Spanish tho... Because I'm not fluent enough in English, I'm sorry (I trust you David!!). El juego en el que levantan los brazos y gritan, el 007, en realidad es súper simple. Consiste en señalar a una persona y esa persona tiene que quedarse quieta mientras los demás levantan los brazos (lo de los gritos es pura frustración y que Jimin es extra a más no poder). El turno pasa a la persona que ha sido señalada. Al final, Jin se señala a sí mismo varias veces, por eso sigue su turno y por eso Jimin y JK levantan los brazos tan seguido. Entonces, Jin señala a JK y levanta los brazos. Jimin pierde porque se queda quieto cuando debería haber levantado los brazos también. ¿Me he explicado? Not sure if I made myself clear but I tried. Can't wait to see your reaction for the next part 😂😂


Ah, I almost forgot. If you have time could you watch TXT One Dream Show?? They are episodes of TXT in the States. It would be great if you could watch all the episodes but if not could you at least react to the fourth episode?? TXT boys went to the BTS Chicago concert and they met backstage. It's hilarious 💜