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NSD REACT TO 'W.I.N: Who is Next' EP.7



Oh gosh, I've been searching new reactions for iKON the entire day. Glad you dropped your WIN reaction now :D


Thank you again for reacting to iKON :)


I love that this came early. Like April, I hope the comments left by some iKonics on your yt post did not get you down. we're just passionate about iKon and NSD. Know you will always have a supporter here no matter what.


I will watch this on my lunch break. My boss will kill me if i dont leave now. 😅


Did you notice the Kevin, David? At 27:41 , "morning of battle , YG asked them to change the lyrics " The timing of it.. That had mess them up for the battle. Their mind wasn't really as good as it should be before the battle unlike previous battles .


you guys pointed it out various times, the song choice yg picked for them was the biggest reason why you felt that way. team b did what they could with a monotonous bland song like baby .. yg said he picked that song so that it's not hip hop, (which was clearly team b's strength back then), but he picked a song like baby to give to them which was the biggest question mark for me. you guys will see the behind the scenes story of why team b seemed more underprepared next week, they weren't underprepared.. they were screwed over by yg once again. can't wait for your reactions next week! :D keep up the good work guys


M sorry that the comments over YT made you annoyed. I guess being used getting your reactions everyday, and suddenly miss one dose of it, makes them suddenly out of habit 😂😂😂 they are addicted to you.. its like drug addiction. I understand that you guys need to do this, plus I was already expecting that this will happen because they arent many left to react to because our fandom is still small compared to others. Plus iKON as well has not come to any Variety Shows for awhile already, but we are expecting more of them soon since BI and Bobby will be releasing their unit album and Hanbin entering the Jungle in Thailand soon with other idols. Thank you for loving our boys. ❤️❤️


thank you for reacting to iKON! i also got annoyed yesterday when i read some of the comments on your yt post. i know they were not true. the reason why you are my favorite reactors to iKON because i can see that you are unbiased to your reactions and it shows that you genuinely like them that's why i really enjoy your reactions as well. i'll continue supporting you here and on your yt channel. always looking forward to your reactions! thanks again guys!


Thank you for reacting to iKON. Sorry for my comment on YouTube. I know you love iKON. I’m just an iKONIC that was in my feelings. Since iKON has been thrown away so much especially by their company. I want to protect them and other iKONICs when I feel like we might get hurt again. But I will admit that I overreacted. Sorry still pack4life 💕


I missed that community post you put up on Youtube and I just saw the comments and reactions now. Yikes. It's a little disappointing to see that, when I know iKONICS are a kind and patient fandom. I hope you don't get too disheartened by the handful of ungrateful individuals who commented there. You guys have been doing daily iKON reactions for so long now, that I'm pretty sure you've given us more iKON contents than any other reactor!! You've never let us down. And... now I'll talk about the episode! Only iKON could make me like Baby. Even their least impactful performances still get me hype. They could really just get on stage and do anything, and I'd be screaming and waving my konbat. And I really love Team A's performance this episode. Their vocals sounded amazing to me. I don't know what the judges were hearing. Maybe something different was playing in their headphones lol Oh, and since they made an appearance this episode, the boy and girl who were with Team A while they were practicing, are another YG group. They're a brother-sister act called AKMU (Akdong Musician). I'd love to see you guys react to more YG acts and YG family stuff, but the company is in such a bizarre state that who knows what YG family is going to look like in the coming year. 😐

Bored Ahjumma

Ep 7 and 8 are the toughest ones for me to watch. This is heartbreaking... YG screwed them over and asked them to do last minute lyrics change. Seriously... I am still so mad about this 🤬


Btw Yoon (seungyoon) is still the leader for winner now after he got switched with Minho

Rachel Victoria

I definitely agreed with your thoughts on both performances. I guess the thing that stuck with me is that at the beginning of the episode YG basically told both teams to improve on their vocal performances, but vocally, I enjoyed Team A’s performance more. This is a difficult challenge that asked both teams to arrange an existing song and perform it, compose their own song and perform it, as well as pick a song, choreograph, and perform that as well. That’s a lot to ask of 15-20 year olds. I know that there were challenges for both teams, Team B having to change lyrics at the last minute, and Team A having a member with an ankle injury. But I think it would be more difficult to take on this challenge at 15 than at 20. I think there are positives and negatives when you also look at the ages of both teams. If you’re older and you meet expectations then it’s attributed to your experience and hard work, but if you don’t meet expectations then it’s disappointing. On the flip side, if you are younger and meet expectations then it’s attributed to talent and hard work, and if you don’t meet expectations we usually think of it as lack of experience. I honestly think the judges not only evaluate the performances as they see them but they also consider their age, consciously or not.


As you can see team B also had difficulties .. and I think YG was trying to make them go through that on purpose to see how they will outcome the crisis! For me it was good experience for them an that make them stronger at the end..


I agree with you guys that Team A did well and better than Team B. It was discussed earlier between JinHwan and BI they have yet to work out their harmonies and vocals and it can be seen in their performance that they need to work on that more. When i read the comments and your view on how the episodes are "made" for Team A to debut, you can see here, also the judges are being very "harsh" to Team A compared to Team B, (I see it now, I didn't see it at first because I was rooting for Team B all the way). But yeah bad critics and low marks to Team A, and they praised a lot to Team B, even thought personally to me, Team A is better. Seems like, YG "asked" them to be that way for the viewers. I think the missed a critical moment when you guys was talking about Bobby's wrist and why they finished practicing at 5.20 am and their battle was later that morning; there was a caption saying that YG asked them D1 to Battle to change the lyrics. there wasn't any mistake that made them stayed at the practice room, it was because they had to change the lyrics because YG asked them to. :( I already started tearing up seeing YunHyeong reading the letter, the next Episode, i hope i wont cry again because its hard to watch these last few episodes :(((((( Anyways, thank you for reacting guys, and again, on behalf of iKONICs, I am truly sorry about the comments on YT, I totally understand why. See you on Monday for Star Road! Have a great weekend!!!

Jennifer Z

I definitely blame the song selection there isn't much Team B could have done to spice up 'Baby' specially compared to the other song 'Officially missing you'

Jennifer Z

Not all iKONICs are like this though so please don't generalize the whole fandom for something a few did/do. I hate it when people say things like this because they're portraying a negative image of everyone by say things like this instead of saying 'some iKONICs are....'


Kevin and David, for your Filipino watchers, I'm not sure if that's the right term, they can use the Gcash app to avail Patreon. Gcash will give them a virtual American Express card which they can use to avail Patreon. I'm using Gcash too. Please don't reveal my name when you tell them that. Thank you! :D


I just typed a really long message and don't know where it went :( Again, we are sincerely sorry and we love you like brothers. No excuses, just a sincere sorry from the fandom. <3 Also, personally, the $3.50 that Im paying here monthly is wayyyy nothing than the happiness I get just by watching your iKON reactions guys. I'm an introvert and I'm too weak to watch WIN alone coz it's heartbreaking, that's why I'm so happy I get to see WIN with you two. Thank you so much. Again, we're sorry and we love you guyss!!! <3


The way I see it, the judges judged on a more technical side without taking into consideration their past performances and how they did better or worse than before.


I just checked back in and just realized my comment is no longer here 😢 hmmm.. It just disappeared... Oh well posting again Lol 😄 sorry if this is a repeat: I liked Team A's performance as well. I felt that Team B was a little scattered(?), I dont know how to explain..less concentrated? Nervous?( probably not as prepared as they usually are.. 😢 bad yg..lol) Even as they got on stage it looked like they were looking at the judges more, a little scared/worried/tense. But yeah, not the usual Team B. On the other hand, for us, we have been watching these kids and we know their level, but for the judges its their first time seeing them perform as a group. In that way, perhaps we can say that we already have a biased opinion?(not for a certain team, but in our expectations of each group?) Also for JYP (who judged both seungyoon and seunghoon in previous audition programs) and Yoon jongshin (the only one who did not have headphones on😊, who judged seungyoon in a previous audition program), they may have had higher expectations for Team A since they know some of the members. And Hundo, he is more hip hop, so may have liked Team B vibe better... Just my thoughts on why they judged in this way! 😆 Anyways, I'm glad Team A got things together this time! Loved their lyrics👍 Team B fighting!!💕 Thank you always for your reactions and your hard work! Love rewatching this with you guys! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!👍💕💕😁 Oh by the way, the boy and girl you saw singing officially missing you to Team A is a brother sister duo called Akdong Musicians (AKMU). They are reaaaally good 👍 Love them!! They won kpop star season 2. The older brother Chanhyuk composes and produces all their music and the little sister, Suhyun's voice is to die for! They were 15~16 and 13 respectively when they auditioned for kpop star (bro=1996, sis=1999). Love their song Dinosaur which they released just before Chanhyuk went into the army(for mandatory service, he volunteered to go in early). Anyways just a little YG ent trivia!


Oops spelled Hyundo's name wrong! Its Hyundo Lee (not Hundo). He was part of a hip hop duo called "Deux" that came out in1993. You will see him again in Mix and Match!


Thank you for this reaction guys ! Love you both and I am deeply sorry you received these immature comments. This is your channel and you are free to do as you like also we see how much you enjoy iKON ❤️ and in the end , that is what counts ! ❤️ much love to you both !!!! 💕


When David did the 'excuse my french' joke, i was drinking water and literally choked. Thank you David, I will send my hospital bill lol. Song crying is just never okay, we must never let him cry, he has to stop. It's like someone kicking a puppy. They need to all stop crying, i am very empathetic, just stop the madness. That was so sweet, though. The maknaes writing letters to their hyungs :( when Jay cries, it looks like he's angry lol. I try not to laugh at it, cause i hate when he cries, but he just looks pissed off (at least, he did here) <a href="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pa5K_0z0nx4/maxresdefault.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pa5K_0z0nx4/maxresdefault.jpg</a> but i love you Jay, lol. Now he just looks like a kitten when he cries. And i actually do feel bad for team A here, and it wasn't literally out of sympathy, cause it's not like they purposely injure themselves, so these are just real unfortunate situations that do deserve sympathy :( honestly, both teams should just win haha. David keeps calling everything and everyone cute now, i think we corrupted him. Honestly, i love Justin Bieber and even saw him in concert in 2015, but Baby is just not a good song to perform lol. Why did they pick /that/ song? I automatically just felt like it wouldn't blow me away, there's not much you can do with that song. They were already at a disadvantage by the song choice :( there are plenty of amazing Justin Bieber songs, why didn't they do Boyfriend or As Long As You Love Me? haha. I think they also just weren't prepared and i think their downfall is that they work till so late, that they just sound tired and it's good to work a lot and practice, but i think they OVER practice. Team A is good at managing work and sleep, even in past episodes they were sleeping (not a lot but more than team B i think). So the good thing with team A is they know how to balance it. Like you guys said, which really made me choose them here, is the EYE CONTACT. They were connecting with each other and i felt that the eye contact at the end was the members saying 'hey you're doing good' cause i forgot his name, but the guy who messed up said he wanted to here that he improved, and i think that was their little reassurance. I feel their team work increased SO MUCH. I'm so proud of them and honestly i'm lowkey pissed off with the low scores! Like, where? Why? They did AMAZING smh. That felt like a stab to the heart....if KEVIN said that a ballad was good and interesting and he wasn't bored during it, then that's saying something. I love iKON with all my heart, but Winner clearly was better here...pronunciation or not, their performance was all around better. This actually upset me, now I need to go watch your Run BTS reaction to be happier lol.


wow that's such a good point with the ages. We brush off expectations for younger people, and honestly that's fine cause it does have to do with experience, but it's sad for older people cause not everyone has the same experience but they will always get more ridicule for not meeting an expectation. It's kind of sad tbh.


wow ..i'm super late to the party....Been so busy dizzy for almost more than a week....