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Lori Dawn

This was a funny episode lol. Although I sure felt that water slap from Hobie to Jimin lol. My poor baby Jimin but he was a good sport tho. That newly coined word game still confuses the beegeeses out of me. I'm sure it would be easier in english.......at least I think it would be lol Anywho great reaction guys


Ah what a nice episode.. The last game was funny😂 I hope we get behind cam of this ep tomorrow. Tae with the watermelons and Namjoons face, poor baby looked lost again. Remember when Tae went into that glass thing and stood like a stature (the pig Dolph episode) 😂 anyway thank you for the reaction and can't wait to see more👍

NoInspirationFor SomeDecentName

I actually watched this run ep in like a public area so I had to keep quiet without disturbing the rest... But I swear... it was so hard with this episode. Everytime Tae took a bite of that watermelon, or when Jungkook flipped his hair with that background music, Yoongi being salty, Jimin being splashed in the face.... I paused it so many times just to breathe 😅 Anyway as always great job guys and I can't wait to watch AHL with you guys this Saturday. 👌

Maggie Collins

Korean is written in syllables so it seems harder for us just because we think in letters instead of syllables when we do slang. Like if we were to shorten ‘frequently asked question’ we would say F-A-Q if they were to say ‘frequently asked question’ the slang would be fre-ask-ques. Here’s a question for you to see how hard it would be in English: “I never even got a permit because I couldn’t PTT. But that’s okay, I get around by RTB.” Now guess the slang. Answers: pass the test riding the bus


Another great and fun reaction! 💜 I thought someone would mention this but it seems like it doesn't occur to others lmao BUT i believe the reason why it goes to "network error" is because you guys leave it there for long 😂 I know it's probably for pre set up and stuff but if you leave a v live episode paused for a long time, it'll switch to that bs "network error" and you would just have to refresh the page 👍🏼👍🏼 i don't know why you can't just leave it paused for a long time but it just happens 💦 My mans Yoongi, the infamous lil meow meow, flashing those white ass teeth that are brighter than my future was captured once again and oof 😍😍 Seeing them have fun and smile always makes my day 💖💖 Also with Tae just eating from the others is hilarious! 😂 It was because only those who solved the problems could eat the snacks and since Tae didn't solve one yet at the time, he just eat from the others 😂😂 He's so slick lmaoo 😂😂 Love you guys, have a nice day 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Vanessa Squintu

Such a cute episode. Tae was my personal highlight. I never knew that stealing food can be so adorable 😂😍. Looking at Namjoon's face I don't know if he was just shocked or amazed by Tae 😉. Yoongi had so much fun...even though he is always saying that he hates water. The oily skin lacking moisture is really I thing. That's what I would describe my skintype. I have oily skin but it's really dry at the same time. I have to take care of my skin with different cremes...in winter it's the worst...my skin gets itchy everywhere. Oh and can we appreciate that Kookie's, Hobi's and Tae's shorts were perfectly coordinated with their haircolors?


Tae just goes around eating everyone's food! He ate Jimin's watermelon, drank Jungkook's soda, ate Jin's watermelon, the watermelon he gave to Namjoon. I think he just likes people feeding him lol. I died of laughter when i saw the clip of him eating Namjoon's watermelon on instagram. I love how Namjoon has this specific reaction whenever Tae does something. He just sort of stands there staring at him for a long period of time. He's done it many times and I always get so amused at how shocked he is cause i'd expect him to be used to Tae's randomness by now lol. I notice how in these new episodes, they just randomly pan over to Yoongi when they're about to change a scene and it's so random cause he's just smiling but i think they know we want that, so they just cater to our needs and give us his gummy smile :) you'll notice it more after i pointed it out. Like there will be a three second clip of him just smiling and then the scene changes. I love salty yoongi. His name 'Suga' is so ironic cause my boy is anything but sweet when he loses haha. Even when he cheats and gets caught, he gets so salty lol.


Please take care of yourself Kevin! You too David! Also, I’ve been rewatching some of your early 2018 reaction videos, wow you guys look different now👀. Not in a bad way tho!!


Ilove this kind of games!!! And yeah I think Suga wanted to win, but you know life is hard. However he was so happy during the game with Hobi. Keviiiiiin don't get sick again!!! Vitamin C man. Take care guys!