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It got blocked in South Korea because we uploaded it on YouTube as unlisted (long video) to avoid splitting it up in parts but it didn't work, so we're uploading it on Daily Motion in 2 parts (should be up in a couple hours) but for everyone else it should be fine. Hope everyone had a good day! Love ya'll! <3


GUYS REACT TO BTS @MAMA 2018 (HONG KONG) 'O!RUL8,2? LY Remix + AOTY (Daesang) Acceptance Speech'



Jin cry :((((( So sadd


god jhope and taehyung crying breaks my heart so much. Cause unlike when they cry at awards before, these didn't feel like happy tears...it felt very sad. I'm so glad yoongi didn't cry or else i'd just be sitting on the floor in tears for ten days cause yoongi crying is my biggest weakness. but wow, did you know taehyung was crying SO HARD that he literally was STILL crying in the interview later on (which was so disrespectful like he was sobbing and they wanted to interview them wtf). And they didn't go out at the end of the show cause he couldn't pull himself together. My heart hurt so much, my boy just /broke down/. It's like he was holding it in for so long and he finally let it out and couldn't stop crying :( I personally think he was crying because of the possible reasons WHY they thought about disbanding? A lot of people think maybe he was the one to suggest it and it hurt him to know he would've caused it? idk about that, but I think he was reflecting on what led up to him. Think about it this way, V lost 4 people in his life the past 2 years. His grandma, two friends to suicide, and his grandpa. And this guy didn't get ANY time to grieve properly. No time at all, which is actually really unhealthy. RM was struggling a lot as well with their schedule, Yoongi was struggling with his depression once again around that time, Jimin was eating very unhealthily at that time (basically not eating at all) -- i mean, it was just a rough time. So i think Tae was thinking about that and I'm so glad kookie was comforting him. Taehyung may be older, but it's always been like Kookie was his big brother. It's so interesting how you see the younger ones comforting the older ones, Jimin was smiling at J-Hope and he instantly saw J-Hope's smile fell, which in turn made him stop smiling...and he didn't even hesitant to comfort him. Then Jungkook just pulled Tae in for a hug. I think that says a lot, because most would assume the olders comfort the younger ones but I often see the younger ones comforting the older ones, and it's probably because they see the older members struggling to keep the group happy and together. Plus, Taehyung and J-Hope are both known to be the 'sunshines' of the group and always trying to make everyone laugh and smile, so it must have hurt the boys to see both the people who are 'always happy' and cheering them up break down like that. Idk if you noticed but Yoongi was hopping up and down when they all hugged and that was very sweet, because usually that's something tae or jhope would do to cheer everyone up but this time Yoongi was kind of acting as the 'sunshine' and it was just sweet to see him trying to cheer them up.


Never feel bad for not crying. I think a lot of fans don't realize that 1) we're all most likely a lot DEEPER into the fandom than you guys. Not that you guys aren't in the fandom, but there's a difference and I think you guys know that. We're more EMOTIONALLY attached than you guys. Obviously you guys care about them, but we're like a level or two higher? and a lot of us rely on them for happiness, which is probably unhealthy...but i mean, it happened so. Therefor when our happiness are crying and sad, it's all over for us. We can't smile and be happy when what made us happy aren't happy. 2) you are guys, and don't get me wrong, I have seen guys emotional. I've seen guys cry over BTS. But it's pretty clear that MOST guys just aren't as emotional and I don't always think it's cause of how they're raised, I also just think there's a chemical difference of course. Women literally just have more access in their brains to the emotional side (left side and right side, where we are also more analytical and intuitive) while men have more access to the front and back side of the brain, where it's more focused on math and mastering complex movement sequences, like skiing? sports? things like that. Hence why men are just more athletic. It doesn't mean men can't be emotional or women can't be good at math, it's just easier for the brain to process certain things they have more access to. 3) you are reacting and with each other. Idk your relationship very well but I have heard guys actually cry a lot, way more than they admit, but it's very hard for guys to cry in front of others? Like, they physically just can't. For example, a guy may actually cry from a movie but say they watched the movie with someone else, they wouldn't cry. It's quite interesting. There's been studies on it. Anyways, I ranted for no reason, I just found it interesting that people think you guys don't care or aren't 'sympathetic' cause you didn't cry over things (taehyung's letter, taehyung crying over his grandma, etc). It's not like you didn't care just cause you didn't cry haha. i wrote so much omg sorry i was so passionate about this i need to go now bye

Beverly Natasya

i need to finish my work soon and watch this. i've been so emo since mama, i think i still have puffy eyes from that day and my timeline on twitter didnt help at all, i love them so much 💜


The title was O!RUL82? (Oh! Are you late too?) Don’t feel bad about not crying, your eyes reddened a bit and the emotions were there. I could see it ;^) As for their speech, I was streaming it through MNet when it took place and I cried with them. Then when I was able to actually understand what they were saying, I cried even harder. I am an older ARMY, I admit that... but these 7 guys have helped me through so much stuff in the 4 years that they have been a part of my life. I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through it all without their music and passions. The thought of them disbanding made me reflect over this past year and what they helped me through. The losses in my life that I couldn’t let go of without their words. The confidence I have built in myself with their LoveYourself campaign. In a lot of different ways, they have helped me and I owe them for saving me from myself. All the love and respect I have for these men will never be enough to pay them back for that. Thank you for reacting to this. I look forward to seeing more from you guys. Signing off in NewJersey. Good night.

Sommer Rae

Are you still uploading it to daily motion? The video won’t work for me.. 😞


The speech for Album of the Year really got to me too you guys should also react to that one . It hits close to when they first started out as a band

Onjira Tittiranond

I’M BACK!!!! I’m sorry I’ve left for so long. I just finished my final exams for this semester, and now I’m ready to catch up with all of your videos. I started to cry when J-hope did. I just really can’t see them cry, it breaks my heart. Jin’s speech got me too. Disbandment has always been a sensitive topic for boy/girl groups and their fans. It’s not something that the artists directly say to their fans, it’s the company who has to announce the news. The fact that BTS told us about this directly through their acceptance speech is something I really admire. They never lie or try to hide these kind of things from us. They tell us about their hardship through their songs, letters, speech, interviews, Burn the stage, behind cams, or even in the latest Run BTS episode where they had to write poems. They always know that everything won’t last forever, and they never try to tell us otherwise. The reason Jin told us that they’ve mentally been through a difficult time, and at one point considered disbanding, isn’t to make us sad. He told us that because he trusted us and knew that we would understand. They share this information with us because they’ve already passed that state and are now ready to move forward together, and I really appreciate that. Another thing I wanted to point out is the fact that Jin was the one who told us about this sensitive topic, not RM or Suga. Jin is not the kind of person who likes to talk about serious stuff, and he stated that multiple times. If you watch their other acceptance speeches at any award shows, when Jin got to give a speech, he would talk in a funny way just like how he usually did. However, in this situation, we’re seeing Jin talked about the hardship they had to face and them considering disbandment. This shows that although he likes to goof around and act childish, he’s still the oldest brother who feels the same as the other members and ready to be responsible when needed to. Jin really thinks of the members as his family and he took it hard just like the others. This makes me respect him even more that he was able to stay calm and talked about the topic even though it hurt him and he too was crying. Just a little explanation. Disbandment isn’t an immediate act. When he said that early this year they considered disbanding, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they would end their contract right away and there would be no BTS in 2018, but it could mean to not renew their contract. If that happened then BTS would be with us till 2020. Fortunately, it didn’t happen and they already renewed their contract for another 7 years so we still have a really long time with them😊 Thank you so much for the video. Love you guys💜💜

Beverly Natasya

yes please.. im just gonna drop the link here :) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhn91wq8wzY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhn91wq8wzY</a> thank you

Beverly Natasya

Its okay if you're not crying guys, everyone is different. I've always grateful for your reaction and how you guys love them too. And i'd like to point it out about what other member said about Jin during their interview. Almost all of them said the same thing about him. Hobi said without Jin they would've come this far. Taetae said Jin has a really strong mentality and always take care of them, Jimin also said he is the most on hoping all of them stay together. I'm sure its the same for all the members but that's what they said on their interview. That reminded me of his run letter when he said everything in this world gets tired but he hope this is not the moment for them. like what jimin said in his letter that being together is very hard, especially with 7 different personality and they made it through, they've become brothers/family (during their speech or interview they usually said thanks to all the member but when yoongi thanks their families who give birth to "7 of us brothers", i lost it). I was crying so bad during their speech, even my mom can only shake her head looking at me. But they're one of our source of happiness, its broke army hearts to see them crying like that. During their speech i can't help but thinking about what yoongi said in his letter and i think both of you said that you like his letter the most. "We dreamed about flying high to the sky but its too high and cold. Its hard to catch our breath. The brighter the light on us, the darker the shadow". I can't even imagine how hard it is for them being on the spotlight this year with all their achievements, how much they struggles because they want to give and produce the best music. I've like kpop for over 12 years. The reason i was so sad because i've lost my first group that i like before when they disbanded during their best year. I told myself to stop liking a group and just be a casual listener, But i came to fall in love with bangtan in 2013 after they debuted. So to even think about losing them hurts my heart. Seeing them struggle so much during their early days hurts me the most (one of the reason i kinda don't want you to react to weekly idol because of how they treated them but now i can wait to watch your reaction to their episode because you can see how much they've grown since then. and now all korean reality show keep mentioning their names and want them to appear on their shows). This is getting long, i just want to quote what yoongi said in his letter.. "What a relief that we have 7 member. What a relief that we have each other." I'm relief and glad that i came to love them like this and i'll keep supporting them like i did for the past 5 years 💜

Vanessa Squintu

My comment is gone 😭...why?

Vanessa Squintu

I will post it one more time 😂. First off...not crying doesn't mean not feeling anything. They had a crazy successful year. It was stressful, busy and expectations reached a new high. They were tired and scared...Yoongi was very vocal about it in his poem from the last Run episode and at the dinner party where he admitted that he cried under the shower after the AMA's bc he was scared. And I think some personal issues did the rest. So seeing Jin talking about disbanding wasn't a big surprise for me. But it still hurt. They have a great mentality within the group when it comes to tough times. They got a grip and pushed through...that wouldn't have worked with other bands or circumstances. I didn't find out about BTS in a critical state of my life. So they didn't help me through it and I think I am not that emotionally attached to them...but they taught important things and made me a better person. I think receiving that award after the crazy year and the struggles they had was a relief. Maybe that's why they all cried so hard...sometimes things are just over when you say them out loud.


yeah that happened to me but thank god they read it before it disappeared. I took their advice and saved my long ones anyways, just in case.

Lori Dawn

As my fellow ARMY's have mentioned above it's okay if you did not cry. We all have our own way of coping with sad things so please don't be sorry that you didn't cry. To be honest most ARMY's have emotionally invested themselves, me included, on the boys which may explain our attachment to them. They have helped us in so many different ways, so it's natural for us to be heartbroken about the disbandment issue. It most definitely was a good reminder to us all that there's going to be a time when they will leave us as BTS and return to their normal lives and families. So we should cherish the time we have with them now and continue to support them. Also I wanted to point out that there is a complete video done by JK Diamond, a Korean Army who subbed the entire award show, BTS cuts only of course, which you can check out later. I know Kevin was wondering what RM was saying during the o!rul82? performance. She went ahead subbed that portion as well as the other awards they won that night. Here is the link: <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6z44q4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6z44q4</a>


It's blocked in South Korea. ㅠㅠ Are you going to upload this on Daily Motion?