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Because of the not-so-good quality of HS2 hair effect, I have to use 2-layer hair to make most of my characters to look more like who they are. 

For most cases, you can just select null front hair and get a single layer hair that can be used, just as HS2 vanilla hairstyles. But in some cases like FF7R characters, the transparency problem is too huge that you'll have to stick to my 2-layer hair.

This 2-layer method is just a tradeoff, and is not perfect of course. Some people not familiar with my mods may experience some hair glitch. That's because this 2-layer hair is not so good under strong back lights. You'll need to turn off back lights

In fact, the easiest fix is to turn on DHH plugin. You don't even have to turn off the back light manually because off is default.

If you're using Graphics, under the 2nd tab, light, I guess, try to turn various light sources on and off to see which one(s) is/are causing the bad reflecting. (In my relatively old version, it's turning off the 2nd light)

Or you can also use material editor (ME plugin) to change the shader of front hair into some other shaders like Hanmen's alpha true, this is independent of whichever light plugin you use, I guess. Hanmen's shaders seem to have a better reflection of backlight. (Maybe this will need you to update your ME and shaders first)

[Other issues]

[Hair Color]

Using the latest version of ME plugin, you can change the color of the front hair (bang) and get the color change of my whole 2-layer hair.


You can disable my accessories with the latest version of ME, by just turning them off, like the ones in the above image (pic 3) called acs_fabric and/or acs_metal.

[If front and back hair are seperate]

For some characters, I may seperate the front and back hair. In that case, the two layers are made not of front and back hair, but of two copies of materials with ME plugin. In addition to that, everything else is the same.



Hanmen's next gen shader 2.0 has the new hair shader that also makes your hair mods less transparent! Just for everyone's info