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Okay, so after spending a truly absurd amount of time on the phone with Carvana Customer Disservice, the big takeaway is that I'm car-less until Monday. Why? Because people didn't do things that they were supposed to do, like getting and uploading documents. So, for this weekend at least, I'm now the proud owner of what amounts to a pretty metal boulder that I can go outside and gloat over...Gollum-style. Yessss. It's miiiine. My very own. My preciousssss.

You can see it here:

In case anyone other than me cares about the details, despite it's appearance, it's not new. I cannot bring myself to pay new car prices for something that's going to lose 10% of its value the literal second I drive it off the lot. I did shop carefully, though. It's a 2015 Ford Fusion SE. Basically, it's a mid-size sedan with vaguely-sporty styling.

I like the vaguely-sporty styling. I also like that it doesn't have enough horsepower to encourage me to drive stupid. This one has about 25,000 miles on it. For anyone that hasn't tried to buy a used car in America in the last year or two, that car with that little mileage on it is basically a unicorn. Finding anything with less than 50,000 miles on it at a decent price is nigh-unto miraculous. Which is why I bought it. I expect to drive this car for quite a while.

Why did I pick this particular car? It's basically a newer version of the car I was already driving. I like the way they handle. Or, I'm old and prone to "I like things the way they were" thinking. Maybe both.

Yesterday's rage has mostly burned itself down to a resigned apathy. There is literally nothing I can do about not having tags (Ohio's motor vehicle department simply isn't open on weekends), so there's nothing to be gained by staying angry about it. I looked into it, and I can't legally drive it without tags even if I have a bill of sale and insurance. So, for the moment, I'm dependent on my own two feet. It's incredibly aggravating but not catastrophic. I can do most of my laundry at home. There's a grocery store close enough that I could hit it with a well-thrown Frisbee. Doordash can bring me things that are bad for me. In other words, my "suffering" is very survivable, First World suffering.

Given all of that, and after I finish up some necessary housework that I've been shamelessly ignoring, there will be at least one or two fresh chapters of something today. I've got a partially written Isekai Terry chapter that I'll probably finish. Then, I expect I'll try to churn out an Unintended Cultivator chapter or two.


madison mainor

Is Lu Sen gonna start using his earth chi to force a big black bolder around?


Used to drive a very used ford mustang. Worked great but the exterior was corroded to crap lol it was left out at a beach front home for a long time. Personally I prefer the bongo cars I drove for my work, they were convenient and handled great.