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Okay, so it finally happened. Someone left a comment in which they ranted about social justice pandering. That person is no longer a participant in this community. This page is a politics-free zone. Comments that exist solely to promote a political agenda will get you automatically and permanently blocked from this page.

As a writer, I don't believe that it's my place to tell anyone what their beliefs should or shouldn't be. That's something that people need to settle between themselves and their consciences. Beyond that, this platform is essentially my workplace. When I've had day jobs in the past, I generally tried to stay out of political conversations. It's the reason why I don't talk about politics on here, save for whatever hints people can glean from the actual content I post.

By the same token, I have no intention of letting anyone else hijack this page to promote their particular ideologies. It's a one-way ticket to a flame-war in the comments. I don't want that. I expect that 99.99% of the people who are signed up here don't want that. There are plenty of other, far more appropriate places for those conversations/fights to play out.


Da spicy Flurgle

With that said if I’m elected you have my word every package of Canadian bacon will have its label changed to thin baloney. We shan’t let this false advertising stand.


It’s all about the books for me and the joy they bring and giving good suggestions and being creative… leave all that other BS at the door please and thank you 🙏🏽