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There are two new Unintended Cultivator chapters available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. No real reason. I just haven't done anything like that in a while. 
Published: 2024-04
Sorry this is coming so late.  A little unplanned, overlong nap got in the way. A new Unintended Cultivator chapter is available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. 
Published: 2024-05
Sorry for being so late with this. I got distracted by Dragon Con stuff and then had ice skating class. A new Unintended Cultivator chapter is available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. 
Published: 2024-04
Hey everyone, sorry for the super late update. A migraine ate most of my day, so I'm playing catch up. But, a new Unintended Cultivator chapter is available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. 
Published: 2024-03
A new Unintended Cultivator chapter is available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. 
Published: 2024-04
There is a new Unintended Cultivator chapter available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero tiers: https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-aboard-82970567
Published: 2024-03
I haven't done this in a while, so TWO new Unintended Cultivator chapters are available for the Good Karma Corner, Storytime Corner, and My Hero Corner tiers. 
Published: 2024-03