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After fighting like hell in Unity to make a custom ragdoll, it's almost done! It's still a bit jittery but so far it works!

I have 25 levels planned and 12 are playable. It's gonna be an insane amount of work to make the art for all these levels and their story illustrations but it's worth it!

I'm kinda happy with the current scenario. If I have enough time I'll try to extend the whole game to 35 levels. Very unlikely to happen before March sadly. I'm battling to make as much as possible within this month, it's very exciting!

Tomorrow I'll work on the second character so I can show post the ongoing build on the private page! So you will be able to give it a try and tell me what you think UwU

Allrighty, now may be the right time to contact the musician...


Malerouille on Twitter: "Today I finished the art of the main character! It's pretty hard to set up a custom ragdoll in Unity but it's almost there! 🍑 pic.twitter.com/Xw3K7hUq2X / Twitter"

Today I finished the art of the main character! It's pretty hard to set up a custom ragdoll in Unity but it's almost there! 🍑 pic.twitter.com/Xw3K7hUq2X



I love the colors so much


Thank youuu! <3 I'm doing my best to choose cool moods X)