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First of all, thank you all for the support, but due to my recent busy schedule, I decided to close the character request, I'm sorry because I only have very little time for sleep.

Since my financial situation is not good, I decided to take more time to look for a part-time job. I'm seeking ways to balance the two jobs and Patreon.

 I will still keep posting a character a day, but I may not have enough time to filter that much of the photo, I will only remove the more problematic images to keep up the quality.

I'm still looking for ways to improve quality and efficiency, so if you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comments. Thank you all! ^ 3^




クオリティと効率を向上させる方法はまだ模索中なので、何か提案があればコメントで教えてほしい。皆さん、ありがとうございました!^ 3^


由于我个人经济状况不太乐观,我决定抽出更多时间找一份兼职工作。我正在想办法去平衡这两份工作和 Patreon 。


我仍在寻找提高质量和效率的方法,如果你们有任何建议,请在评论中告诉我。谢谢大家!^ 3^


素晴らしい作品とあなたに感謝申し上げます。 私は支援額を引きあげてでも先生を支援します‼️ 仮に週一の制作となったとしてもよいですし、リクエストもご負担になるならやらなくても問題ないです。先生の負担になることを望んでいません、支援をよりしたいだけです、先生の生活を良い方向に向かっていってほしいです‼️




I just joined as a recent member, but I've been loving your work so far! Please do take the time needed for break in between sets! I hope to make a request someday but would rather do it that compensates for the time. Would it be possible to do it through a possible higher membership offer? Or possibly would you consider offering commissions?


Thank you for loving my work. I had opened the commission tier for few days and completed few requests, but I closed it because my models were incompatible with some characters, and the quality was not as good as I expected. I want to open up the commission, who doesn’t want more income XD. However, I don’t have enough time to complete the quality control. You can tell me your favorite character and I will add her to my wifu list. If my model can complete her easily, I will release her one day in the future.