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Hi Patrons, 

So last month we had a record number of shows voted into rotation- a total of 14! In addition to these, we also have Malcolm in the Middle, Freaks and Geeks, and 30 Rock that were voted down that we're attempting to react to - although at a much slower pace. Each of which, if not voted into rotation this month, reactions will stop for. 

Although RJ and I were super hyped by the results and we know a lot of you were too, we understand some of you were less so because of how that did impact then the length of time between reactions and we get that too. 

With our available time and workload, we can only take 2 reactions on daily (whether that's two shows or one movie and a show) so the only other option is to limit the total shows allowed into weekly rotation. 

The way the pulse test has worked is that I take the averages of all of your rankings, assign that to each series, and then the top 5 ranked shows get voted in. The reason there's more than 5 - is that many average at nearly the same so we count that as a tie.

Instead, I can just select the top ranked series up to 10 total. This would ensure weekly reactions to those voted in these 10 spots. For those voted down, we will attempt to squeeze in reactions where we can. They will have the next pulse test to be voted back in- otherwise will be removed completely. 

But we can absolutely keep everything the same if the majority prefers. We  just want to make sure everyone has a chance to weigh in :)

Poll will close on May 10th- before the pulse test goes live :) If the majority chooses to  limit the shows in rotation- this will go in effect at the close of this month's pulse test. 

Thanks as always for the continued support!

RJ and Jrabbit



Looking at the pulse poll, it seems like lately things are getting voted in and then immediately not pulsing well within a month or two. I don't know why that is or if it's important to anyone. I don't have any strong opinion about it. It's just a weird observation that might relate to why so many shows are polling so closely.

E. Kensington

I also feel that if a show doesn’t get voted in but only has one or two episodes left from the season, it’d be best to just finish that up before the month is up

E. Kensington

I think, and this might be an unpopular opinion, there are too many shows being reacted to. I don’t count EP sponsorships in this because lots of channels use them and they are just additional content. This is no offense to RTR themselves and hopefully the point of this poll but there are too many shows I’ve seen on other reactors pages that they react to between four and ten shows and on one of them they have a standard nine that people vote on at the beginning of the month. They then either add in a new show as that tenth slot show or they ask whether they should start a new show or continue with the ones they have, almost consistently people tell them not to add in new shows (there are exceptions such as when Wednesday got voted in as the tenth slot) I feel like with the new shows, RTR is just adding shows, not supplementing them. I mean as much as I love Kimmy and want to see more of it, I'd honestly be happier seeing more of Abbott Elementary and I know this might be true with others whether like New Girl, Doctor Who, etc.


I absolutely agree with you. And honestly feel like a new show poll should be like every other month, or every 3 months. That would make it easier to finish a show or season without it being continuously pushed down the pulse test.


That's interesting to me because I normally think RTR is among the best at being consistent, reliable, and covering a good variety without getting burned out. I think right now is an odd time because there is a big variety of shows with support. In my time as a subscriber, those have been temporary when they get a backlog of too many long running shows the pulse list gets longer, but eventually it seems to even out. However, I seem to be in the minority according to this poll.

E. Kensington

Well, looking at the pulse poll from last month, there were a lot of shows added that had been sponsored previously and sort of bypassed the new show poll. I know this is something they have slwshs done, but to put it metaphorically, it kind of clogged up the pipes, especially when a lot of those shows had the 5 ranking g For example, take Wednesday, Sevarance, The Last of Us; all of these shows had shorter seasons. If there were total ten shows to react to then you could probably get through The Last of Us in two months. If there are fifteen shows to react to, it would be more like three months. With a new show being added each month, that doesnt give the new show time to breathe because there just seem too many other shows using the time slots


It seems more fair to keep them all in the rotation based on the current system even if it means longer between episodes. If you keep it at 10, there will definitely be shows with equal support cut. This month there would be only two of six shows with equal support continued. I don't know why some shows don't seem to maintain their support after they're voted in. That seems odd, but I'm not sure how that would work given the way the pulse tests have been with only a handful of shows having consistent pulse scores and the rest being crowed at the bottom with equal support.

E. Kensington

I think I brought this up when I spoke about Elementary having a longer wait time between episodes on another post (but that had other reasons behind that) but IF you have those like five or six shows with the 5 ranking, why not poll them? It worked the other month with 30 Rock and Scrubs when there was space for two more shows. Yes, people who are doing it blind are giving them similar scores but maybe the same people are voting on them. When I do a pulse poll I vote for more than The Office and a few others, I vote for a lot but if I was told, hey there are too many shows, would you prefer Abbott Elementary or Scrubs (both I gave five personally) I’d vote for Abbott. If people are more informed about the votes they’re casting if there are too many shows, you might even get votes with higher accuracy to what people want to see


Maybe for the longer running shows that are repeatedly not voted back in there could be a monthly poll on whether they should continue? Just looking at things currently, Malcolm and 30 Rock are many network seasons of 20 some episodes long, so if they're not getting pulsed back up, maybe they are worth dropping. But things like HBO or Netflix shows, finishing the season is normally not that much of a commitment and it seems a shame to just drop them when it's almost complete (especially for future subscribers who want to catch up on past reactions).

E. Kensington

How do you feel about shows like succession which has medium length seasons but multi seasons?


I only vote things a five that I really want to see reacted to, so I'd much rather have them reacted to but further apart, if it means they get reacted to in the long run. And I look at shows I don't watch the same way. There are shows other people would rather see sooner, so I will wait if mine are at the bottom. If it were about RJ and JR getting burnt out, that would be one thing. But they are just choosing to pace themselves, so I'm cool with waiting rather than getting a smaller selection for their audiences.

E. Kensington

Yeah, we are going to have to agree to disagree but maybe that’s why there’s a poll. Or maybe I’m still a little bothered by the wait time last month since two shows accidentally got switched with there being a lot to juggle


I would say for that length it would be fine with the current policy of react to the current season slowly and if it doesn't get voted back in, then not continue the following season. I would judge 10 or 12 episodes as pretty standard and not worth dropping for length, but that would be up to RJ and JR or maybe the community could vote on a number? Just throwing out some ideas. I'm fine with whatever is decided in the end. I watch enough shows that I will still have reactions to watch. Will I be sad if they don't get to finish the last 3 or 4 episodes of Derry Girls? Yes. But that's my problem, not the community's.

E. Kensington

Okay, glad to see that we can agree to finishing up the season if there are a certain amount of episodes remaining. I wonder if someone may have suggested that idea before ;)


Hey Jojo - I think all the thoughts here have been added into polls for voting but if I've overlooked any of yours, let me know so I can be sure its included. Likely going to post 2 more based on other comments so just let me know.