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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Firefly 1x8 Out of Gas - Available on the drive now!

Note: We just uploaded this reaction this evening- may still need time to process on the drive

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11aOM-j6GTVPXFISdUN2u9p6mPpb7mezw/view?usp=sharing



Björn Petersen

Hey guys i LOVE the entire show but now you know why this is one of my favourite episodes ever. It does a fantastic job of telling us everybodys backstory, and it also tells so much about each character and their motivations. As you said, Kaylee took the MVP award by not only being super smart, but also by being the most adorable person in the entire universe. 😍 Of course Zoe came through for her captain in the end and we got our little family back together. Remember the button that Wash set up, so Mal could call them all back? When the show got cancelled, Alan Tudyk (the actor who played Wash) took that button from the set, and sent it to Joss Wheedon. Just in case so he could reunite the cast if ever needed. I´m getting choked up just writing this. Gorram feels... Thankfully we got the Serenity movie a few years later. Awesome reaction as always, love you guys and i can´t wait for the next one.

Jeremy Burch

I really love this episode, getting to see how everyone met was great, I thought this episode was incredibly well done. Normally I don't always love episodes that start with something and then cut back 12 hours later or a day later or something like that, but I thought this episode did all of the flashbacks and moving between scenes so well it keeps your attention and interest. I also really loved the ending of the episode seeing how much they all care about each other, how their all family.

David Herron

Can you please say doohickey when describing everything? That would be amazing in other shows also, just sayin haha


This episode is so clever. Following 3 different timelines and having none of them feel rushed is tough, but I didn't feel short-changed on any of the stories. It's always nice to see the origin stories of characters, but it's even better when we conclude the episode with a scene in the present showing how much they still love each other (and Mal asking "will you guys be here when I wake up?". Holy shit, thats so cute. And to make it even cooler, the problem they have to face in this episode is just a normal, everyday, piece of equipment breaking... AND ALMOST KILLING EVERYONE. That's just not a plotline you see in shows... it's not this grand, epic battle. It's just... so basic... but with catastrophic consequences.

Jason Faria

"Sometimes a thing gets broke can't be fixed." is an easy top 3 line for this franchise. My heart breaks for Kaylee in that scene every single time.