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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Community 3x22 Introduction to Finality - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TOLiBXvvVt4GGW48nZ7PzRPaX7s6b4z4/view?usp=sharing




Great reaction with good insights. Just to try to set the record straight, because it IS confusing (as it was, even at the time): The show wasn't cancelled after season 3. It came back on NBC, but with new show runners in place of Dan Harmon; the producers essentially fired him (and a lot of writers left at the same time). The fourth season premiered in February, with just 13 episodes. Community always had a small viewership, it was never a moneymaker for NBC. And it could be a very expensive show to make -- think about the cost of an animated episode, or a paintball parody. Those could eat up a huge chunk of a season's budget. I look forward to seeing what you think of Season 4 as you experience it, so I'll say only that in my opinion it's not bad by any means. The new show runners tried hard to do what Dan Harmon would have done... which, as you can imagine, could be its own problem in a way, being neither quite his show or theirs. But it's for you to decide.

Ted Cali

So, look: of course, go into Season 4 with an open mind, and like what you like. I'll say that even the first time I watched it, I thought it was mostly okay, definitely a lot worse things to watch, and the cast never stops being great. That said, I do think tempering expectations and just knowing that a big part of the original creators aren't running the show will help weather the rougher parts until we get to Season 5, where the show gets its groove back. I'll probably skip this part of the rewatch, keeping the whole "if you can't say anything nice" moral in mind. ...okay, maybe I'll get drunk and hate-watch some of the more egregious episodes. Ten bucks says people who have watched it and are reading this know exactly which episodes I mean. Anywho, on to this one. Not exactly a fun fact, but if you pay attention to the exchange Abed and Britta have in the beginning, it calls back to her therapy sessions with Duncan in Season 1, and pretty much, unfortunately, confirms that she was molested as a child by a transient in a dinosaur costume. So, yeah, shit got pretty dark.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys i have rewatched the entire show multiple times and i cannot say that season 4 is bad by any means. And if it is at times, that only shows, how stellar it has been all the time. Not many shows can pull that off. Like you said, if no one would have mentioned the change behind the scenes, you probably would have never noticed it. Now in regards to the episode, i LOVE Troy as the "Truest Repair-Man" 🤣 You said that Evil Abed cutting off Jeffs arm seems very extreme, but try to recall the "roll the dice" episode, where the darkest timeline was created. When Troy went downstairs to get the pizza, the apartment caught on fire, Pierce got shot in the leg and died, Annie went insane and had to be institutionalized, Troy tried to "eat the fire" and lost his voice, Shirley became a drunk, and Jeff lost his arm. We only saw the aftermath in the end credit scene of episode 3x4 If you want to, just rewatch it. So Evil Abed just tried to adjust our timeline to make it the dakest timeline where he is from. Pretty normal, don´t you think? 🤣 Great reaction as always, love you guys and i can´t wait for the next one.

Fay K

I think there are enjoyable parts of most of the Season 4 episodes with the exception being the really uncomfortable (to me) episode 6 which deals with a certain type of amnesia. I just can't watch episode 6 it makes my brain cry and this is from someone who watched The Office at least a dozen times through all of the episodes and maybe fifteen times when just going from season 3 to 9 (and you have experience with how cringey Michael Scott can be). I just can't with that particular episode but you'll find small gold coins from every episode if you have an open mind. I think that if you look at it as just some fun episodes then you'll at least enjoy the majority of it....you might even love episode six... I think the show was under the threat of cancellation for so many seasons due to it never being popular (I watched it because I went to community college after highschool) and I actually thought that season 5 was the last one for a while. The show got put on Yahoo Watch and I managed to find it with only three episodes left and I didn't even know they were making it. (I started watching through hulu during season 3 so that shows how off the radar it was) Season Five was the last on NBC and then was randomly acquired by Yahoo in Season Six. That having been said Favorite things from this particular episode Pierce's hiding behind the fake bookshelves because, what the heck!? All the stuff with the Sun Chamber showdown and Frozen Labyrinth at the AC repair school Jeff's reaction to Abed saying that he went crazy and almost cut off Jeff's arm


Great reaction as always, this is a pretty good episode. Since you were wondering Abed wanted to cut off Jeff's arm because Jeff lost an arm in the darkest timeline episode. Anyways onto season 4 it isn't that bad in my opinion and when I first watched it I didn't notice much of a difference other than a slight decline in quality and the obvious thing of it getting moved to midseason meaning it had less episodes. Community was almost cancelled after season 3 but since they fired Dan Harmon NBC was willing to give it a shot. So for season 4 we get is what the new "writers" calls an homage to Dan Harmon which mostly looks like a bad parody and they make call backs to stuff without the subtle nuances that Dan Harmon has. So most of the call backs are very in your face and almost all of them are from the previous 3 seasons. That being said it isn't that bad, so enjoy it and if you don't like parts of it don't worry for season 5 and 6 they got Dan Harmon back. So you know Community didn't get cancelled till after season 4, then NBC brought it back for season 5 in 2014 then they cancelled it again, then in spring 2015 Yahoo Screen brought it back for season 6. From now on all the seasons are only about 12 episodes long, although when you get to season 6 the length of the episodes go to about 30 min.

Lasith Bandara

Loved the finale and if the show had ended there that would've been a very unsatisfying and confusing ending because Chang was not caught or punished, also is Star-Burns alive ? also did Troy and Britta moved into together or is it my imagination, This would've been a horrible ending to a brilliant show and I'm glad it's not the end. My highlights of this episode were AC repair schools scenes with Troy and all the students they were weird and hilarious, and I especially loved Troy's last showdown scene and his entrance line and the way he delivered it had me dying "I'm The Truest Repairman"😂😂😂can't wait for season 4

Fay K

What I love is star burns trying to disguise himself in the blond wig whilst also keeping the star sideburns


Adam Grunther commented on your post. While this wasn’t the biggest season finale that the show had, it was still really great. This episode feels more like an epilogue to the season as a whole while the episode in which the study group takes down Chang felt more like the finale proper. Like always with this show, the humor was on point. I loved Troy’s adventure at the AC repair school. His awkward line delivery of being “the truest repairman” was weird, adorable, hilarious and reinforces my belief that Donald Glover might just be the best actor on this show, The psychotic announcer for the heat chamber (who fans of the YouTube channel Screen Junkies will recognize) had me in stitches, especially when the other AC repair students shuffled him off screen for being too insane and the fact that the AC repair students think someone is too weird is definitely saying something. On a side note, I found it kind of odd that John Goodman’s character was killed off midway through the episode. The entire season presents him as one of the season’s big bads alongside Chang so I found his death in the episode to be very abrupt. I’m not sure if it’s because John Goodman became too expensive or busy or if Dan Harmon just wanted the story to play out that way but his death seemed kind of out of nowhere. I personally really like season 4. It gets a lot of flack from the fans and even Dan Harmon and the entire cast but I still think the humor all lands and the characters still feel the same. To me, nothing really felt underwhelming or lackluster, aside from Chevy Chase’s lack of enthusiasm in each scene (but that’s pretty much par of the course with him).


Adam Grunther Comment- Episode 21 This was a fantastic episode and a great way to wrap up the Chang storyline while also leaving it open by having him escape. The humor in the episode was great like always. Between Britta’s insistence saying “I’m in!” because everyone else got a chance to say it and Chang’s idiotic statement of fire not being able to burn through doors because it isn’t a ghost, every joke just landed. I love Troy’s sacrifice in the episode. His goodbye with everyone (except Pierce) was so heartwarming. I also really enjoyed the Dean in this episode. My two favorite jokes with him were him getting excited at the thought of Jeff personally rescuing him only to be immediately disappointed when he realizes that it’s Britta and him fainting when Jeff puts his hand on his shoulder. It’s pretty much a full circle moment after how many times the Dean did the same weird thing to Jeff. Pierce was probably the MVP of the episode in the department of humor. The fact that his final words to Troy are to never wear condoms are hilarious. I also really love the fact that the study group tricks both Chang as well as the audience on Pierce ruining the plan by doing his Swami act. Normally one would expect Pierce to refuse to go along with the plan regardless so this was a great curveball. Just a fantastic episode and reaction all around.