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Come and check out the FULL & Early access Movie Reaction to Rocketman- Available on the drive now!




Oh no! I typed out a huge comment, but tried to edit it and now it's gone. :( Did I lose it? Well, the gist of it is that I'm glad you liked this movie...I'm Still Standing came out in 1983 and Elton finished rehab in 1990 (so, the song came first)...Taron Egerton voiced the gorilla character that sang I'm Still Standing in the animated movie Sing! and that was him singing the song in that role too. I don't remember everything else I said. I know it was a bunch of stuff about how much I loved this movie and why I think it's so great. Maybe my other comment will show up again later, but if not, oh well. I'm just happy that you enjoyed this so much and I became a Patron today because I couldn't wait for this to hit YouTube. LOL Keep up the great work guys!


Haha Welcome!! And we have your comment- not sure how it got remove from here but it was in our inbox: I couldn't wait to see this reaction and became a Patron today! I might even up my pledge to get access to the full reaction. We'll see. I'm SO happy that you liked this one!!! 2019 was full of great movies and while Rocketman might not be the the "best" movie of the year, it is definitely my favorite! It is such a feel good movie for me! Tough to watch in parts, but beautiful and touching and absolutely uplifting in the end. And Taron Ederton is amazing!! Fun Fact: Taron also voiced the gorilla character that you mentioned in the animated movie Sing! and that's him singing "I'm Still Standing" in that one too! As for when that song was released, it's from 1983 and Elton didn't finish rehab until 1990. So the song definitely came first. I enjoy the way the movie uses his songs to tell the story and I completely forgive the timeline discrepancies as creative liberties. One day when Elton has passed, someone will make a true linear biopic of his life, I'm sure, and we'll get more of his story and everything that wasn't included in this particular piece. He's already written an autobiography that "tells all" so I'm sure there will be a lot to show! lol Thank you again for posting this. Oh and I've watched this movie multiple times and the moment when he hugs himself as a child makes me cry every time. What a great way to portray the journey to self-acceptance and emotional healing. Fun fact #2: May is Mental Health Awareness Month and June is Pride Month...this movie was released in theaters on May 31st last year which seems like the perfect date to release a movie that deals with both of these subjects. 💗🧡💛💚💙💜


Yes, sooo glad you finally got to this and glad you seemed to enjoy it. Erin Thomsic covered a lot of what I was going to say so I'll stick with a couple fun facts. As I mentioned on the Golden Circle reaction, Elton and Taron met during the filming of that and have developed a pretty fantastic friendship ever since. Elton actually gave Taron the first diamond earring he ever bought for himself, which you can see him wearing during the rehab scenes. It's also worth noting that while a lot of this movie is kind of a dramatization (it was billed as based on a true fantasy, if that tells you anything), one of the parts that seems the most ridiculous is actually totally true. Elton did in fact do his incredibly famous Dodger Stadium show like two days out of the hospital after he took a lot of pills with booze and jumped in the pool in the middle of a party. Also I don't know if you've ever seen Billy Elliot, but Jamie Bell (aka Bernie) was the lead role, so if he looks familiar that is quite possibly why. He's known Elton since he was a youngster as a result, because Elton was so moved by Billy Elliot that he approached him about it and Elton later ended up writing the music for the musical production. Lastly I have to say I love how much you appreciated Bernie and his friendship because that's what this movie did so well. I remember Taron giving an interview where he mentioned that at the premiere he was sat next to Bernie with Elton on Bernie's other side and the whole time he just kept having to shift his attention between the movie and watching their reactions. Apparently during the scene where they meet the two were whispering and grinning to themselves, which is PRECIOUS TO ME. That was a ramble, but thank you for the reaction!




I just want to say I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it!! I just had a feeling you would especially if you liked Bhoemian Rhapsody. I personally like Rocketman more only because I really love elton john and i think its an amazing biopic and because elton helped direct and produce it a lot of parts were accurate to his actual life. but anyways love u guys love your reactions as always!! :)

Lasith Bandara

Loved This Movie And Your Reaction, Like RJ I'm Not A Big Fan Of Musicals But I Loved The Movie Maybe Because I Didn't Know Anything About Elton Johns Life.