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While you might get used to the new sexy body on some level, it's going to take quite a bit longer to get used to the revealing clothing and lusty stares from the people around you.
Especially since our waitress used to be one of these guys just a while ago.
Doesn't help this donkey is still for some strange reason slowly growing in all the right places, even without spilling drinks or making outright mistakes.




Even more parts to this series? Eeexcellent. Hafta admit, that whole sloooow growth is right up my alley and the fiery embarrassment is just adding to things. Yeah, yeah. I'm a dirty inflation/expansion addict, sue me. Seems like whoever provided that outfit knew just how big things might possibly get.


Yees more parts to come, many more. It's the longest sequence I have done so far. Slow growth is a fun subject, only problem is that it requires a ton of pictures which makes it a bit on the rarer side to see. And the outfits have been made to accommodate a lot of boobage, which there will be plenty of if this donkey continues the series of mistakes. I have a feeling that's going to be the case.

Sashi Williams

MMMMM.. would love a PERMANENT body like that.. curves and all.. (*shameless giggle*)


There is no clumsy bodies, only clumsy owners


True, it's a pity that this owner can't get that much time to get used to the new body. It's constantly changing for the worse...or better depending which point of view you're looking from.


Would be an interesting experience, but if the threat of constant growth is included it's quite a hazardous existence. I'm sure many would welcome it though. Drop something and easily get bigger tits.