Plan changes for end of year (Patreon)
Hello everyone! This is a post about new plans for end of the year!
November plans
Face mation test: For this test I am trying new facial capture technology!
Celine preview: A short introduction to Celine and her feet
Chun-Li: Victory stockings face rub POV: The personal animation for this month. Chun stands over you and rubs her stockings on your face after defeating you.
Bonus image sets: More bonus image sets like the "Caught by the Cat" image set I posted. Please give me your suggestions for images!
Xmas video
TL;DR: After planning I found to make a 5-7 high detailed video in 1 month is impossible. So instead of long Xmas video it is short Xmas video + poll animations
If you read the TL;DR. It is how it is said there. Making the long videos is a huge pressure when I have only 1 month. With how much detail I am starting to add to the animation. Making something so long and still detailed is getting longer to make.
The video will be made eventually. It is actually the prologue to the original character series I want to make with the Fantasy OC's! I want to have the best production, effects and sounds for these videos.
So the pressure was a little too much after I say to myself to take it easy in November for my mental health. When I have the motion capture I will be able to direct the long videos much better. I cannot thank you enough for this ability when it becomes true.
So I am going to do another poll soon for December animations.
Please look forward to more posts and the new plans! It is a lot more healthy for me and it will produce the best content!
If you have any questions please ask me!
Stay safe, love yourself and have a great day! <3