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Chapter 21: Blade Wolf

Between the two-legs to the west, the boar king to the south, and the short-green two-legs to the east, territory in the forest had always been a struggle for survival. He had always been smaller than his fellow wolves but far faster, which allowed him to escape with his life and slowly strengthen. He battled the swine to the south and defended the previous alpha from the short-green two-legs - he could feel his might growing with each foe slain.

But his true power was revealed when the previous alpha was attacked by a two-leg using fire. The alpha was brutally burned and lost his battle, while the pack was trapped in a vortex of fire, unable to assist. He snuck up on the cocky two-leg wielding the power of fire, who was blind in his arrogance, and struck a fatal blow to his neck, the death of this two-leg caused his power to burst, and he was reborn.

Sadly, the old alpha could not be saved, so his duty was to lead the pack and become the new alpha. They spent many seasons recovering, fighting their foes, and replenishing the pack with his mates. Recently, one of his scouts reported that there were fewer of the boar king minions roaming the southern forest. Another scout mentioned that the two-legs and short-green two-legs were waging war. He knew it was finally time to get vengeance and rule the forest.

Conquering the boar king's territory was proving very simple. With their numbers shockingly dwindling and the boar king nowhere to be seen—had he abandoned his territory? What a fool! They spread out and claimed this section of the forest, feasting on the boar king's brides and children and the numerous deer and rabbits that this lush section provided.

But that was when trouble had arrived; some of his pack had mysteriously vanished without a trace. More scouts were dispatched to find the perpetrator or at least locate the bodies, but there was nothing - not even a scent! During scouting, they found a large amount of water that would sustain them for generations and act as a suitable ambush point for prey - this forest was truly blessed.

But the disappearances kept happening, and anyone sent to the water never returned. Sending two of his best trackers, he hoped to get to the bottom of this, but they also failed to return. Outraged, his firstborn sons volunteered to ambush whatever foe was causing this.

However, he was worried this foe might be too powerful for his firstborn sons; despite their growths, they had not reached the rebirth like himself. He waited with the rest of the pack's fighters and gave his wisest son strict orders to howl when they engaged the creature and again when they had achieved victory. If the wait between signals was too long, he would rush in to assist, even though it would damage their honor.

His son's magnificent howl filled him with pride, and he waited with bated breath for the victory, but it never came. He rushed to the water with the rest of the pack, but when they arrived, there was no sign of any of his sons and only a singular blue blob of tremendous size.

He announced his presence with a mighty howl and approached with his pack - the creature stood its ground and didn't flee. Perhaps this water was its domain, and it would stand its ground to defend it. Despite being a foe, he liked this reasoning as it was better than the pig king, who fled like a coward.

One of the younger warriors was too quick to temper and rushed at the blue creature with a thirst for vengeance. He didn't stop the youngster as he failed to see how this unassuming creature could have killed his sons, and this could provide valuable battle knowledge—he could always rush in to save the child.

The creature made no movements until the young warrior was already leaping at it, and then abruptly, it revealed its hostility as three limbs burst from its rounded form and grabbed the warrior. Before he could even react, the young warrior's life was snuffed out. He couldn't understand how this creature hid its weapons, but then the horror started as he watched the body disappear before his very eyes. This creature was the one who had killed his scouts, his trackers, and his firstborn sons.

He howled his challenge to the creature directly, ordering the pack to stand down as they could not assist against this mighty foe, and he didn't want to lose more of his family. Once again, the creature didn't react and was willing to stand its ground and defend its territory.

The creature then started crafting the weapons of the two-legs out of its own flesh as if mocking him and then waited. He took his stance and barked for the battle to begin.

This foe was very strange. Despite holding the weapons of the two-legs, it was inexperienced in wielding them, and his mighty tail could easily counter them. When he cut into the blue flesh of the creature, it fell apart and crashed to the floor like water—it seemed he would need to cut apart this foe until it stained the ground blue.

The creature, seemingly frustrated at how he effortlessly destroyed its weapon, began throwing things at him, but he was far too fast to be hit. He noticed that the things thrown at him were the numerous tusks of the boar king's minions and the teeth of his pack. Was this creature the reason for the boar king's forces being so weakened? Did this creature kill the boar king? It would explain why the king had vanished, just like his pack.

The fight continued, but he felt under very little threat, even when a few fangs struck him, as they only gave some scratches. But the blue flesh of the creature wasn't running out and seemed to regrow from nowhere. He activated his [Hunters Eyes], and it marked the red orb floating in the blue flesh.

He prepared his ultimate strike, which he had honed to perfection and could cut foes beyond his reach. He used [Wind Step] first to build up speed and again to appear right before the creature. He spun rapidly to build momentum while he focused hard on his tail, which shone with the majestic power that came with his rebirth. Then, at the highest rotation point, he swung his tail, and the skill [Sever Strike] activated.

It ripped through the blue creature and struck the red orb; it cracked but still held form, and he used another [Wind Step] to reach safe ground. It looked like the creature was heavily wounded, and if he could land another [Sever Strike], he would win. He just needed to be careful, as using too many [Wind Steps] would cause him to collapse with exhaustion or be unable to activate another [Sever Strike].

But the creature's behavior was odd, not like any wounded foe he had faced before, and was growing in size!? Blue flesh was erupting from the creature and swelling it to a massive size, towering over him. Giant limbs burst out from the creature and were swinging wildly for him. He cut into one but misjudged the thicker size, not putting enough effort into the cut, which only went halfway through.

The half-cut limb snapped back together with a sickening sound and then started shooting at him. At first, he was more focused on dodging the other limbs, so he ignored most of the shots, but then he felt his fur burning and noticed the creature was shooting its flesh at him!

Putting his focus on dodging the onslaught was rough, with three tentacles trying to grab him and projectiles trying to burn into his fur. With his attention on dodging, he noticed far too late that his feet were having a light tingling-burning sensation and that almost the entire ground was shaded blue.

The creature had been spreading a thin layer of blue flesh over the ground. Fear bubbled up inside him at the thought of disappearing like the young warrior in this burning blue flesh, but the effect was so mild that he barely felt it—maybe it was too thin to melt him? Regardless, he needed to kill this creature quickly.

He cut into another large tendril that tried to grab him, this time with more effort to slice through, and it fell to the ground. He avoided another and was about to cleave through it but suddenly had to use [Wind Step] as an emergency dodge, as a tentacle had tried to attack him from behind!

Where had it come from? He slashed another tentacle that approached his new position and backed up, and then he saw what had happened - the tentacle he had just cut through had fallen, but when it touched the blue-stained ground, it rapidly revived on the spot. The creature had spread itself out to recollect its fallen flesh.

The battle continued; he had lost count of how many times he had sliced through a tentacle, only for it to come back from the dead when it touched the ground. But the towering form of the creature had started to shrink; was he finally wearing it down? Then his [Hunters Eyes] spotted a tiny red orb rocketing through the surface slime. He remembered the red orb being far larger - had it shrunk to heal the crack?

He chased after it, wondering if it had given up, and then he spotted his five remaining warriors snarling at the blue ground. Fear struck as he howled a warning to them, and then his back felt immense pain as a blue projectile struck him and burned into it. The red orb had reached the pack, and suddenly, blue slime burst from nowhere, utterly surrounding the tiny ball of death.

One of the braver warriors confronted it to allow the others to escape—a heroic sacrifice. But the creature had abandoned its previous honor of only striking those who attacked it, with four limbs bursting out to grab and kill the retreating wolves. Both the warrior and he howled in rage. The warrior foolishly jumped at the slime, and simultaneously, he performed [Wind Step] into [Sever Strike]. His bladed tail struck true, and the orb shattered.

The warrior was unfortunately already dead, its head missing where it had sunk into the creature. Unimaginable fatigue assailed his body, and guilt plagued his mind, but the deed was done. They would recover like they had previously; his mates were still alive, he was the alpha, it was his duty.

Abruptly, his back legs were struck from behind, and horrific burning filled his mind. He howled in pain and confusion. The creature's corpse, which had been slowly losing shape, suddenly had new life and took solid form, producing four limbs that immediately tried to grab him. He tried to dodge even with his back legs in abhorrent pain, avoiding the first successfully when the three others collided with him.

He was swallowed into a world of nothing but blue and burning.

<Blade Wolf LV 6 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Slime (Blue) is now LV 10 (Max).>

<Evolution options are now available.>

Chapter 22: First Evolution

After having my core struck by that blow, it was like a part of my mind turned off. I felt pure desperation and fear and then a strange bloodlust to kill, no, devour the cause of my suffering. My logic and reasoning seemed to dull into a quiet voice while rage and primal instinct took over.

My body and actions became pure instinct, no longer overthinking and methodical. My instinct told me to throw everything at the problem: all my slime mass, overpower the enemy through sheer quantity and spread my slime to cover the terrain to recollect fallen slime mass.

The battle raged on, and despite recollecting the fallen slime mass, it wasn't a perfect process, and there was still a loss. The urge to devour and replenish my slime overwhelmed me, and while I couldn't catch this prey - there were five easy ones nearby. I deposited some slime mass, like reserve army troops, and sent my [Sub-Core] out like a general to slay the foes.

The threat chased after my [Sub-Core], which led to landing a [Slime Shot] against it while it was distracted. Devouring the prey was successful, but the threat used its ultimate move to destroy my [Sub-Core].

My [Sub-Core] shattering shocked me so hard it seemed to give my reasoning its voice back. The weird autopilot on my body abruptly stopped. I noticed the silvery wolf lowering its guard, thinking himself victorious. I started to "play dead" with the slime mass over there, and then I began lining up two perfect shots of dense slime mass at his back legs to lower his mobility.

Once I hit his legs, I reformed the "dead" slime mass to grapple him with all my tendrils. The wolf dodged the first, but the three others grabbed him, and it was finally over. My mind finally started to clear, that primal voice dimming into obscurity.

'Wait... Since when did I have four tendrils?' I suddenly wondered to myself.

I looked through my mental notifications, which had been ignored till now, while starting to bring my slime back to my core - which was currently everywhere!

<Proficiency gained. [Pseudopod LV 3] improved to [Pseudopod LV 4].>

<Wolf LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.> x4

<A [Sub-Core] has been destroyed. Rest to recover.>

<Wolf LV 2 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Proficiency gained. [Slime Shot LV 2] improved to [Slime Shot LV 3].>

<Blade Wolf LV 6 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Slime (Blue) is now LV 10 (Max).>

<Evolution options are now available.>

<1 Trait Point is now available.>

<Your accomplishments have been acknowledged.

Emblem Achieved: [Apex Hunter].>

<1 Skill Point is now available.>

'That... is a lot to take in. My traits improved, which is good, but now I have three new things to worry about; an evolution, an emblem, and a skill point.'

I wanted to get away from here because, with how this day had gone so far, I was almost expecting another even bigger wolf to show up. I looked at the corpse of the Blade Wolf, and [Dissection] was suddenly frothing in the mouth, screaming at me to claim that deadly tail.

<Profile [Wolf] has been updated.>

<Proficiency gained. [Dissection LV 3] improved to [Dissection LV 4].>

Feasting on this corpse gave an absurd amount of slime mass, and the rarity of the monster combined with the perfect harvesting must have skyrocketed my [Dissection] experience. It was interesting that Blade Wolf updated my existing information, but I was glad I wouldn't need to hunt down more of those. When I had collected everything and deposited it into my storage, I headed home.

As soon as I arrived, I opened my status menu, and a new glowing prompt appeared, fighting for immediate attention.

<[Evolution Available]>

I mentally selected it, which brought up a new menu that took up my entire vision.

Species Evolutions Available:

Slime (Green)

Slime (Purple)

Mutation Evolutions Available:

Gluttonous Slime (Blue)

Parasitic Slime (Blue)

Aquatic Slime (Blue)

Mimic Slime (Blue)

Predation Slime (Blue)

Special Evolution Available:

Queen Slime (Blue)

This was a lot to take in, but thankfully, I could select the options to get an explanation.

<Slime (Green)

A weak member of the slime species, it is considered more of a pest than a monster.

Its iconic green slime contains a powerful acid that it uses to melt its prey or attackers.

This species used to be quite common, but due to its indiscriminate destruction of the environment and its fragile nature, it was hunted into scarcity.>

I felt my perception of the world shatter a bit when I read that. A pest! I quickly moved on before I spiraled into negativity.

<Slime (Purple)

A moderately powerful member of the slime species, often found in caves, swamps, or intermediate dungeons.

Its purple slime is a concoction of various poisons and toxins like a living alchemy lab.

This slime is deadly to the unprepared, but any resistance, immunities, or access to detoxification can leave it helpless to defend itself.>

Discovering a brand-new slime color excited me, and I quickly wondered how many others were out there. But couldn't I go and find a purple slime and integrate its core like I did the green one?

<Gluttonous Slime (Blue)

A mutation of an existing slime species, this slime has an endless hunger it constantly seeks to end.

This mutation can efficiently turn anything into a slime mass and grow to tremendous sizes; plants, animals, even rocks—this slime devours all.

Due to their ability to devour an entire ecosystem into a wasteland and lack of subtlety, they are often quickly exterminated.>

Being endlessly hungry didn't sound appealing, but being able to eat rocks and plants for slime mass sounded impressive. Although, that last sentence paints a giant target on me, which I could do without.

<Parasitic Slime (Blue)

A mutation of an existing slime species, this slime finds itself a host body to consume and replace from the inside.

Lacking its own capability, it uses its host traits and skills to compensate for its own.

Rare cases exist where this mutation has lived symbiotically with its host, but most involve a hostile takeover.>

This one sounded like what I did to the gigatoad, except I'd be piloting its corpse. I liked the idea, and being able to use the traits and skills was tempting. The only thing I didn't like about this one was it sounded like I'd be abandoning my own growth and power, although I'm assuming I could replace my host and upgrade to a newer model. If I ever lost my host body - I'd lose a bulk of my power.

'Couldn't I use this and just take over a human? Certainly tempting...'

<Aquatic Slime (Blue)

A mutation of an existing slime species, this slime gains the ability to command bodies of water that its slime core is submerged within.

This mutation can freely traverse water and gain greater control over water as it grows.

Extremely destructive when angered, but fragile as water lacks the defensive properties of its own slime.

The largest recorded species took over a lake, and many fear what would happen if one found the ocean depths.>

This one would take claiming ownership of the pond to the next level; I could literally make it part of me. It sounded incredible, but water was not slime, and I doubted it would be compatible with all the traits I had accumulated so far. Honestly, it sounded almost like a shortcut to the same goal Gluttonous Slime would achieve, but I think I'd lean towards my tidal wave containing slime instead of water.

<Mimic Slime (Blue)

A mutation of an existing slime species, this slime usually disguises itself by shapeshifting its slime into another creature or plant and then devours unsuspecting prey.

Initially, its mimicry is only enough to fool simplistic animals or monsters, but if they survive long enough, they can fool even veteran adventurers.

Advanced cases of this species have been known to utilize traits from their borrowed forms, normally unavailable to the slime species.>

Now, this spoke to me on a personal level. Isn't this a massive upgrade to my [Shape Slime]? I already enjoyed making weapons and working on my little miniature tree, and now I could turn into a tree or a wolf. In a way, it was similar to Parasite Slime, although without the skill portion and still using my slime body. Assuming I don't lose my core, I could recreate my mimicked body, so it's got that benefit over Parasite.

'I think this one sounds the best... Could I turn into a human and fool them? I'd need to learn their language, though...'

<Predation Slime (Blue)

A mutation of an existing slime species, this slime targets and hunts prey like a veteran assassin.

This mutation gains unique traits to blend into the environment and eliminate its own sounds and smells, in combination to make it nearly undetectable.

Advanced cases of this species are said to be able to detect lifeforce and conceal their lifeforce and mana signature.>

It was like fate decided to immediately prove me wrong in my opinion that Mimic Slime was the best on offer. If I compare my kills made from stealth or with the element of surprise, they were my victory almost instantly. Being an assassin slime and concealed from life itself sounded very appealing.

<Queen Slime (Blue)

The apex of a particular slime species, this evolution is the final destination for any slime species as it turns away from self-growth to progeny.

The Queen Slime loses the detriment of decaying slime mass and instead produces new slime mass over time, which fuels its new goal and ability to create entirely new slime cores.

Slime cores birthed by the Queen that become independent slimes become the base slime species and sometimes inherit traits from the Queen.

For this final evolution, the Queen Slime gains a boost to all its attributes and traits.>

'Holy shit!' was my immediate response, followed by some confusion, 'Wait, am I a girl slime? Or would this turn me into a girl slime?'

'Come to think of it, what was I in my previous life?' I suddenly questioned and tried to dig into my memories, but all I could recall was Gramps mentioning nobles and cake.

'Whatever, I'm a slime now, so who cares? I'll live my best slime life now. Besides, this option mentions final a lot. I'd rather grow a lot more before considering something like this, as tempting as such a massive boost all at once would be.'

I looked over the options and pondered my choice. The species evolutions were out despite the purple slime sounding particularly deadly; I'd prefer trying to find one and integrate its core. Perhaps if the species evolution were some ultra-obscure slime type, I'd consider it, but purples were in three locations.

The mutation evolutions boiled down to two choices: Mimic and Predation. Mimic felt like the fun and experimental option, whereas Predation sounded like the kill-everything option.

I really liked sneaking around and ambushing, as it often leads to an easy victory, but if I worked on perfecting my disguises, I could achieve similar results from Mimic - like when I deceived that frog who thought I was only a tasty blue slime before I turned on the acid.

Also, if I mimicked something with a mouth, maybe I could learn to talk. I didn't want to live my entire life in silence, and finding even one person or monster to talk to would be nice. Maybe I could get Predation for my next evolution, assuming I could get another since there was no mention of the final or an even more appealing option didn't appear.

<Confirm Mimic Slime (Blue) evolution?

Warning: Evolution will cause the body to torpor until complete.>

Grateful for the warning, I moved into my tree hole before confirming.

<Evolution in progress.>

I felt an intense power surge through my core, and my mind slipped into unconsciousness.

Chapter 23: Tutorial Complete

I once again found myself floating in the infinite void of darkness, except this time, instead of being a disembodied nothing, I was my slime-self.

'Shit... Did I die during evolution or something? After surviving that crazy monster wolf, only to die in my sleep.'

With a wet squelch, I found myself in a familiar chair. Fear and dread filled my core while I worried that Gramps was about to scold me.

"Welcome, welcome! I'm glad my little experiment is going so well. You've certainly been a busy little slime, haven't you?" Gramps's voice suddenly echoed everywhere. He sounded very pleased, which made me deflate visibly as the tension drained.

'So I'm not dead, I'm still alive? I was really worried I'd let you down.'

"Heavens no. You're unconscious while having your first evolution, so I thought I'd pop in for a little pep talk. After this evolution, it will be a long time before I can visit again." I could hear Gramps chuckling in his response, which had me tremendously relieved, until he went eerily quiet, "Unless you die, of course."

'Nope! No dying for me! Going to live my best slime life and do you proud.' I quickly thought and tried to reassure him while holding back internal tears. When he had spoken that last line, it had made my soul shudder with unnatural pressure.

"Yes, good. Although you cut it close with that wolf, you had the potential to take it out yourself without the [Experiment] emblem's assistance, but you seemed to freeze up after he hit you once."

'Is that why my body just seemed to move automatically?'

"Yes. Basically, it flooded your mind with unfiltered survival instincts. You have a habit of overthinking things too much. It was a bit of a failsafe protocol to help you get past the tutorial."


"Yes, up until your first evolution, you were what we consider the tutorial. You had a surprising amount to choose from, but you've been very busy trying so many things that you rapidly unlocked them."

'Sorry, can you explain a bit?'

"Monsters' evolutions are achieved by any combination of their environment, actions taken, or the skills and traits they've acquired. You unlocked Predation, which is quite rare, by gaining [Stealth] and [Sneak Attack] and then also by hunting higher-level monsters."

'And I earned Aquatic just by hanging around the pond too much?'

"A bit more than that, but yes."

'Thanks for the information. I'm glad that I can somewhat influence my future paths. Back to what you said previously, what did you mean about tutorial?'

"Now, the training gloves are off, and you're all on your own. There was supposed to be a reward if you didn't trigger the failsafe - regretful that it happened right at the finish line."

'Wait... All on my own. Does that mean there will be no more help with traits?'

"Of course, I don't think any other candidate tried to brute force the help as much as you. Although, you are the only slime one."

After he confirmed I'd be receiving no more help, I wasn't paying too much attention, and a horrible feeling dawned on me; I'd completely forgotten to look at more traits before evolving. Dread and a tinge of loneliness clouded my mood, and Gramps seemed to have sensed it.

"Tell you what, I'll show you one more for the road. Think of it as a consolation prize for almost making it without the failsafe. I'm honestly surprised you didn't accidentally earn it from all your experiments."

<Slime Burst

Violently explode slime mass in a pressurized burst that can coat a large area in slime.

The area affected, maximum volume detonated, and burst delay reduction scale with trait level.

Compatible with other slime traits.>

'This would have really been useful against that wolf.' I thought, immediately recognizing that this was a good trait I could feasibly get without spending a point.

"Exactly. Hard to dodge a bursting balloon full of slime."

'Thanks, Gramps. I'll miss our talks if you can call them that.'

"Don't worry; we can chat again about your next evolution, and I'm sure you'll eventually find someone else to poke with so many questions."

I was about to ask more questions, like about my nonexistent class and emblems, and as if sensing my intention, the chair suddenly disappeared below me.

"We've run out of time for today. Good luck, little slime. I'm rooting for you."

The blinding light below swallowed me up before I could protest.

I woke up to a barrage of notifications.

<Race Slime (Blue) LV 10 evolved into Mimic Slime (Blue) LV 1.>

<Proficiency gained. [Core Refinement LV 3] improved to [Core Refinement LV 4].>

<Trait [Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 1] obtained.>

<Trait [Chroma Shift LV 1] obtained.>

<Trait [Shape Slime LV 3] is being enhanced by [Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 1].>

<Skill [Identity Block LV 1] obtained.>

My curiosity was bubbling; I received two new traits and a skill. I quickly looked at my two new traits.

<[Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 1]

Enhances an existing trait that allows bodily transformation or manipulation and allows shapeshifting into a close facsimile of any creature or object.

This trait level, knowledge of the target, and practice all affect the accuracy and capabilities of the form in an additive or substitutive manner.

The combined level of both traits reduces any physical discrepancies between your natural form and shapeshifted form.

While shapeshifted, traits the target possessed can be mimicked, provided there is sufficient knowledge about them.

The quantity and maximum level of mimicked traits are scaled based on this trait level.

Enhanced trait: [Shape Slime LV 3].>

If I had to guess, this was the defining reason I chose my evolution. It went far beyond any traits I had gained previously and truly showed the power behind evolution.

Mentally picturing transforming into a wolf, for example, I could see that my thorough knowledge of them from the profile created by [Consuming Osmosis] would give me a perfect transformation. I held off turning into a wolf, as I had another trait to read and still wanted to look at the emblem.

<[Chroma Shift LV 1]

Allows the slime to shift its coloring to better blend into its environment or to match its shapeshifted form.

Level 1: Change the color of slime mass.

Level 2: Change the opacity of slime mass.

Level 3: Change the slime core.>

I was surprised to see a trait description so clearly laid out, with a specific benefit for each level. I guess [Shapeshifting Mimicry] didn't include changing color for some reason, but with only three levels, this was nothing to complain about.

Next, I looked at the skill; this was the first skill given directly, so it must be related to my evolution.

<[Identity Block LV 1]

Blocks identification skills and items of a lower level from inspecting your profile.

If combined with transformation, shapeshifting, illusion, or other forms of deception, then a false profile can be shown instead of blocking, leading to a higher success chance.>

I didn't know what identification skills were, but hiding the fact I was a slime could definitely be beneficial. That gigatoad learned the hard way when I was pretending to be an ordinary blue slime.

Finally, I looked at the emblem, which is still one of the biggest mysteries ever since I first looked at my status menu.

<[Apex Hunter]

Achieved by defeating multiple apex beasts or monsters.

Receive a Skill Point whenever defeating another apex creature, provided it is of equal or greater level.

Equipping this emblem will alert the owner when encountering a valid target, and any experience earned will receive a boost from confronting the target.>

'So if I understand this correctly, if I do something Gramps thinks is noteworthy, then I can earn an emblem. This one seems unbelievable, and I can finally get skill points!' I thought to myself happily, 'Equip [Apex Hunter]!'

<Confirm equipping [Apex Hunter]? You will be unable to change emblems again till the next day.>

It was good to learn that you can only equip a single emblem per day, but my answer was immediate, 'Yes.'

<[Apex Hunter] emblem has been equipped and will be displayed on your profile.>

Curious, I pulled up my profile

Name: - [Apex Hunter]

Race: Mimic Slime (Blue) LV 1

Class: -

Status: Healthy

Mana: Overflowing

'Oh... It puts it next to my nonexistent name. That's interesting, although I'm unsure what the purpose is.' I thought curiously, then wondered if I could give myself a name, 'My name is Blue.'

<Confirm profile name: "Blue"?

Warning: This cannot be modified again without system privileges.>

'No! Abort!' I quickly screamed, worried about that warning. I'd have to think hard for a name I'd like eventually. I pulled up the rest of my status for thoroughness.



[Apex Hunter]


[Mana Slime LV MAX]

[Acid Slime LV 4]

[Pseudopod LV 4]

[Slime Density LV 3]

[Slime Shot LV 3]

[Shape Slime LV 3]

[Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 1]

[Chroma Shift LV 1]

[Consuming Osmosis LV 1]

[Core Refinement LV 4]

[Core Storage LV 3]

[Sub-Core LV 2]

[Mana Circulation LV 2]

[Mana Reinforcement LV 2]

Trait Points remaining 1


[Dissection LV 4]

[Mapping LV 2]

[Stealth LV 3]

[Sneak Attack LV 1]

[Improved Accuracy (Lesser) LV 2]

[Identity Block LV 1]

Skill Points remaining 1

I still had a trait and skill point to spend, and there were no new surprises yet. But I wanted to try out my evolution, so those could wait. I exited my tree feeling like a new slime, and today felt like it would be a great day.

Chapter 24: Wolfing Around

It was finally time to try out my evolution; I wish I could have witnessed the transformation myself, but my [Sub-Core] did not regenerate while evolving, much to my disappointment. I pictured the wolf, which was crystal clear thanks to the completed profile, and I felt my main slime body rapidly shift to match the form. Four legs, ears, snout, fangs, tail, everything grew out of my slime ball, and then the ball molded itself into the wolf's torso.

<Proficiency gained. [Shape Slime LV 3] improved to [Shape Slime LV 4].>

'I guess my gut feeling was right. I really was on the verge of raising that trait. I bet I can complete my tree model now.'

It felt strange to have legs again, so I sat down to lift a front paw to examine it closely. Physically, it matched perfectly, but it looked alien because it was bright blue and transparent. I focused on my [Chroma Shift] skill and tried to apply the coloration. The color of the slime shifted before my gaze and would likely be a perfect match if not for the transparency.

'A transparent grayish wolf is better than being blue, I guess... I hope I can raise that trait soon. Looking at previous traits, they didn't take too long to reach level two.'

I sat up and did some light walking, something I never thought I'd be doing since becoming a slime. I was surprised at how well everything worked, and I fully expected I'd have to test and experiment, but that wasn't the case. The strangest thing was the nose working, and when I selected the trait [Enhanced Nose] to mimic, I was bombarded with an overwhelming amount of scents and frantically swapped to [Enhanced Fangs].

A surprising feature I didn't expect with my shapeshifted form was that my legs were not taking up any [Pseudopod] capacity. When I had initially thought of trying to give myself slime legs, I thought I'd need to sacrifice some tendrils to be makeshift legs. I made my four tendrils emerge from the back of the wolf and wiggled them happily.

I continued to sprint throughout the forest to get used to the form some more, jumped around, and even tried jumping and then swinging from a branch with a back tendril - it was exhilarating. I eventually settled down and decided I needed to spend my points.

Many of the traits I had looked at seemed very good, and I had planned to get [Slime Burst] manually. However, the one I thought would be effective immediately would be [Mana Well], which I hoped would push me above the mana regeneration threshold to upkeep [Mana Reinforcement] perpetually. Speaking of which, I needed to enhance my slime core since I didn't have my [Sub-Core] to do it for me, which I did and then made my trait purchase.

<[Mana Well]

Mana Reserve is increased scaling with trait level.

In addition, a minor mana regeneration effect is added based on total mana capacity.>

<Trait [Mana Well LV 1] obtained. Trait Points remaining 0.>

For my skill purchase, I only knew a few from the wolf profile, and I wanted to collect more profiles to find more purchases now that I could potentially earn skill points through my emblem. It may have been a simple-sounding skill, but I definitely wanted to get the [Evasion] skill to dodge better.


This skill helps sense and predict incoming attacks.

When successfully predicting a threat, the body automatically enters a heightened state of readiness to dodge.

Success chance and reaction speed increase with skill level.>

<Skill [Evasion LV 1] obtained. Skill Points remaining 0.>

That Blade Wolf must have had a high level of this skill to dodge so many of my attacks. It wasn't a guaranteed solution since overwhelming him still landed a few blows, and he fell for my sneak attack at the end, but I was hopeful this would save my core eventually.

It was early afternoon when I finally had my fill of wolfing around. My next immediate goal would be working towards completing as many profiles as possible with [Consuming Osmosis]. It was time to try eating anything and everything.

<Profile [Stone] complete.>

<Profile [Tree] complete.>

<Profile [Plant] complete.>

Interestingly, I could get profiles from almost anything. The things I consumed seemed to generalize into a broad category, and then if I found a new species or type, it would update the original profile. I discovered at least three different species of trees from all my consumption.

Tomorrow, I was planning on trying to use my wolf form's nose to find some animals, but before nightfall, I wanted to head to the pond and see if I could eat some of those bugs. I approached the pond cautiously, and it reeked of death, even without using [Enhanced Nose].

Plenty of bugs were hanging around the pond, far more than usual, likely due to not having anything to kill them now that the frog was dead. I rapidly fired [Slime Shot] at them, repeating my target practice approach and letting them die when they flew into me. I could frequently hit them now mid-flight with the accuracy skill.

<Blood Bug LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Blood Bug] 20% analyzed.>

<Blood Bug LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Blood Bug] 40% analyzed.>

<Proficiency gained. [Consuming Osmosis LV 1] improved to [Consuming Osmosis LV 2].>

<Blood Bug LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Blood Bug] 80% analyzed.>

<Blood Bug LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Blood Bug] complete.>

Along the way, my trait leveled up, which boosted the degree of analysis and, by extension, reduced the amount I'd need to consume to complete a profile. The profile of the blood bug wasn't that interesting; its only trait was [Enhanced Probiscis], and its only skill was [Flight].

I wondered if I could fly if I turned into it and shifted into the bug from my wolf form. I had to deposit a lot of my slime mass away to complete the transformation, as its body was tiny in comparison, barely able to hold my slime core, which seemed to have grown significantly since my evolution.

After numerous failed attempts at getting off the ground, I gave up. I'd likely need a bigger flying creature or possibly get the [Flight] skill. I shifted back to my comfortable slime form and headed home.

When I arrived home, the first thing I did was work on completing my model tree, and it came out perfect, although I was probably cheating now with the profile I had learned. I used my [Chroma Shift] to "paint" my tree model and was shocked at how decent it turned out despite the transparency.

I spent my evening shifting into rocks, trees, and bushes and coloring myself. Even though I really wanted to work on getting [Slime Burst], I planned to bump both my evolution traits to at least level two first.

Before sleep, I checked my mana level, which remained Overflowing. I was ecstatic about my choice to get [Mana Well] and wished I had my [Sub-Core] to work throughout the night. I planned to do a lot of hunting as a slime wolf to work on completing more profiles.

Chapter 25: Eating for Knowledge

Upon waking, I noticed that my slime had significantly diminished in size. At first, I was greatly concerned that my new evolution had made my slime deteriorate at an increased rate. When I deposited my wastewater, I confirmed it was only an insignificant amount extra. Thankfully, before I went into a neurotic panic, I noticed a little orb floating inside me—my [Sub-Core] had regenerated.

The cost paid was significant to regenerate it, and in the future, if I need to restore it, I should sleep on the heavier side with excess slime mass to be safe. I withdrew some slime from my savings, set my [Sub-Core] to reinforce, then finally exited the tree and shapeshifted into a wolf. I borrowed the [Enhanced Nose] trait and couldn't believe the significant difference, even though it was only level one due to being restricted to the same level as [Shapeshifting Mimicry].

I spent most of the morning running around trying to sniff out anything, going into sections of the forest I had left previously unexplored. Having the wolf's smelling power made me wonder how astronomical the Predation slime would have been being able to detect lifeforce itself.

<Profile [Deer] complete.>

<Profile [Rabbit] complete.>

Some deer and jackalope were all that I found, which I could effortlessly absorb, neither of which had any worthwhile traits, but I did learn about the [Sprint] and [Leap] skills. I'd practice transformation later and continued to hunt. While heading further south, towards a dense odor, I ran into something I hadn't seen in a long time.

<Boar LV 2 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Boar] 40% analyzed.>

I almost missed the smelly pig creatures, although they now felt so beneath me that I didn't even need to use my tree jellyfish strategy. Instead, I leaped at it in wolf form, partially undid the transformation, and glomped the boar into my acidic goo. I hoped I could find more and started to run around frantically to sniff one out.

Deciding this was taking longer than I had hoped, and I wanted to increase my search speed; I tried using [Mana Reinforcement] on my legs. This took some effort, but the result was my legs felt sturdier. The effect was noticeable, and I ran faster, trying to catch a whiff of that dense odor again.

My expanded search radius eventually bore fruit, and following a trail, I found another boar that even had visible battle scars that had healed up over time. Unfortunately, for the veteran boar, it also fell to the slimy glomp of death.

<Boar LV 4 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Mimic Slime (Blue) is now LV 2>

<1 Trait Point is now available>

<Profile [Boar] 80% analyzed.>

I had finally reached level two after evolving. I had almost missed the fact that my level had reset after evolution, which answered another of my past questions of why the Rage Boar and Gigatoad gave me so much experience despite being lower level - they were both evolved creatures.

Spending my newly acquired trait point was a little tricky initially. I had thought I'd be grabbing [Olfactory Sense], but since I found out I could smell as a wolf, that felt like a waste at this stage. I was enticed by the safety of [Magic Resistance (Lesser)] offered, but my gut told me I could delay it. Instead, I settled on grabbing [Adhesive Slime], as it sounded intriguing and had applications I could think of to use it. Not to mention traits that mentioned "slime compatibility" in the description appealed greatly to me.

<[Adhesive Slime]

Allows increasing or reducing the adhesion of slime mass.

This trait has no levels.

Compatible with other slime traits.>

<Trait [Adhesive Slime] obtained. Trait Points remaining 0.>

The knowledge poured into my core, and once again, I felt a new magical understanding of how to manipulate and control my slime. I placed my wolf paw on a rock and increased the adhesion, and when I lifted my paw, the rock was firmly stuck.

I did a few other little experiments, such as removing all adhesion and running in place, which looked hilarious, and my crowning accomplishment was running up a tree, which took multiple attempts to coordinate on adding or removing the adhesive effect when the paw would be placed or raised.

I finally continued searching for another boar, but my luck might have run out for the day. I was heading home while doing a loose search for peculiar smells when my super-sensitive nose caught five approaching, three of which had the stench of death. I undid my wolf form rapidly and promptly grappled up into the safety of the leaves. I tried to mimic a branch and silently waited, hoping my combination of transformation and stealth was good enough.

The figures that walked by were three human men, a black cat-like creature, and a woman with large and pointed ears, which my broken memory informed me was an elf. I wondered which of the three had that stench, but that wasn't possible without my wolf shape.

It was very odd to have the knowledge of something without the attached memories of where it came from, which only made me question what Gramps had done to me. I did wonder why he took my memories of my past life away, and I could only assume it was so that I couldn't go and seek revenge for being poisoned. My first conversation with Gramps made it sound like reincarnation was a frequent occurrence, and if it was plagued by the dead coming back to seek revenge, the world might devolve into chaos.

The loud voices of the men snapped me back to reality as I watched them pass by. One of the men had a fancy cloak with matching armor and was holding a piece of paper and pointing; at his waist was an ornate-looking rapier, and I mentally approved of his weapon choice. The other two men had a sort of vagabond look going to them, and they had unkempt blades and dirty leather armor. The elf wore strange armor that looked crafted out of leaves, and at her back was a bow and quiver that screamed and was loaded with money. The bow especially looked like a work of art. Finally, the cat-like creature was by her side; it was slender, and I got the impression it might have been faster than the Blade Wolf.

The fancy man was talking obnoxiously loud while they walked, and the cat-like creature was glancing around while its ears were perking, which caused me to tense up with worry. I was frozen as I watched them leave, and the last thing I saw was the elf scratching behind the cat's ears.

When the tension faded, I turned back into a wolf, hoping its nose would inform me if anyone approached while making haste back home. Nothing eventful happened, and I wasn't lucky enough to find the last boar I needed before I spotted my familiar tree.

I checked my mana level, curious how much the drain from enhancing my legs would be while continuously maintaining the reinforcement on my core. My mana showed Surging, which meant it only dropped one level - not bad. Now, I'd test out the new creatures I could transform into; the deer and jackalope came quickly.

<Proficiency gained. [Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 1] improved to [Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 2].>

I assumed I was getting bonus experience for the quality and also for a new form. I likely accumulated only regular amounts of experience throughout the day while shapeshifting and using mimicked traits. I hoped [Chroma Shift] wasn't far behind.

Lastly, I tried turning into a boar; the transformation was a partial success, but some of the parts were either droopy or the incorrect size. I spent the rest of the night trying to become a boar, hoping to leverage practice and my trait level to fill in the profile gaps. Before I finally decided to call it a night, I was very close to finishing the boar shape; it was certainly serviceable, and I could run around looking like one - if you ignored the transparency.

Tomorrow, I had plans to visit some old friends and get a necessary profile that may hint at some traits and skills specifically for me. It hinged on me ranking up my [Chroma Shift], but I was confident I could get it either in the morning or during the trip.

Chapter 26: Wolf-Eat-Slime

Mana: Overflowing

Waking up to the highest mana level despite my dutiful [Sub-Core] work throughout the night was a glorious way to start the day. It proved that I could fully maintain reinforcing my core without draining mana.

Before heading out, I shapeshifted between the four creatures I had mastered before finally shifting into the boar. It was good practice but made me realize that the other forms were taking up less of my mental capacity to hold, and the wolf, which I had spent almost the entire day as, was slightly more efficient than even the other three with their completed profiles.

Knowledge, trait rank, and practice all played a critical role in not only the form's transformation accuracy and shifting speed but also its upkeep cost - I needed to keep a nose out for another boar. Interestingly, I also tried shifting into the Blade Wolf, but my body refused to take the shape. It perplexed me because I had full knowledge of the evolved wolf as it amended itself to my existing profile rather than adding its own entry. I could only assume I lacked a minimum trait level in either [Shapeshifting Mimicry] or [Shape Slime], a combination of the two, or maybe even a minimum race level.

With [Shapeshifting Mimicry] reaching level two, I now had access to a higher trait version of [Enhanced Nose], so I hoped I could find that final boar and complete the profile. I could also add another trait to the mimicked form, but from some experimenting, I discovered that each trait had a mental upkeep depending on its copied rank. I'd need to expand my mind, refine my core, or add cores because if I ever reached max for [Shapeshifting Mimicry] upkeeping ten skills, all at rank ten sounded mindblowing in the literal sense.

<Profile [Herb] complete.>

<Profile [Mushroom] complete.>

The occasional foraging was mandatory, as I loved the rush of information whenever I completed a profile, and I got a bunch of facts stuffed into my core about healing herbs and poisonous mushrooms.

I started heading west wearing my wolf form while looping between different colors, and my nose working as I traveled, so I wasn't too worried about any humans seeing a rainbow wolf. During the downtime of travel, I also experimented a bit with my shapeshifting, which led to me discovering that I could not mix and match mimicked transformations for reasons beyond my understanding. I could swap between slime and wolf and a seemingly endless amount of partials between the two forms, but I could not give my wolf form antlers or tusks. My mad scientist's idea of picking the best parts from every creature would have to wait until I discovered what prevented me.

Another sad conclusion was while I could naturally enlarge my slime form, I could not just make a "bigger wolf" without spending considerable effort and mental upkeep. My only assumption was that [Shapeshifting Mimicry] truly wanted me to copy the form exactly, being quite a snobby perfectionist of a trait, and wasn't happy about me making any modifications.

After fooling around with transformations, I reinforced my legs and sprinted slightly south while maintaining my westerly approach. I detoured a good portion of the morning, and it was turning to the afternoon when my effort finally paid off.

<Boar LV 2 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Boar] complete.>

I confirmed my earlier theory by transforming it into a boar and found much less mental tax for the form. My inner completionist was satisfied, so I continued heading west in wolf form again and decided to put my mental processing to mixing up the colors of different body parts.

<Proficiency gained. [Chroma Shift LV 1] improved to [Chroma Shift LV 2].>

It finally increased, and thankfully, before I reached my destination. Filled with excitement, I rushed to change the opacity of my slime, and my vision abruptly went dark.


<Identity Block now displaying False Profile.>

<Wolf [Apex Hunter] LV 12.>

'Maybe I should have seen that coming... Pun intended. I see through my core and not my slime. Interestingly, or worryingly, my false profile shows my title, and isn't being above level ten suspicious for a normal wolf?'

Turning my slime transparent brought back my sight, but now I had a predicament to solve. At first, I created a tendril and placed my [Sub-Core] inside it, then swapped vision and admired the finally non-transparent wolf proudly. While this fixed my vision, wolves didn't have tendrils, so I needed another solution.

I tried making some transparent holes throughout my wolf body, and while that solved the vision issue, I could tell it was hampering my disguise.

<False Profile partially compromised.>

'Even Gramps hates it.' I sulked, then continued trying to think of a solution, 'What I really need is eyes... Could I get an eye trait or something? Wait...?'

I moved my [Sub-Core] to the head of the wolf and then started experimenting with lowering the transparency of the eyeballs. It was a lot of trial and error, but eventually, I could finally see and meet the conditioning.

<False Profile fully restored.>

The head being a common weak point for basically everything, I decided it would be safer to use my [Sub-Core] and keep my actual core hidden within the body. Finally, I continued my journey, which gave me time to get used to my narrower field of vision.

As I broke the forest edge, I saw a tall wall in the distance, then as I got closer, I saw a familiar stream, and lastly, I saw plenty of bouncing blue slimes. My wolf nose couldn't detect anything nearby, so I strolled over.

'I can't believe I willingly came back here, but I hope to learn more about myself by completing a slime profile.'

Then, the feasting began.

<Slime (Blue) LV 2 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Slime (Blue) Core absorbed.

<Profile [Slime] 40% analyzed.>

<Slime (Blue) LV 3 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Slime (Blue) Core absorbed.

<Proficiency gained. [Slime Density LV3] improved to [Slime Density LV 4].>

<Profile [Slime] 80% analyzed.>

'Did that last slime have the compression trait, which gave my own trait some experience? Not that I'm complaining... Despite being my second trait, it somehow fell behind some of my newer traits in levels.'

<Slime (Blue) LV 1 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Slime (Blue) Core absorbed.

<Profile [Slime] complete.>

<Proficiency gained. [Consuming Osmosis LV 2] improved to [Consuming Osmosis LV 3].>

I did not expect it to level up already and could only assume that fully completing a profile gave me a lot of trait experience.

'I have been eating many things lately purely for the profile, even stuff I can't transform into - no wonder I earned the Gluttonous evolution...'

The slime profile was disappointing, but I didn't expect much from ordinary blue slimes. I did hope that with the profile complete, I could get a lot more information from any evolved or subspecies consumed in the future. The two new traits I did learn about were intriguing, and I could imagine applications for both.

<[Elastic Slime]

Allows increasing or reducing the elasticity of slime mass.

This trait has no levels.

Compatible with other slime traits.>

Another trait with slime compatibility was always welcome. I couldn't think of anything offhand on the reducing elasticity portion and becoming rigid. However, by increasing elasticity, I could avoid gravity splattering me across the ground and instead bounce.

<[Slime Conversion]

Spend mana to generate slime mass.

There is a daily conversion limit, scaling with trait level.>

Meanwhile, with this trait, I could avoid inevitably turning into a puddle of water if I ever ran out of things to eat. Apparently, this was a very rare trait that blue slimes would develop. Although it sounded almost too good to be true, it didn't offer me any immediate benefit, as I had plenty of slime mass saved away and was likely close to hitting my storage limit. I wondered how low the daily limit was per level.

Now that I had completed so many profiles, I also puzzled together a bit of an understanding of how ordinary monsters develop. There was no way a dumb wolf carefully selected its traits when it leveled.

Most monsters are born with an innate trait, and most points are allocated randomly amongst them. There is a chance a new trait is picked randomly out of a pool instead of improving an existing one. When no more traits have available levels, the probability is guaranteed.

The traits are divided into pools, common and rare. Using a blue slime, for example, its common traits are [Elastic Slime], [Adhesive Slime], and [Slime Density], while its rare traits are [Slime Conversion] and [Pseudopod]. I could assume a green slime has [Slime Shot] in its trait pool. It did make me wonder how intelligent monsters developed; would they tell their children to "make sure to get [Enhanced Strength]"?

Satisfied with having two more traits on my shopping list, I started to head back into the forest.

Chapter 27: Syl

It certainly was tempting to devour all the slimes and hope for one that had developed a new trait, but I was hoping to make periodic trips here and grab a few. I didn't feel guilty per se about the forest boars driven to near extinction, but if I did the same to the blue slimes, I'd be trading potential long-term gains for a quick short-term one.

What I desperately wanted, however, was a green slime or, even better yet, a new color. This led to the decision that I would not return to my tree home and instead explore uncharted sections of the forest. My wolf form was perfect for fast travel, especially if I used [Mana Reinforcement] on the legs, and its exquisite nose would guide me to points of interest.

A whiff of fresh blood caught my attention, and I started cautiously heading toward it. As I got closer, I noticed two smells mingled amongst the blood; one smelt wild and animalistic, while the other had a rich and earthy forest scent. Hoping that my stealth skills were being put to good use, I cautiously approached until I finally spotted them.

Lying in a large pool of blood was the black cat-like creature, covered in gashing wounds - unmoving and dead. Leaning against the cat creature was the elf, also covered in wounds, the worst of which looked like something had gouged through her stomach. That fancy bow was not on her person, and she was stroking the cat with a forlorn expression.

'She looks like she's been through hell and back. Whoever or whatever did that to her didn't want to give her the chance to escape alive...'

I couldn't smell anything else nearby, so I cautiously approached, not sensing any instinctual threat from the dying and unarmed elf. When the elf detected my presence, she jerked violently from her position before huddling over in pain and clutching the wound. She shouted threateningly, but I couldn't understand it. I just stopped and stared at her. She looked confused and eventually started talking more, her tone becoming less hostile with each repetition. Her hand reached out, and a green light softly emerged and enveloped me. I was about to panic and retreat when a notification popped up.

<Sylthaeryn Feirelle has requested you to be her companion.

Do you accept?>

Confused, I stared at the message. It didn't seem hostile, and the thought of finally having someone to talk to gave me some unfounded hope. The elf Sylthaeryn, I assumed, had an almost pleading look on her face, and regardless of my choice, it looked like she had not much time left in this world.


<Bond formed with Sylthaeryn Feirelle.>

<Emblem Granted: [Bonded Companion].>

<[Bonded Companion] has been forcibly equipped, replacing [Apex Hunter].>

<Skill [Universal Language] obtained.>

<Sylthaeryn Feirelle is in critical condition.>

'What the hell just happ-'

"Thank you for accepting my request, noble wolf." The elf spoke softly, expressing relief.

My mental protest was abruptly cut short by sheer confusion at her words. Words that I could finally understand.

'Can you hear my thoughts?' I tried, but the elf showed no sign of reacting, 'So not a Gramps situation...' I thought sadly, then tried to speak aloud, but my wolf form only made barking noises.

"Unfortunately, our time together will be short as I'm not long for this world, and soon, my essence will give this forest life." She continued, then reached for a small pouch that looked intricately crafted from all sorts of plant matter and finally wrapped in golden vines.

She beckoned me closer. I would generally be hesitant to approach an unknown, but our bond informed me that she held no hostile intent toward me, so I approached. When I got closer, I finally took more notice of her appearance, something I had disregarded from the other humanoids; she had long silvery-white hair, and her eyes were a deep emerald green. She stroked my wolf head with a terribly weak hand and then placed the pouch strap around my neck.

"I know this is a selfish request, but please protect this pouch and, should you ever discover another elf, present it to them."

'Sure, might as well as thanks for teaching me the language.' I thought, then realized she couldn't hear my mind and quickly nodded.

"Thank you, noble wolf." Her smile was faint, but her eyes held some embers of determination.

I glanced at the creature she was still partially leaning against. She noticed my gaze, with tears rolling down her eyes.

"This was Shalana, my first companion. She died soon after we escaped..." She spoke softly and shook her head in disbelief, "Her sacrifice was in vain... My wounds are far too great, and the bastard even used poison to ensure my eventual demise."

It was a dreadful situation, and perhaps if I had chosen Parasite Slime, I could have saved her, but my current evolution, traits, and skills did not allow me to deal with hemorrhaging wounds or poison.

"Unfortunately, there is one last thing. I do not wish for my killer to gain from my essence or ancestral emblem, and instead, I wish to pass both of them to you."

I wasn't sure what she was talking about, but the embers had rekindled like she had made a final resolution.

"I shall grant you a name so that adventurers will see you once had a bond, and perhaps if you deliver my pouch, a more suitable elf will rebond with you... Syl."


<Name granted: Syl.

Profile Updated>

'She can just force a name on me? I mean... At least it sounds better than Blue.'

"Sorry if it was a bit of a rush name... I thought I'd leave behind another part of me with you. I wanted to make my own mark on the world, but fate had other plans for me." She spoke full of regret and glanced at the gaping wound, her hands trembling, "Forgive me, this is the greatest taboo for a bonded companion..."

"Syl." The resolution in her voice caused my wolf ears to perk, and her following words shocked me to my core, "I order you to kill me."

<Command received from [Bonded Companion].>

<Failed to resist compulsion from [Bonded Companion].>

My mind shuddered, my vision took on a red tint, and I felt myself lose control over my body. It felt vaguely similar to what happened to me when fighting the Blade Wolf, and my body moved to follow the order to maximum efficiency. My wolf form melted away as tendrils burst out, and my entire slime form rapidly moved to engulf her whole.

"A slime!?" These were the last words Sylthaeryn spoke.

<Elf LV 5 Monster Tamer LV 13 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Mimic Slime (Blue) is now LV 3.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Mimic Slime (Blue) is now LV 4.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Mimic Slime (Blue) is now LV 5.>

<3 Trait Points are now available>

<Sylthaeryn Feirelle has died. Bond severed.>

<Emblem Lost: [Bonded Companion].>

<You have defeated one of the ancestral races.

Emblem Usurped: [Elven Legacy].>

<Profile [Elf] 60% analyzed.>

<Profile [Panther] 60% analyzed.>

When I finally regained control over my body, both Sylthaeryn and Shalana were gone, the panther's body taken with her in the overflowing amount of slime. Being at the mercy of Sylthaeryn's order, my slime had not preserved anything. Her body was gone, her companion gone, her bow presumably lost. Other than memories, the only thing that remained of Sylthaeryn was the small pouch she gave me and the mark she had left on my profile.

Name: Syl

Chapter 28: Does Gramps Have a Thing for Elves?

'What the hell just happened?' I ask with utter confusion.

The situation was absurd; I became some monster companion, got an emblem forced on me, and then subsequently removed, entrusted with a fancy plant bag, mercy-killed an elf under compulsion, usurped an emblem, and I've gone up three levels. I tried to calm my neurotic tendency by reading the new emblem.

<[Elven Legacy]

This emblem was a reward chosen by the progenitor of the Elf race for triumphs worthy of the Gods and inherited by all descendants.

The progenitor elf was a master magus and wished his descendants would follow in his footsteps in mastering the arcane.

Magic and Mana-related Traits and Skills are easier to acquire and receive a bonus for earned experience.

All mana costs, including upkeep, are reduced by 25%.

Mana regeneration receives a minor increase.

This emblem cannot be equipped.

This emblem will be usurped through death.>

'What bullshit is this? I was born being bullied by a child armed with a bucket and a knife. Meanwhile, all elves are born destined to be master magicians?'

'I can understand why someone tried to kill her if something as amazing as this is transferred through death. That's a crazy thought... I wonder if someone complained to Gramps about how overpowered elves were, and that last line was added as a concession.'

'I mean, now I have this absurd emblem. Although, doesn't this paint a huge target on my back? Now, not only am I a monster slime, but I also have some legendary elf emblem. I need to level up [Identity Block]... And get out of this forest.'

My immediate plan was to head east and get far away, but I wanted to try both my new forms before departure. The elf form was a mess; I could tell it was trying to copy Sylthaeryn, as she was my only point of reference, but it looked like she had crawled out of a vat of acid and missing a leg.

I would need to give this form significant attention, practice, and level up my transformation traits before it is anywhere near usable. Another concern was that the form lacked any clothes, as my [Shapeshifting Mimicry] only copied the physical form, so I'd need to find some solution.

'I do own a lot of boar hides in my storage... But without a tailoring skill or something, I think I'd do more harm than good.'

The panther form was better but proportionally wrong in many ways, and it felt like my knowledge of quadrupeds contributed a bit to understanding this form. I moved towards the bag and got another surprise when I deposited it.

<Proficiency gained. [Core Storage LV 3] improved to [Core Storage LV 4].>

I shifted to my comfortable wolf form and started my trip while keeping a nose out for trouble. I had three trait points to spend and decided to peruse through the new profiles before I bought anything, just in case there was a hidden gem. The panther profile was a bunch of traits unavailable to me as a slime, lacking legs, muscles, stamina, or even organs.

Looking at the elf profile, I felt my core boiling with rage at the unreasonable bias. Firstly, the elf profile was very different from any profile I had seen before. There was no trait pool and no separation between common and rare. Instead, there was a list of traits they started with and a list of unique traits only available to elves, and I imagined other intelligent races would share this layout.

Now, onto the source of my feelings of unjust inequality; elves had far too many starting traits! [Mana Circulation], [Mana Well], [Mana Sight], [Lowlight Vision], [Ageless], [Elven Reflexes], [Elven Glamour], [Nature Commune], and that were just the ones I could see with an incomplete profile.

'Gramps, don't you just love elves too much? Or is this bias against monsters? I guess I'll find out if I get a chance to eat a human or a smart monster. Either way, I will lodge a complaint during our evolution meeting.'

I couldn't believe they were born with eight traits, two of which I had to purchase. Out of their starting traits, the only one I could get myself was [Mana Sight], and I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it for myself until I tested it with mimic.

<[Mana Sight]

See the flow of mana throughout the world.

Mana sight can see through obstructions based on trait level.

Trait level also determines the minimum level of mana detected and the detection range.>

'Actually, couldn't I learn the trait from using it through mimicry?' It was a thought worth exploring as soon as I could successfully make the elf form usable—it couldn't even walk!

After going back and forth through ideas and traits, I decided to buy [Enhanced Intellect] and [Enhanced Vitality] and then keep my final point for an emergency like buying [Magic Resistance (Lesser)] or possibly [Dark Vision]. They weren't the most exciting choices, but I wanted durability and mental capacity if I was heading into unknown territory.

<[Enhanced Intellect]

Increases mental processing and memory capacity per trait level.>

<[Enhanced Vitality]

Increases your lifeforce per trait level.>

<Trait [Enhanced Intellect LV 1] obtained. Trait Points remaining 2.>

<Trait [Enhanced Vitality LV 1] obtained. Trait Points remaining 1.>

The increase in vitality was hard to judge, but the intellect was noticeable as it reduced the maintenance of [Shapeshifting Mimicry].

Speeding along as my wolf with reinforced limbs was my best way to travel by far, and I had just reached the pond, but I wanted to go past the pond and into the unknown. However, the sun wasn't cooperating, and it was about when I'd usually settle down and practice before bed.

'Actually, I changed my mind. I want to keep traveling during the night, so let's grab [Dark Vision].'

<[Dark Vision]

Enhances vision to perceive in conditions with either little or no light.

Vision distance is 20% per trait level.>

<Trait [Dark Vision LV 1] obtained. Trait Points remaining 0.>

My surroundings immediately lit up with near-perfect clarity, and I could see the clear dividing line where my [Dark Vision] expired and my normal vision continued. Journeying through the night was a new experience, and after what seemed like hours of uninterrupted travel, I spotted what looked like a cliffside in the distance through the breaks in the treetops. During my nighttime run, two more surprises popped up.

<Proficiency gained. [Mana Circulation LV 2] improved to [Mana Circulation LV 3].>

<Proficiency gained. [Mana Reinforcement LV 2] improved to [Mana Reinforcement LV 3].>

'I have been using my mana constantly since I got it, especially reinforcing my wolf legs, but I can't help but think this is because of the elf bullshit... Seriously, Gramps, do you have an elf fetish or something?'

Now that I had spotted a new landmark, I decided to make a temporary tree home and get some rest. While I didn't feel bodily fatigue due to my nature as a slime, I was concerned about what mental fatigue would do and decided to err on the side of caution.

Chapter 29: Mental Housekeeping

My sleep was unpleasant, filled with dark thoughts that clouded my mind. Imagining having my body forcibly seized against my will was a terrifying thought, and I suddenly regretted not purchasing [Enhanced Willpower]. The death of Sylthaeryn clearly affected me despite our very brief encounter, and I wondered if it was from our impromptu bond being torn apart. I didn't mind killing to survive, and if someone tried to kill me, I wouldn't hesitate to end them - I was a monster now, and I needed to endure. But giving her the benefit of the doubt, I assumed Sylthaeryn was innocent, up until she forced me to execute her before the poison or wounds could - it was a mercy kill, but it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I tried opening the bag I received, but it was locked or some magical equivalent. I recalled her dominating my mind, causing a moment of anger where I tried to melt the bag to see its contents, but it could fully resist even my most potent [Acid Slime]. I equipped my [Apex Hunter] emblem and looked at my latest status menu.

I felt a nagging in the back of my mind as I saw how my trait list had ballooned out of control. I started trying to rearrange and reorder my traits, and to my surprise, they did. I wondered if I could categorize them. Gazing at all my slime-related traits, I mentally grouped them, and they popped into a category. I repeated this process a few times until I was satisfied.

Name: Syl [Apex Hunter]

Race: Mimic Slime (Blue) LV 5

Class: -

Status: Healthy

Mana: Overflowing



[Apex Hunter]*

[Elven Legacy]



[Mana Slime LV MAX]

[Acid Slime LV 4]

[Adhesive Slime]

[Pseudopod LV 4]

[Slime Density LV 4]

[Slime Shot LV 3]

[Shape Slime LV 4]


[Core Refinement LV 4]

[Core Storage LV 4]

[Sub-Core LV 2]

[Consuming Osmosis LV 3]


[Shapeshifting Mimicry LV 2]

[Chroma Shift LV 2]


[Mana Circulation LV 3]

[Mana Well LV 1]

[Mana Reinforcement LV 3]


[Enhanced Intellect LV 1]

[Enhanced Vitality LV 1]

[Dark Vision LV 1]

Trait Points remaining 0


[Dissection LV 4]

[Mapping LV 2]

[Stealth LV 3]

[Sneak Attack LV 1]

[Improved Accuracy (Lesser) LV 2]

[Identity Block LV 1]

[Evasion LV 1]

[Universal Language]

[??? LV 0]

Skill Points remaining 0

It was interesting that I retained [Universal Language] despite losing [Bonded Companion], and I didn't even get the chance to read the description of that emblem before having it torn from me.

<[Universal Language]

Grants a complete understanding of the universal language, allowing communication between others who share the same skill.

While each race or species may have its own language or another form of communication, this is a common language shared amongst all sapient life.>

'So everyone can speak universal, but universal doesn't let you understand everything... I wonder why I didn't start off with this skill. I am sapient, so perhaps an oversight?'

I wasn't sure what the unknown skill could be and hoped it was advantageous, which reminded me that I needed to unlock [Slime Burst].

<[Slime Burst]

Violently explode slime mass in a pressurized burst that can coat a large area in slime.

The area affected, maximum volume detonated, and burst delay reduction scale with trait level.

Compatible with other slime traits.>

Recalling the trait description, which seemed more straightforward now, the first thing that came to mind was combining [Slime Density] and [Slime Shot]. I enlarged a pseudopod and positioned it at a distance from me, then fired a few compressed slime bullets at it, which hit the target and promptly reabsorbed. I tried using [Slime Shot] without any compression, but it was like a weak water hose and did not have much distance.

Then, I tried compressing, firing the bullet, and finally initiating a decompression before it emerged. It took some trial and error, especially in the timing of the decompression, but eventually, a discharge of slime erupted from my form. I tried it a few more times, getting better at the timing, and then checked my status menu.

<Trait [??? LV 0]>

Happy to confirm I was on the right track, I finally shifted into wolf form and continued my journey toward the cliff. If I could successfully use my partial trait in combat, I figured that would push it over the edge to unlock.

Eventually, I caught a feral scent mixed with some blood and headed in that direction, making sure to stealth as I approached. What I discovered was a bear monster fighting three wolves. I maneuvered to pincer the bear between myself and the wolves, and that is when I lunged for the bear's neck. I had equipped [Enhanced Fangs] and reinforced them with mana when I decided to enter combat, wanting to give it a test.

My wolf form's jaw ripped out a good chunk of flesh, thanks to my double-empowered fangs and further boosted by [Sneak Attack]. The bear roared in pain and tried to reach behind its neck for me, but I was warned by [Evasion] and kicked off to leap away while firing my partial slime burst. Under combat pressure, it didn't come out spectacularly, but a large amount of acidic slime still managed to coat the bear, causing it to let out a guttural roar as its flesh began to melt.

The wolves noticed my presence and let out what felt like happy barks as if directing me to assist them with taking down the bear.

<Proficiency gained. [Identity Block LV 1] improved to [Identity Block LV 2].>

'Wait, because the wolves think I'm a wolf, did it earn me experience towards [Identity Block]? My false profile must be pretty decent. I guess it also fooled Sylthaeryn...'

The bear had itself in a pain-induced rage and was swinging wildly, one of its claws gutted through a wolf. The remaining two wolves attempted to go for its hind legs, but their fangs lacked the potency. I created a tendril from my back, sending it right near the bear's head, and fired a point-blank burst of slime into its face, hoping to blind it. Its thrashing took out the other two wolves and even a nearby tree in collateral damage. Meanwhile, I had created another tendril and fired a double burst directly at its head.

<Trait [??? LV 0] has become [Slime Burst LV 1].>

With my trait finally unlocked, it was time to end this fight. The bear was blinded and just flailing now, so I sneaked low and dove at its leg with my fangs ready to rip and tear. I tore through its leg, then dodged an incoming blow thanks to [Evasion] again. I snuck around and went for its remaining hind leg from a different angle, landing a solid blow that sent the bear tumbling.

<Proficiency gained. [Sneak attack LV 1] improved to [Sneak attack LV 2].>

Seeing my skill increase made me realize that perhaps all my attacks met the criteria while it was blinded and unaware. I decided to finish off the bear by shaping four rapiers enhanced with mana, and not to be outdone, even copied the exact form of a fancy blade I had seen previously. The four blades pierced through the bear, two of which landed devastating blows to its jugular.

<Bear LV 9 defeated. Experience gained.>

When I approached the corpse, I received a brutal scolding from [Dissection], as the pelt was highly valuable, and I had melted a lot of it with my indiscriminate bursts of slime. I claimed its fang and claws and whatever was salvageable of the pelt and ate the rest - including the wolves.

<Profile [Bear] 60% analyzed.>

I wanted to find another bear to complete the profile, perhaps one that would satisfy [Apex Hunter], so I could gain another skill point. I started sniffing the air and ground, hoping to find traces of the bear's smell and began following what I assumed was the bear's trail.

<Skill [??? LV 0] has become [Tracking LV 1]>

'I was wondering what the skill would be. I guess I have been using this super nose a lot lately.'

<[Tracking LV 1]

Aids directly in discovering and following tracks or trails while using an enhanced sense.

Accuracy, prediction, and tracking period scale with skill level.>

'Sounds good, alright. Let's try to find some more bears.' I thought, feeling determined.

Chapter 30: Overcrowded Cave

While following the bear's scent trail, I realized how much potential the [Tracking] skill had. I had always just traveled blindly in a direction hoping to bump into something and then later tried heading towards any strong smell. Following fresh trails would help lead me to the prey directly or to their lair and significantly improve my hunting capabilities.

The trail eventually led me to a small cave opening, and the dense odor inside made me feel quite uncomfortable. I shifted back to my natural slime form and grappled up to the ceiling, making full use of [Adhesive Slime], and then stealthily crawled along. The cave looked empty, and I thought of setting up an ambush for when the other occupants returned.

Crawling along the cave roof and changing my color to match the shade likely made me almost undetectable, but I had to keep some transparent gaps for my sight. Much to my disappointment, [Dark Vision] did not let me see through my opacity-induced blindness, but it did allow me to see clearly within this cave. There were plenty of bones and scraps, and far at the back of the cave was a den occupied by two cubs and guarded by a bear smaller than the one I fought.

Deciding whether I should drop down on the bears when I heard a commotion echoing into the cave.

"Matriarch is hunting. We go in and take babies to train." The rather squeaky voice said.

"Yes. Best chance. Then we get strong and get revenge on humans." Another voice responded.

I was curious to see the source of the voices and footsteps approaching. The bear released a light rumbling growl, preparing to take on the intruders. Five small green figures reached the depths of the cave, three armed with spears and two with bows. Their heads were comically large for their body size, not to mention their ears—goblins.

"Two to train. Only one to kill. Our lucky day." One of the goblins spoke, causing the others to nod and enter a combat-ready stance.

The bear's growl advanced to a roar, trying to intimidate the goblins, but the archer answered by launching an arrow. The goblins had decent coordination; the spears endeavored to keep the bear at a safe distance while the archers released arrow after arrow.

'I wonder if I should defeat the goblins, the bears, or both? The goblins can talk, so I could maybe communicate with them. But I want their profile, and I'd need it to talk since I can't correctly use my elf form.'

The bear landed a solid blow that splintered one of the goblin's spears and sent him flying into the cave wall.

"Zizz!" one of the archers shouted and rushed to his side.

I slinked over to the remaining archer and started lowering tendrils. She was far too distracted with the fight to notice the encroaching doom as four tendrils grabbed her, one gagging her mouth, and the others pulled her to the ceiling and into the slime blob.

<Goblin LV 2 Scout LV 4 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Profile [Goblin] 60% analyzed.>

The goblins didn't notice my assassination and only reacted when they saw no more arrows were coming.

"Tarz! Why aren't you shooting!?" One of the spear goblins shrieked as an unlucky companion had his head bitten off by the bear.

At this point, the bear was heavily wounded but fighting through the pain. I maneuvered over the bear to claim it for myself, and hopefully, the goblin corpse would complete my profile.

"Tarz, you bitch! You abandon us!?" The spear goblin continued to shout.

"Forget Tarz! Bear is almost dead. We kill it." The remaining archer shouted, drawing his bow.

That was when I appeared, four tendrils bursting out with mana-infused rapiers all piercing through the bear's head.

<Bear LV 6 defeated. Experience gained.>

The remaining two goblins shrieked in surprise while I dropped down on both corpses, withdrawing plenty of slime mass to engulf both and put significant distance between my core and the goblins. I was glad that [Dissection] did not tell me any part of the goblin was valuable, but I mentally excluded his equipment. I could claim a much more intact bear pelt this time, minus the spear and arrow wounds.

"What is that creature? It is eating bear and Korgz!" The archer screamed.

"We kill it! While it feeds, it's vulnerable!" the other goblin replied, gripping his spear tightly.

Arrows were fired at me while the other goblin made a thrusting charge. Maybe it was overconfidence, but I ensured my acid would not eat into their equipment. A few arrows barely managed to sink into the membrane of my slime and then floated harmlessly. When the spear penetrated my slime, I gripped it tightly, causing the goblin to fall on his backside when he tried and failed to pull the spear back.

'I could show mercy to you, but you were the one who wanted to kill me. So thanks for the free meal and experience.' I quipped mentally, fired out tendrils, and dragged the goblin kicking and screaming into my slime mass.

<Goblin LV 2 Warrior LV 5 defeated. Experience gained.>

<Racial Experience threshold reached. Mimic Slime (Blue) is now LV 6.>

<1 Trait Points are now available>

"Gods no. What is this monstrosity?" The archer said in horror, dropping his bow and then trying to grab and drag his friend.

<Profile [Bear] complete.>

<Profile [Goblin] complete.>

I mostly ignored the archer until I finished my meals, and he was no longer shooting at me; he was simply trying to escape with the injured goblin. After eating and harvesting, I promptly deposited everything and triggered my [Shapeshifting Mimicry] to try out my new goblin form. The archer shrieked again, his eyes trying to escape from his skull.

"Tarz? Is that you?" The goblin asked, his voice quivering in fear.

I looked over my new form and repeatedly clenched my newfound hands. The hands were larger than I expected for such short limbs, and I thought maybe I had screwed up the proportions again, but [Shapeshifting Mimicry] told me it was correct. I wiggled my toes and flexed my limbs a little, exploring this strange and small body - this was my first complete humanoid form.

"Tarz, why don't you speak? Please speak." The archer whimpered.

I assumed Tarz was the name of the other archer I had quietly eaten. I opened my mouth to respond and out came a gurgling noise. I closed it with a frown and tried again. Each attempt felt like it was getting closer to speech.

"I'm..." I finally got out, "My..." I kept trying.

"Yes?" The archer responded with a trembling voice and looked paralyzed with anxiety.

I gargled my throat and coughed out a large chunk of slime into my hands, which then dissolved into my skin. I focused some mana on the throat, hoping to reinforce it, then tried to speak again.

"I'm not Tarz," I finally replied, feeling some pride in my first spoken sentence.

"Who are you? Why do you look like her?" The goblin questioned as if not believing his eyes.

"Syl was the name given to me. I look like Tarz because she was the first goblin I... ate."

The goblin shrieked. I tried gesturing for him to calm down, but he started sobbing.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I was in this cave first and unsure if you were friend or foe. You are the first creature I could talk to." I tried to sound reassuring, and the goblins sniveling softened a little.

"Will you eat me and Zizz now?"

It was a valid question. I could effortlessly kill him for experience and slime mass, but I was finally talking to someone and still had many questions.

"No. If you don't attack me, then I'll let you live. The other goblin charged at me with a spear." I responded.

"No, no, no. I won't attack." His head shook so much that I thought it might pop off his neck.

"Good. You can even take those bear cubs. An apology for Tarz..." I said with a smile and pointed to the two cubs at the back of the cave.

"Really, Merciful Great One? My tribe thanks you." He said and stood up and gave a bow, "We hope to use against the humans."

"I can understand. I'm not exactly a fan of humans myself." I shuddered, thinking of the mage who killed the green slime and the boy with his bucket. Meanwhile, he seemed almost relieved about my opinion on humans. "Also, please don't call me that. I'm not some great one; I have a name."

"Sorry if I offend." He frantically apologized while bowing his head. He seemed to notice something when observing me, then coughed and looked around awkwardly, "Merc... Gr... Tarz, do you have clothes?" he asked, averting his gaze.

I was upset he forgot my name again, but confused by his reaction until I looked at myself again - I was a naked female goblin. I reached inside myself and pulled out the three sets of equipment I had taken from the goblins. I searched through the pile for the ones Tarz had worn and slowly started to don them. Once I was clothed, he looked more at ease.

"Sorry, I've never had to wear clothes before. Also, my name is Syl, not Tarz, and I still need your name."

"Ah! Yes. Syl. Sorry." He was fearfully apologetic again, "My name Garz."

"Well, Garz, I think we should grab those cubs and get out of here before the matriarch returns."

Garz frantically nodded his head and then looked towards his companion.

"Mer... Ta.. Syl, I must carry Zizz. Can you carry cubs?"

I gave a nod and produced two tendrils from my back, causing Garz to flinch, and then each tendril engulfed a cub while leaving only the head exposed. The cubs were growling and mewling, but they couldn't resist.

I would need to use [Mana Reinforcement] on my goblin legs to walk like this. I quickly browsed through my goblin profile for any quick solutions to mimic and spotted an old friend: [Enhanced Strength]. I had a stupid grin plastered on my goblin face when I activated it through [Shapeshifting Mimicry], which caused Garz to give me a blended look of worry and confusion.

"Lead the way, Garz."


Daniel Mountain

I have to imagine that a Blue Queen Slime with maxed [Mana Slime], [Slime Density], and [Slime Conversion] would be worth a fortune.