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this is a smidge racier than my typical stuff so i'm tucking it under a cut

exploring more of twi and discord's relationship dynamic. Their personalities are intensely opposed in many areas, but in their private lives they are shockingly compatible

Discord likes: domination, being put in his place, exhibitionism, handsome evil unicorn kings

Twilight likes: control, putting would-be foes in their place, reforming villains (sometimes through unconventional means).....and handsome evil unicorn kings

so some time after the events of the show, when Discord's poorly-thought-out Grogar plan leaves the question of what to do with newly resurrected Sombra, Twilight recruits Discord to teach Sombra a lesson in friendship, sharing, and getting along. It didn't work in the slightest, but great fun was had by all!



Yessss! Lol bringing me back to your old nsfw tumblr days 😈😁

Nette Marie

Personally I'm all here for consensual nsfw or fluff nsfw. I imagine Sombra and Tirek being swingers. They like to be by themselves with stuff, but occasionally like to mix it up and Twilight is often the one who comes in with Discord in tow. Then out of the bed chambers twilight appears to be the perfect queen. I imagine some snobbish Karen like high society pony making very rude remarks at a Gala just to have Discord, Sombra, and Tirek go over and loom over her menacingly. Cuz no one insults their queen and dungeon master. Just to get nervous and flustered a bit when they hear Twilight whisper "Good boys~". Then some after gala fun might be had.

Nette Marie

Also like what if Twilight or sombra (somehow) get pregnant? I'd imagine Panny just being thrilled to have another chaotic sibling. Oh the discord and chaos that would ensue. "PANDORA (incert full name here) YOU STOP BREAKING into the 8th dimension! I dont know how that's even possible, but stop!" Twilight shouts. Pandora and chaos sibling stop knowing they'd rather quit than have to face their mother's rage.


I love this newer artstyle you got going^^


*touches finger tips together maniacally* Oh yes this checks my boxes.


Ok I need this fic now


I can't believe my mind went straight to family fluff at seeing this but hey ya know how my brain is wired XD ANYWAYS I now want Pandora and Lucy to somehow be whoopsies half-sisters now. And god yes this is sum a+++ sheet right here


"Discord, look! I got you and Sombra a friendship bridle!"


Omg! What if you made this a #DTIY! the results would be amazing, spectacular and hilarious!


That ear biting tho 😩👌

Melody Williamson

Love the way you been drawing twilight/also love seeing quadrapeds again


Ohhh ear bites and leashes. Lucky discord 👀


oh my god I love sombra's mane

Calvin Sewell

Ok I don't know why, but I can't stop imagining the look of unspeakable horror on teen Spike's face if he happened to walk by Twilight's bedroom and the door were open a crack XD Bonus points if he hadn't known Twilight and Discord were a thing yet


We need more of this