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Montezuma enjoys their game as much as Smokescreen does, but he does sometimes get frustrated by the fact that Smoke is opposing him at all. Smoky is clever and competent and deserves so much more than being Equestria's errand boy. He's unique, just like Montezuma, misunderstood, mysterious, and alone. Montezuma gets it. Monty can think of so many better uses for his arch-rival.....why does Smoke insist on this silly battle of minds, when they could be so much better together?

Smoky does not quite understand Montezuma's motives....he just knows Monte is a thief and a nuisance. Monte has explained why he "steals" to Smoke many, many times (dude loves a good dramatic monologue), but Smoke disregards it as he's either 1.) not listening cuz he's busy escaping/thwarting Monte, or 2.) Smoke is naturally resistant to the idea that his superiors, the "good guys"- Celestia, Irie, BonBon, all of Equestria- could possibly be the baddies. Smoky assumes Montezuma is lying about wanting to rescue artifacts, because, well, Monte does lie a lot. So in between their fighting is many instances of Montezuma trying to lure Smoke to the so-called "dark side." Someday, Monte will succeed, and he and Smokescreen will recruit Celestia's aid in returning stolen artifacts to their respective civilizations, as well as condemning Daring Do and other such explorers. But for now, at the very least, Monte gets to watch his smooth secret agent lose his composure (a rare, delightful sight)




I am so happy and excited that you’re drawing more human forms!! They look so good 😍 I’m in love with Smoke’s flustered face and also Monte’s design, especially his gorgeous purple hair!


Curious how this affects twilight and twilight velvet considering she was the writer of daring do's exploits.


This was actually one of the things I was wondering about, was how Smoky's sense of morals (or any lack thereof) would factor in with Monty. Monty believes what he's doing is the right thing (and is generally right); Smoky is just following orders. If he's not above some of the more unsavory things the government wants him to do, who's to say he really cares if what he's doing is right at all?Smoky's interesting to me because his reason for caring and where he draws the line seems to shift constantly.


Smokescreen actually cares a lot about right and wrong. Smokescreen believes that the things he does are justified, or at least excusable, in pursuit of the greater good. Terrorizing Filthy Rich is okay, because he can't be allowed to hurt local businesses (nevermind if that's what Rich is planning, it's what Smoky believes). Hurting people, stalking, stealing....these must be moral actions, because they're what he's been told to do, and he has no reason to believe his superiors could be motivated by petty reasons like greed or conquest. Certainly his agency HAS done many good things- saved lives, found missing ponies, thwarted tyrants. To Smoky, the unsavory bits are just a part of the job, a necessity to ensure the safety of Equestria- and for that reason, he performs his assignments with gusto. Smoky has a bit of a complex about being a "monster" (y'know, a big scary insect-dragon hybrid that cannot speak), and compensates by using his monstrous talents for good. Smoky kinda desperately wants to belong to the pony in-group and is therefore aggressively loyal to Equestria, especially the royals. Montezuma often picks at this insecurity ("Do you think letting the ponies use you as an attack dog will endear you to them? You're a fool"). Smoky would be rocked to his core to discover that his agency- as well as himself- are as fallible as anyone else. He is the bad guy in Montezuma's story. I can see Smokescreen having some good-old fashioned rooftop BROODING......then quitting spywork to go rogue, judging for himself how best to help the world, and perhaps finding the thing he desires most (total acceptance and understanding) in Montezuma, and joining forces with him.


Twilight Velvet ghostwrote the first few Daring Do books, with "AK Yearling" taking over the writing later to make it more dramatic and kid-friendly (this is why Quibble Pants complains of a drop in quality in later books). Although Velvet is hesitant to accept that Daring's adventures were really just glorified exploitation, Smokescreen is her grandchild, so she's willing to hear him and Montezuma out. With this, she suggests that Daring rebrand as a charitable icon of cultural preservation, but Daring, angry and humiliated at the public's shifting perspective, doubles down, retreating into a private location where she probably rants on horse twitter about cancel culture. Velvet partners with Ahuizotl to write his side of the story- his culture, their customs, and his neverending fight against poachers and would-be explorers. It's an overnight success, bringing Ahui fame and fortune, so he begins writing on his own, as well as teaching at pony universities. He and Velvet become very good friends, and she and Night Light regularly have him round for tea. (Daring Do and Cabelleron, meanwhile, are found by Princess Luna, who spearheads a thorough justice trial against them)


They have, a few times. The tension and excitement of their matches sometimes boils over into lust. Smoky is pretty embarrassed about this, since "don't bang your target" is probably in the top three rules of spywork, and also cuz it gives Monty more fodder to tease him over. Smokescreen likes to think of himself as totally in control and above such base impulses. Buuuut Monty is kind of a drug he can't quit, and the lure of their forbidden couplings just amps the game up to a whole new level


Have dinner with smokys family 👀