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Am I doomed? Are you doomed? Are we all doomed?

I’ve been meaning to work on my Toffee and Don sketch dump but Topher has run up and snagged my attention instead for the moment. Particularly as he came to realize what exactly it meant to be a girl within a dogmatic patriarchal religious community….or what it simply means to be a girl, period.




'...or what it simply means to be a girl, period' is that a pun pffff

Must Love Frogs

I was once told that my purpose was to be a pastor's wife. It's like saying that my purpose is to someday be a plastic Kroger bag, it's so bizarre. Yes, the person who said it to me is all better now and I'm not mad at them...we laugh about it...BUT STILL


When I was 11 I asked my pastor why being gay was wrong He clasped his hands together and looked down at them for a moment in deep thought, and then looked up and locked eyes with me, and asked a question that has been branded in my brain since that day….it was……“Heather….would it be ok if my wife and I brought a monkey into our relationship?” And uhhh….yeah. I think that says it all with my experience with that