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Here's the WIP of our next artwork: Marin in this ... outfit !... Sorry, I genuinely have no idea how to call that type of full-body shirt, this is why I chose "thigh high" for the title lol

I couldn't hold back anymore and I had to draw Marin again, I just love her too much !! Since my latest Marin artwork is my most liked post ever on Patreon, I figured you liked her too so here she is again !
It also received a crazy amount of likes on Twitter but this is mostly due to luck and Twitter's algo being kind to me so I try not to focus too much on it (nonetheless I am really happy it happened !).

I don't know if I will be painting a BG yet

I hope you like her !
Thank you for your support !




Marin's an amazing character, and in your hands she's awesome.


Thank you ! It's the first time I want to draw a character this much, idk, she's just perfect