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Here's our Beidou artwork for October !

I think it's the 6th artwork of Beidou I make and I still have just as much fun as I did the first time. I also like to seemy progress and it's easier to see it when drawing the same character. 

I know her outfit is pretty similar to Jean's (this V-shaped neck shirt is going to be my signature lol). I actually tried to have her wear a skirt but I think it just does not fit Beidou at all. Her pants is going to have some kind of lether texture, not jeans.

I also didn't include her eyepatch. I tried looking it up and I did not find anywhere if she actually lost her left eye, so I figured that she wears her eyepatch for the same reasons pirates did (to keep one eye used to darkness so they won't be blinded when entering inside the ship). I might add it later as I am afraid people are going to see it as an error in her design ... But I really like her without it.

I hope you'll like her !

Thank you for your support !




I love your Beidou artwork.


Yesz! Yesz! Yesz! So excited to see how this turns out!~