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Here's the WIP of our second artwork of this month: Karin from Blue Archive.

As I said in Asuna's post, since people who follow have interest in the Blue Archive girls I did not restrain myself and decided to draw another one !

Karin is a character I've had in mind for a long time, it'll be a very interesting artwork to work on !

I hope you'll like her

Thank you for your support !




I don't know much about Blue Archive, but I do know that Karin is FINE AS FUCK. Carry on!


Omg so perfect choco waifu. Looking foward for global launch of Blue Archive


Amazing work as usual!


Ooooh it's looking amazing so far!! Love it 😍 I'm looking forward to try the game btw, even if I don't play it for long haha


I don't know much about the game either, all I know is that there are some top tier waifus Glad you like her so far !


Thank you, Mystra ! I don' think I'll be playing the game, I am already spending too much time on games sometimes so adding one isn't going to do any good lol


That's true for me too. Right now I'm just playing bistro heroes that is very friendly to people like myself that can't play much and it's cute 😂


Recently I picked up the Dark Souls games. I had the 3 for a while since my brother gifted it to me but I had a potatoe PC and couldnt run it properly. A month ago (maybe a bit more) I decided to try again since I changed my PC a year ago and I just fell in love with it. Even though I tried to be reasonnable, all I wanted was to play all day lol. I recently started playing DS1 but I don't like it as much. I also play to a game called Deep Rock Galactic with a couple of friends, really fun game with friends. We picked up that game because we wanted something to play together besides LoL, since it's difficult to play for a long time to LoL without degrading your mental. Great game but the competitiveness makes everyone so toxic and salty I don't play games everyday, but I feel like it's already too much and feel bad for not working. It is probably one of the worst thing about being a freelance


Ooh, I'm a big fan of souls games!! I hope you enjoy them, hehe. In fact my old accounts are named as a character from Demon's souls 😅 And yeah I can understand, I play Ragnarok online with husband on weekends for that same reason but I feel guilty all the same. Freelancing is quite exhausting when you can't disconnect yourself from work


I really loved the 3. The only issue (which isn't truly one to be honnest) is that it really wasn't as hard as people claim it is. I kept hearing everywhere that the game was super difficult, tiring, etc... and it really wasn't. It's not a flaw, but I really expected to be stuck on some bosses but it never happened But really, I love this game so much, it's the kind of game you wish you can erase from your memory to discover it all over again


Yes, it's more like a label people put onto it but it's like you say. I know why they did though, when the firsts came out (DeS and DS1) it was a time when games in general, specially jrpgs and action jrpgs, where extremely easy, like button smash easy. So when these came out the target people for these games were surprised and taken off guard. I'm glad you liked them really ^___^ I'm eager to replay 3 for months but I still have to find it really cheap somewhere, haha (and find the time, of course)


I can see why people put that label on DS1. Even though it is way easier in terms of mechanics and has a lot less skill expression than DS3, DS1 is a lot more vicious and way less forgiving. From what I've played, the bosses are extremely easy, but the environment is full of traps and mobs waiting in a corner and stuff like that. Add to this the fact that the gameplay is a lot less smooth, and way slower, and it makes the game "difficult". I think it's a fake difficulty though, I would say it's more an issue of game design. When playing DS3, I got frustrated only once, it was when fighting the Soul of Cinder at like 4 or 5am, while I had defeated 6 other bosses during that day (including the Nameless King). So it was more about me being really tired than anything. However, in DS1, a lot of things are frustrating and just not fun to me The game is a lot older though so I totally understand why things are like this Oh, you don't have the game anymore? It's a shame. There's a french website where you can get the game and the 2 extensions for 20€ on Steam. It's in french but with a translator I guess you could manage to buy it without much trouble. Or I could help you if you'd like. Here's the link if you wanna give it a look: https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/857-acheter-jeu-steam-dark-souls-3/

Mystra77 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 09:33:41 Yes, many people got mad in the forums I used to frequent at the time for the traps and that unfair difficulty but once you get used to that it's very enjoyable. I agree about the fake difficulty thing, it's like you can't have prevented many of the deths you're getting unless you knew what was going to happen and how to react in advance. It's like the game wanting you to die unavoidibly, at least the first time. I don't have the game anymore, no🤣 I usually buy them and then resell when I'm done to get some of the cash back since I rarely replay any game, but sometimes I have this problem. And thanks Zaphn you're so kind to me >< The thing is that I want it for console since I don't play on pc (many hours already for adding this to the table) so don't worry, I'll find it sooner or later 🤗
2021-10-14 07:20:54 Yes, many people got mad in the forums I used to frequent at the time for the traps and that unfair difficulty but once you get used to that it's very enjoyable. I agree about the fake difficulty thing, it's like you can't have prevented many of the deths you're getting unless you knew what was going to happen and how to react in advance. It's like the game wanting you to die unavoidibly, at least the first time. I don't have the game anymore, no🤣 I usually buy them and then resell when I'm done to get some of the cash back since I rarely replay any game, but sometimes I have this problem. And thanks Zaphn you're so kind to me >< The thing is that I want it for console since I don't play on pc (many hours already for adding this to the table) so don't worry, I'll find it sooner or later 🤗

Yes, many people got mad in the forums I used to frequent at the time for the traps and that unfair difficulty but once you get used to that it's very enjoyable. I agree about the fake difficulty thing, it's like you can't have prevented many of the deths you're getting unless you knew what was going to happen and how to react in advance. It's like the game wanting you to die unavoidibly, at least the first time. I don't have the game anymore, no🤣 I usually buy them and then resell when I'm done to get some of the cash back since I rarely replay any game, but sometimes I have this problem. And thanks Zaphn you're so kind to me >< The thing is that I want it for console since I don't play on pc (many hours already for adding this to the table) so don't worry, I'll find it sooner or later 🤗