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Raikou is done

I had sooo much fun painting Raikou so thicc, aaaaaa, I want to paint more thicc waifus <3

I'm not a huge fan of her original swimsuit design so I made something a little bit more classic, and I really like it !

There are a total of 14 NSFW variants for this artwork. I know it may seems a lot but there are different style for her hairS :3




I saw 14 listed in my email and was like "how???", but if you did hair variations I guess that makes more sense :P She looks very pretty!

zero nep

i joked about lewd raikou in last post but 14 different variations...it is i that is now in danger of madness.


It might seem a lot but it's nothing too incredible, it's just that the amount of variants go high really fast when you change just a few details, in this case her hairs