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Here's the first WIP of Artoria !
I made a poll on Twitter to decide between her and Musashi and she won by only 1 vote, it's kinda crazy, so I will probably draw Musashi too (this month or next month).

Artoria is one of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) characters for me to draw. I just find her design really complex, mostly her hair, to sketch. I've painted her 5 times already and I always thought I made a bad job at it. She really is a challenge to me, but I love her so much, I want to make a great artwork for her !

This is just a first sketch, I want to change her outfit a little bit, make the design "mine", but if I don't find anything that suits me I'll just keep her outfit as it is.

Thank you for your support as always <3



zero nep

seeing her kinda wonder what a alter (lancer seiba, jeanne or any really i guess) would look like from you


What a smooth way to request me to paint some alters (^∇^) To be honnest I've been wanting to paint Jalter and Artoria alter (both saber and lancer) for quite a while so I will paint them someday

zero nep

smooth request? i have no idea what you mean. &gt;.&gt; I understand why you say someday it takes quite a lot of time to prepare the burgers necessary to tame a artoria.


Looking good so far! I love how her expression is turning out ❤️


Embarassed older girls is just pure perfection lol The moe gap is 👌 Glad you like it Mystra !


All hail the Bunny King! She will show us da wae. Looking awesome!