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Here's our bride in her nice kimono :3 This piece took longer than I thought but I didn't want to rush it. It doesn't look as good as the actual oath skins in the game but I hope you will like it !
I will make an oath skin for Washington during June, and probably for other shipgirls in the future. I had a lot of fun on working on this one !




Honestly wish this was an oath skin in game , fits Taihou very well >_>


I'm gonna say Oath Amagi a few times in the hope it appears... Oath Amagi, Oath Amagi, Oath Amagi. It's like beetlejuice, right? Now she pops out of my mirror? Really well done, kinda seems like she's inviting us in. I imagine she'd never let us go, either, haha.


I'm glad you like it this much ! I think it's far from being as great as the in-game skins though ^^


We'll see about Amagi lol There are way too many girls I like that still don't have an oath skin so I have really no idea who I will make after Washington ^^ But Washington is only for later this month so I have some time to think about it Yeah, I doubt Taihou would give much of a choice to Shikikan


Wow, this looks amazing. The pattern details are so good, great work!!!


Thank you However I have to disagree on the pattern, I've spent a lot of time trying to design a nice and complex pattern but I got nowhere so I just went with something simple, but I'm really not happy with it :x

Duck Wizard

Looks really! Nimi oath skin when? Just kidding, I would like to see one day your oath version of King George V or Deutschland.


I don't plan too much in advance who I'm going to draw next so I genuinely don't know who's gonna get an oath skin from me lol Since everyone got their favorite I can't promess anything either

Mystra77 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-11 10:46:27 I use to have the same problem, though I do not think it's your case here. Patterns are difficult or at least I think so >< to make them appealling but tillable it's ugh...
2020-05-31 20:42:29 I use to have the same problem, though I do not think it's your case here. Patterns are difficult or at least I think so >< to make them appealling but tillable it's ugh...

I use to have the same problem, though I do not think it's your case here. Patterns are difficult or at least I think so >< to make them appealling but tillable it's ugh...


Something's telling me you're going to be happy during the next couple of weeks :3


You must have felt a disturbance in the force, because I built Taihou about a half hour ago haha. That sounds like Amagi Oath talk! Woohoo! Seriously though, I'll probably like anything, everything you've made has been wonderful!